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Provisional call out for support: Disabled and Sick: invisible!


Well-Known Member
This is for Sheffield/South Yorkshire , but hopefully it will escalate

Disabled and Sick: invisible!

Sheffield City Council: treat Disabled and Sick People(DASP) with
respect, and fairness


No more charging huge payments from DASP’s for their social care!

They are not cash cows!

SCC stop using a Victorian style means test for clients!

Support service with consultation with DASP’s now!

Wider demands:

Stop the demonisation of DASP’s in the media and by the State

end benefit sanctions, end invasive medical tests now!

Nothing about us without us!

More coming!


It just can 't go on this way: how the State and Local
Authorities(LA’s) treat DASP’s: nationally a cruel and non inclusive
welfare system, physical attacks on DASP's, a media which ignores or
demonises DASP's(inc the BBC) locally, a lack of support, from SCC,
frequent callousness(nr impossible to get Blue Badges) and
indifference, huge payments from very vulnerable people back to SCC
for their care which is bankrupting them. .


A number of years ago, Sheffield City Council said there would be a support
service for direct payment clients, Sheffield Care Matters
are aware of a member who has just lost nearly 300 pounds a
month in PIP, yet SCC have only took off 4.50 a week off their
payments to them, for
social care, so its still 87.50 a week, another DASP is paying 470 a
month, and she is a pensioner! Oh, and today we find out out our
payments to social care are going up as PIP is now linked to inflation

What needs to happen..

This can't go on, call out for actions need to be done, problem
is, DASP issues are so invisible, especially that above that its hard
to get allies, public understanding( for example most don’t know DASP
even pay towards their care) . We are now calling for a peaceful but
robust response to SCC and their provision and operation
of social care, and how clients pay huge amounts towards their care.
This will be within the wider framework of how DASP’s are near invisible
with wider civil society, demonised by the state, face a brutal
welfare system, an unfair media and their issues marginalised and
allies few.

Provisional call out

This is not the call out yet so please don't fwd generally, (new email
coming, but please reply if ideas), etc, but please start scouting for
allies, there will be a S/D protest outside town hall, twitter
campaign, zoom hacks! lobbying, etc. Please think of imaginative ideas

DASP should not have to mobilise themselves, given the difficulties they
face, and most can't, but this time they will have to, the stakes are
too high.

DASP’s allies: time to educate yourselves

Sheffield Care Matters.
A loose network of disabled and sick people in sheffield and beyond

SCM are the organisers, i think its a pre call out
I'm really surprised you've shared this when the organisers have asked for it not to be shared

I think it is the draft of the call-out and when the final version released it will be different with date etc on it. I'm sure more will go under the dasp allies bit at the end.
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