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Protest songs

Is this up yet? Should be.

Los Vasquez - Basta. V.catchy Chilean tune about the current goings on.
Nepal's maoists are splitting all over the place, hopefully the quality of their tunes won't be affected. No subs sadly.



After traditional hassidic nigun 'Dunay'
Re-edited Yiddish version and English translation by Daniel Kahn, Russian version by Psoy Korolenko

veyomus ki yekhye dunay, dunay, dunay
vaysaper maysey ko, dunay, dunay, dunay

Ne khochu umirat', khochu ya zhit', dunay, dunay, dunay
Искать и бороться, творить и любить - думай, думай, думай!

hob ikh mir in harts a kholem
heyb ikh oyf a fon fun sholem

ober in mayn kholem shteyt a moyer
ful mit payn un ful mit troyer

af der moyer shteyt a zelner
hinter im di grine felder

me' hot geboyt tsufil grenetsn
Afn land un in di mentshn

mir veln di grenetsn iberkumen
nor ven sine iz avekgenumen

vemen zol dos land gehern
folk fun levone oder folk fun shtern?

ikh gefin zikh on a land
zayn a fremder iz mayn shtand

keyner vet undz frayhayt gebn
me' darf nokh zi aleyn zikh shtrebn

nisht keyn tsedek, nisht keyn sholem
nor a kholem gevorn a golem

vos far a folk on a medine?
say yisroel, say palestine

I carry in my heart a dream
A flag of peace and a land redeemed

But in my dream is a wall of wire
Stone and iron, forged in fire

On the wall a soldier stands
Keeps us out of our own land

Borders tear us all apart
On the ground and in the heard

We all must learn to conquer hate,
But what's a people without a state?

The land is holy, but for whom?
God of the star or the crescent moon?

Without freedom, without land
As a stranger I do stand

No one freely gives up power,
We alone can take what's ours

Without justice, without peace,
Just a dream become a beast

Where will exile draw the line?
In Israel or in Palestine?

Глубоко в сердце моем томленье
Мечта о мире и избавленье

Но вот предо мною встала стена
Огнем и слезами заклеймлена

Стоит у стены солдатик с ружьём
Нас не пускает в собственный дом

Мы много границ начертили вокруг --
Но в сердце своем их увидели вдруг

Мы вместе границу с тобой перейдём
Если мир в своем сердце найдём

Святая земля -- тебе или мне?
Народу-звезде иль народу-луне?

Нет мне земли, и нет мне свободы
Скитаюсь один, навстречу народы

Никто не поможет нам со стороны.
Мы сами своё себе взять должны.

Если не мы, то кто же тогда?
Не здесь и сейчас - так где и когда?

Нет справедливости, мир -- болен.
Из нашей мечты был создан Голем.

Где же ты, родина? Где чужбина?
Где же Израиль? Где Палестина?

35 years old but still as relevant now as it was then.

Protest Song
I live my own life - do what I want - say what I mean
And you've got your own hope - strange ambition - different dreams
So who are you to say I'm wrong?
And who am I to say I'm right?
Though we live in separate ways, why do we argue, always fight?

A man who disagreed with a regime was termed "a rat".
One night, some men came round - "we've read your books, we'd like a chat"
And then they kicked him round the cell
With cigarettes they burnt his face
Said "Remember, we're the law. Do you love your family, your dwelling place?"

And it seems that fools control this world, the nuclear button, the poison pen.
Most of us are in the dark, but then we're only little men.
But little men have mouths to feed
And little men don't want to kill
So little men are never told unless, of course, the earth stands still.

We have got a chant, ain't got a chorus, ain't got a name
But it helps us through the night to know we that don't share the blame
It's just another protest song ("Oh what a pretty protest song")
With words to try and make you think ("I think I'll go and have a drink")
But come the dawn resume your search for your ultimate power
Your missing link.
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