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*prisoner solidarity

Tbf, as someone who's not in the loop with XR/IB/JSO/BP/RIPS, I have no idea how the various acronyms relate to each other, or what it means to be "official" or "unofficial" in that context. But either way, it's a big step forward from the previous situation of just having nothing in place and either leaving people to go through the system alone or else just piling unsustainable levels of work on existing groups like GBC.
it is. but when it says 'we are an independent organisation' it sounds to me like nothing has changed for xr/etc as organisations, that they still don't do anything for people arrested on their events, and this initiative - welcome though it is - will probably make any actual prisoner support from xr/etc themselves less likely than it was before as they have a group they can point to and say 'they do it'
it is. but when it says 'we are an independent organisation' it sounds to me like nothing has changed for xr/etc as organisations, that they still don't do anything for people arrested on their events, and this initiative - welcome though it is - will probably make any actual prisoner support from xr/etc themselves less likely than it was before as they have a group they can point to and say 'they do it'
I'm also a bit concerned about that google document, I shared it cos they've got it posted publicly on their social media and I wouldn't share it if it wasn't already public, but it says a few things like "Keep within RIPS/trusted folk", which really sounds like it shouldn't be a fully public document?
Update on Toby Shone's current situation:

Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone is fighting a new battle as he counts down the weeks to his halfway release on December 28th 2022.

As the UK collapses into something resembling a tin-pot dictatorship and a Victorian poorhouse, Toby continues to be targeted by the Probation Service and their colleagues in the Counter-Terror National Security Division and MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements) for his ‘thought crimes ‘, ‘anarchism’ and ‘alternative lifestyle’.

In September, Toby was informed that Cardiff-based probation officer Paul Smith had booked a series of interviews for him (without communicating these to his lawyers as instructed) with forensic psychologist Dr Harriet Chapman from the Centre for Forensic and Criminological Psychology, University of Birmingham. Dr Chapman’s intention was to interrogate Toby under the Extremism Risk Guidelines formulation tool, ERG22+. This assessment which is “intended for use with people who have been convicted of any extremist or extremist-related offence” (which he hasn’t been) considers at least 22 factors by which an individual can be regarded as an extremist and thus be subject to de-radicalisation measures. We could find no public paper detailing these 22 factors or the format of the interview.

These largely experimental and deeply authoritarian de-radicalisation measures, which appear to be rolled out on a one-to-one basis, include the Healthy Identity Intervention, Desist and Disengagement Programme, Motivational and Engagement Intervention and Developing Dialogues. All of these are highly invasive, intensive programmes designed to investigate and dismantle a targeted individual’s personal narrative, childhood and influences, to attempt to undermine their critique of the existent, to isolate them from their relationships and affinities and to re-mould them into the perfect citizen under conditions of duress. Think re-education camps and political indoctrination. In effect they are seeking to “pathologise” the holding of anarchist beliefs: anarchism as a psychological illness. This tactic of “punitive psychiatry” has been used by other authoritarian states, most notably Soviet Russia, China and the USA.

Naturally, Toby refused to co-operate, at which point he received a letter from his probation officer Mr Smith threatening that “Whilst you have every right not to engage with this piece of work, the assessment will be undertaken whether or not you take an active role in it. For your own sake though, I would suggest that it would be preferable for it to include your voice rather than being a paper-based assessment.”

Despite being found Not Guilty of any terrorist offence in October 2021 and the subsequent rejection by a High Court judge of the prosecution’s application for a Serious Organised Crime Prevention Order against Toby on the grounds of “No Necessity”, the cops have found willing partners in the probation service. Although at this stage, there appears to be no legal basis for their demands, the cops and probation are continuing to bring the same accusations and evidence to bear that failed to even make it to a trial in October 2021, but this time to a different judge.

The licensing restrictions under consideration by Probation, Counter-Terror and MAPPA are even more extreme and extensive than those applied for under the Serious Organised Crime Prevention Order that Toby defeated in May 2022. He has been re-categorised by Paul Smith, whom he has met a total of 15 minutes, as High Risk in a new OASIS report (his previous probation officer stated that Toby was Low Risk) and has been placed on MAPPA 4, Level 3 – the highest risk category under this joint agency. All without a trial or a conviction.

It is clear that the UK police state is trying to set the groundwork for LASIT (Left, Anarchist and Single Issue Terrorism). Toby is a test case.

Draft conditions include:

  • No contact with extremists or anyone arrested for extremism;
  • No discussions (sharing opinions will be regarded as ‘grooming’ ‘radicalisation’ and ‘preaching’);
  • No attending any meeting or gathering except for the purpose of worship;
  • Only one phone, which must be handed over to the police whenever they ask for it – nothing must ever be deleted from this phone; and,
  • Toby must live in an Approved Hostel for one year.
The first two conditions (contact and discussions) cannot hold water without defining who and what is an extremist and begs the question whether they will be subjecting all of Toby’s associates to ERG22+ too in order to come up with a workable plan. Equally it will interesting and enlightening to find out exactly what topics of conversation and what opinions are now forbidden in modern-day Britain: in recent weeks, we have already seen that silently and peacefully holding an anti-monarchy placard is an arrestable offence.

Furthermore, a year in an Approved Hostel is unprecedented and unnecessary. AP’s are for those who will find it difficult to ‘integrate back into society’: people without social support, sex offenders, addicts and violent offenders.

There are more political prisoners in UK now than in living memory. Toby Shone’s case – more than any other – is of paramount importance as this is an almost extra-legal attempt to criminalise and destroy not only a perceived opponent, but also the entirety of anarchist and libertarian ideals and ideas at a time when crushing and barefaced attacks on the poor give those ideas more leverage and potentiality than ever before.

It is time to dismantle any lines people may still be drawing between each other in the hopes of appearing to be more legitimate to the State. Particularly, in these times, when civilisation as we knew it is in collapse and the infrastructures of the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions are being established, any one of us who has an ounce of free thinking in them is a threat and a target. This attack on Toby Shone is not isolated. All over the world, anarchists and activists are being rounded up and thrown in jail. We are responsible for keeping these ideas alive and we need to pay attention, stand together, support those trapped in the judicial system and attack where we can.


Toby is currently in segregation as a punishment for a demonstration that took palce at HMP Parc last Thursday (20th) and all indications are that he could well be held in segregation until his release due date in December. More information will follow when we get it.
Crossposted from the KTB thread, three more defendants sentenced today, two prison, one suspended and community service:

Posted on the videos thread, but both of these can fit here too, fundraiser video for the International Antifascist Defence Fund:

And a video about Alex Stokes, who just got 20 years for his part in a confrontation with some Proud Boy types in Albany, NY, on Jan 6th 2021:
Four Palestine Action people currently held on remand, hearing they've been denied bail, no public addresses that I've seen but it says "You can also write messages of support to [email protected]", so if anyone fancies dropping an email with some words of support, that should get passed on.
Does anyone know wtf is going on here?

Another life has been swallowed up by HMP Eastwood Park

Just after Christmas, Clare Dupree died after a fire started in her cell. Prisoners in several wings heard her screams for help, but the screws did nothing to extinguish the flames. Women shouted out for the officers to help Clare, but they would not open the door of Clare’s cell, and failed to put a firehose through the cell’s hatch.

We didn’t know Clare, but we want to invite her friends and family to reach out to us. We hate the system that killed Clare, and we hate HMP Eastwood Park. Although we never met Clare, we feel deep anger and sadness at her death.

Clare was at least the fourth person to die in Eastwood Park’s custody in 2022. Some of us knew Taylor, who cut his own throat and bled to death at Eastwood Park in July 2022. Taylor had faced violence and transphobia from officers. Guards beat him viciously just weeks before he killed himself. You can read more at R.I.P Taylor – Rage is our weapon | Bristol Anarchist Black Cross

The same week that Taylor died, another prisoner named Kayleigh took her own life. She too had been the victim of a violent assault by officers just before her death.

Attacks by screws are common in Eastwood Park, and so is sexual violence. Taylor and others have shared with us how women have been forced to give oral sex to officers in exchange for drugs being brought from outside.

The governor Zoe Short, is apparently calling Clare’s death a suicide. But – like Taylor and Kayleigh – Clare was murdered by the state. Their names – and their murderers – should not be forgotten.

We are actively involved in supporting friends and comrades in HMP Eastwood Park right now – and we are scared of what this rotten institution might do to them. We want to invite anyone whose loved ones are imprisoned in Eastwood Park to get in touch, so we can support each other. Solidarity is strength!

Fuck HMP

Free them All
I see the BBC have picked this up so will comment briefly:


Alfredo Cospito: Hunger-striking Italian anarchist moved amid protests

Alfredo Cospito was one of the main activists in the FAI (the Federazione Anarchica Informale, not the larger and less violent Federazione Anarchica Italiana, of the same inititals) -- he kneecapped the manager of a nuclear power company called Ansaldo (Roberto Adinolfi) in 2012 in Genoa, for which he was sentenced to 10 years, but also tried to bomb a police training school in a small town called Fossano (not far from me!), though the bombs did not go off as planned and nobody was killed. For this latter attack he was sentenced to life without parole.

Besides being sentenced to life without parole (called ergastolo in Italian) he has also been sentenced to serve his time, i.e the rest of his life, in 41 bis, which is Italian legal code for a sort of super hardcore solitary confinement. This is, apparently, to stop him from being able to coordinate further attacks on the State from jail.

He started a hunger strike three months ago and has lost an enormous amount of weight, protesting against his detention in 41 bis. He wants to be moved to the general prison population.

The State has consistently refused to entertain the idea of caving in to a hunger striker, especially an avowed enemy of the State, but they're now in a tough position. If they acquiesce to his demand and move him back to the general population the State look weak (something they are not keen to do, especially given that victory for Cospito would encourage other prisoners in 41 bis to go on hunger strike if it is seen to get results). Or, if they don't give in, it is extremely likely, nay, inevitable, that Cospito will die. This will make him a martyr and lead to violence but it is, the State has clearly calculated, an uproar they are capable of absorbing/neutralizing.

It's on the news cos he's been moved to another prison -- a tacit admission that his health is waning.

Cospito and the Informals are dicks -- I am not going to contest that, nor, should I think, will anyone here, but life without parole in solitary confinement is clearly an over the top punishment given the nature of his crimes.

More generally, it is to be remembered that 41 bis was originally conceived of as a way to prevent Mafia bosses from running things from inside. Not for weirdo anarchos who probably never had more than a small handful of informal comrades.

No to 41 bis!
Article with a translation of a text from the philosopher Donatella Di Cesare:

Release Alfredo Now—It’s a Question of Justice​

This is a country where there is a lot of talk about human rights when it comes to others’ governments, without having the courage to cast a glance in the domestic jails, without having the conscience to denounce the many oppressions that take place here. Right now, Alfredo Cospito is suffering a very serious abuse. Who is responsible? And who will have to answer for it in the future? The current minister, Carlo Nordio, who, although he could revoke this measure, does nothing? The Meloni government? Or, by any chance, would some cowardly person wish to place the blame on the detainee who was compelled to this extreme act? The transfer to the Opera prison hospital is in no way sufficient, because it is only a temporary palliative.

It is clear by now that the Cospito affair has taken on a symbolic and political value that cannot be underestimated. The culpable inaction of this government—the first post-fascist government in Mussolini’s country (much to be forgiven!)—has the terrible taste of repugnant revenge. Cospito’s body taken hostage, captured, to demonstrate farcical firmness. Despite all the interpretations of the homegrown liberals, ready to give them credit, government officials have no qualms about showing themselves to be petty fascist gendarmes.

Forget the hard line! Forget the blackmail! It is peculiar that there are even magistrates who use these terms. In whose hands are we? Here the terms are completely reversed. We call for Cospito to be released from 41bis first and foremost as a matter of justice, well before as a matter of humanity. It is not just about saving a life—although this politics of death, this necropolitics, is making us completely forget the value of human life. But the point here is: why on earth is Cospito in 41bis? What is he doing there? This question concerns everyone.

Let me briefly recapitulate. For injuring an Ansaldo executive in Genoa, Cospito was sentenced in 2013 to ten years and eight months. When he was already in prison, he was accused of placing two explosive devices in front of the Carabinieri cadet school in Fossano on the night of June 2-3, 2006, devices that caused neither deaths nor injuries. After his conviction, he was placed in the high-security prison circuit, where inmates are subject to close supervision and severe restrictions. From time to time, Cospito sent some writings to publications in the anarchist milieu.

The shift thereafter is what is being debated: the crime is reinterpreted and goes from common massacre to political massacre. Why? On what basis? A singular choice, since there were no new facts. The crime of political massacre was not applied even for Capaci [a mafia bombing in 1992 that killed a magistrate, his wife, and three police officers] or Piazza Fontana [a far-right bombing in Milan in 1969 that killed 17 people and wounded 88]. Here Cospito—with the endorsement of former Minister [Marta] Cartabia—is assigned to 41bis.

He ends up in a kind of sepulcher, a tomb: one meter and 52 centimeters wide and two meters and 52 centimeters long. Darkness, need for electric light, glimmers only at the top, at the surrounding wall. The cell is below sea level in Sassari prison. Hours of air only in a walled cubicle where the grating allows glimpses of the sky. Isolation, separation, elimination of even memories and of photos of family members. A kind of burial alive, of exclusion from the human community.

This happens in Italy in 2023. Honestly, it becomes almost grotesque to recount the anguish of the inquisition. We know very well that torture, a black phoenix, a practice that never ended, has taken on new forms in the democracies of the 21st century. Should we accept a state that tortures? That uses violence on a detainee’s body? Because there are many ways to exercise violence, even without leaving a trace. Italy has a recent past littered with victims of police abuse. It would hardly be appropriate, not even in the interests of the Republic, to witness an announced suicide.

Finally, I would like to touch on two issues that I feel have been overlooked. I will set aside 41 bis: I am against it always and for everyone (but I would need another article to say that). The first issue concerns the concept of terrorism, which is dangerous and slippery. Who is a terrorist? And who decides that? We know how all the emergency legislation, created in the American context, and that of other European countries, has revealed the violent face of democracy by producing abuses of all sorts, preventive torture, illegitimate administrative detentions. A risky path that undermines the right of every citizen. Does dissent constitute subversion? Does publishing in an anarchist magazine make one look like a terrorist?

The second issue concerns the very idea of anarchy. Much more than other countries, Italy has an ambivalent relationship with it. On the one hand, Sacco and Vanzetti [the Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed in the United States 1927 in what was widely considered a travesty of justice], almost fathers of the free and anti-Mussolinian Italy, exponents of the great Italian anarchist tradition, without whom it would be difficult to even imagine the culture of this country; on the other hand, Valpreda and the bombs, the temptation to demonize anarchists [the Italian anarchist and novelist Pietro Valpreda was charged with the Piazza Fontana bombing and sentenced to prison; in 1987, he was acquitted when the fact that he had nothing to do with it became inescapably evident]. Here, too, Italy has much to answer for. In these hours, attempts are being made to portray anarchists as either monsters or demons, terrorists threatening “our headquarters abroad” (!), at best people fallen prey to a “blind faith out of time.” Grotesque visions, which would be somewhat laughable, if they did not then have the anti-democratic implications we see. Anarchist thought, which in recent years has appeared philosophically the most interesting and the most productive, is part of today’s cultural and political context. And, certainly, there is no comparing it with fascism and post-fascism, which should have been excluded from our cultural and political context instead.

In short: is Cospito in 41bis because he is an anarchist?

Let us hope that on behalf of Italian citizens, Minister Nordio will intervene by February 12 to remove 41bis. It is already too late. Cospito’s life, the rights of all of us, and this democracy depend on it.
They've also tried to ban his doctor from giving interviews about his medical condition:

Article with a translation of a text from the philosopher Donatella Di Cesare:

They've also tried to ban his doctor from giving interviews about his medical condition:

cheers for this // but will note I am not a fan of some of the other things on the ilroverscio website ... but it is an informalist website so to be expected

My struggle against 41 bis is the individual struggle of an anarchist, I don't give or receive orders. I simply cannot live in an inhuman regime like 41 bis, where I cannot freely read what I want, books, newspapers, anarchist periodicals, art and science magazines, as well as literature and history. The only possibility for me to get out is to renounce my anarchy and sell someone to take my place.
This is a regime where I can't have any human contact, where I can't even see or touch a blade of grass, or hug a loved one. A regime where photos of your parents are sequestered. A regime where you are buried alive in a grave in a position of death. I will carry on my struggle to the end, not for "duty" but because this is not life.
If the aim of the Italian state is to make me "dissociate" myself from the actions of anarchists outside these walls, then I will reject these demands, as a good anarchist. I believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions, and as a member of the anti-organisational current, I am not "associated" with anyone and therefore I cannot "dissociate" myself from anyone. Affinity is another matter. A coherent anarchist does not distance himself from other anarchists out of opportunism or convenience.
I have always proudly defended my actions (even in court, that's why I am here) and I have never criticised those of other comrades, much less when there is a situation like the one I find myself in.
The biggest insult for an anarchist is to be accused of giving or receiving orders.
When I was in the High Security regime, I also had censorship and I didn't issue any "pizzini" but articles to anarchist newspapers and magazines. And above all, I was free to receive books and magazines and write books, to read what I wanted, I was even allowed to evolve, to live.
Today I am ready to die to make the world understand what 41 bis really is. 750 people suffer it without protest, continuously vilified by the mass media. Now it is my turn: you have vilified me as the bloodthirsty terrorist; then you have sanctified me as the anarchist martyr who sacrifices himself for others; then you have vilified me again, like a terrible spectre. When it is all over, I shall no doubt be raised to the altars of martyrdom. No, thank you, I am not in the mood, I do not lend myself to your dirty political games.
In reality, the real problem for the Italian state is that all the human rights that are violated by this 41 bis regime, in the name of a "security" for which everything is sacrificed, will come to light. Good! You will have to think twice before putting an anarchist in here. I don't know what real motivations and political manoeuvres are behind it. And because someone has used me as a "poisoned apple" in this regime. It was quite difficult not to foresee what my reactions to this "non-life" would be. The Italian state is a worthy representative of the hypocrisy of a West that continually gives lessons in "morality" to the rest of the world. The 41 bis has given lessons that have been well taken up by "democratic" states such as Turkey (fellow Kurdish people know something about this) and Poland.
I am convinced that my death will be an obstacle to this regime and that the 750 who have been suffering from it for decades will be able to live a life worth living, whatever they have done. I love life, I am a happy man, I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's life. And it is because I love it that I cannot accept this hopeless non-life.
Thank you comrades for your love.
Always for Anarchy.
Never submit.
Alfredo Cospito

Stop the torture of Kevan Thakrar, End Solitary Confinement, and imprisonment everywhere!
When: 25th & 26th April from 9 am
Where: Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL
Bring: your friends, bring banners, and spread the word.
Kevan is bringing a legal challenge against his prolonged solitary confinement, a widespread torture technique used across prisons. This is most acute in the high security estate where mainly Muslim, Black and men of colour are indefinitely held in inhumane conditions in segregation units. They are routinely attacked by officers, denied access to showers and food.

On the 25th and 26th April, the High Court will hear about the abuse suffered by Kevan Thakrar. Pack the court room & demonstrate outside in solidarity with Kevan against solitary confinement!
Crossposting from the Italy thread:
Alfredo Cospito is coming off hunger strike - a huge relief, I was fully expecting the next update to be his death:

After Almost 6 Months, Alfredo Cospito Puts an End to Hunger Strike

This morning, the end of the long strike carried out by the anarchist prisoner of the FAI, Alfredo Cospito, since October 20, 2022, in Italy, was communicated publicly.

After the last hearing held on April 18, in which the Constitutional Court left without effect the rule of imposing a life sentence on Alfredo Cospito for the attack on the Carabinieri school in Fossano, the comrade has decided to end his hunger strike.
In that instance, a favorable ruling was achieved, because the possibility of a condemnation reduction was opened, to indicate to the judges to consider the “mitigating circumstances”, after leaving without effect part of article 69 of the code that governs the adjustment of the sentences. However, this decision has no effect on the application of 41 bis.
The lawyer Flavio Rossi confirmed the news through a statement in which he expresses:
“It can be said that the fight undertaken by Cospito has achieved its preferred goals … Thanks to Cospito’s protest, to the mobilizations of the motley world of extraparliamentary political activism, to the anarchist movement, to the intellectuals who took part in support for the reasons of the protest, to the media world that allowed the transmission of these uncomfortable issues in households of people, millions of subjects, especially the new generations.”
Opening the debate on the application of the 41 bis torture regime and the massification of information about it was already a great achievement of the Cospito strike, a protest with the body as a trench, which changed the world and received the support of thousands of people and a constant flow of direct solidarity actions.
“I declare to interrupt the hunger strike,” were the words that were communicated through Alfredo’s writing, without more argument, giving notice to the jailers of the Opera prison and the Milan Court of his decision.
The recovery process will be gradual and medically controlled since the physical and neurological damage after prolonged interruption of this magnitude of eating, led to Alfredo to lose 50 kg. He suffered a heart crisis, which was covered up by the media and the prison legal structure, and lost the mobility of one foot and the sensitivity of one of his hands.
Demo at the MoJ next week in support of the prisoners who've been protesting at Whitemoor:
From the Bristol ABC/KTB fundraiser:

Bristol ABC is almost out of funds, and we need your help to continue supporting the prisoners. If we run out of money, it will mean prison will be incomparably harder for the folks inside, as they won't have money for basics, won't have help with phone credit and won't get so many visits from their loved ones.

We know you won't let that happen!!

Thanks so much for your incredible support so far. Because of you we have been able to distribute over £55k toward supporting the KTB prisoners!

But we still need your help. There are currently 20 people in prison for the Bridewell uprising. Many of them are serving long sentences, and Ryan Roberts will be in prison until at least 2029.

The cost of providing £50 a month canteen money to 20 people is £1000 a month. On top of that we regularly buy things like clothes and books, and pay travel costs for friends and family to visit. We are down to about £2k in reserves. So we really need your continued help and support.

Our costs have been considerably increased by the need to fund visits to two prisoners who are being held in Kent. Its vital that these to people, who are serving two of the longest sentences, get support. We have been arranging visits for them every month.

We have also been giving money to help people get back on their feet when they are released from prison. With your help we can increase this support.

Please help us to reach our stretch target of £70k. Thank you so much for all your incredible solidarity so far.

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross
Bristol ABC are now supporting one of the people jailed for Swansea:
Niamh is in prison as a result of using self defence against police violence at only 19 years of age. She is a gentle soul, with much love and appreciation to give!
Niamh welcomes letters of love and support to make the days go by easier and quicker.
Write to: Niamh Cullen A2966EX, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Sutton, SM2 5PD
Once again, it will be International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in a couple of weeks!

23 - 30 August 2023

Anthropomorphic rabbits and other rodents being busted out of jail.

The world is on fire. The climate crisis is getting worse and worse. Instead of masks against Covid-19, people now have to wear masks against smoke from forest fires. At the same time huge areas getting flooded due to heavy rain caused by the ongoing pollution of the environment. Nothing of that is caused by individual decisions of the people. It is not cause by buying the wrong product in the supermarket. It is caused by the systematic exploitation of nature and humanity. Governments and big corporations are the ones steering us into a climate catastrophe that, at this point, seems to be unstoppable.
Governments and big corporations that created a world where wealthy people are more important than others. This was especially visible while the global media had nothing better to do than talking for 5 days about a missing submarine filled with 5 rich people, while hundreds of others are dying in the mediterranean sea during their try to get chances for a better life.
Extreme right, conservative and authoritarian politics are increasing all around the world. Some use it to start Wars and kill thousands of people, some build fences and guard what they think is their property and others use it to arm up in the digital world. Surveillance is increased and the states are leaping more and more into our private spaces, analyzing our private conversations and collecting data about us with a depth of detail we could never have imagined. The tools of the states to crush resistance, crush even the idea of fighting the system, are sharpened with every minute. Many anarchists, anti-authoritarians, environmental activists, and antifascist around the world face repression because acting anonymous in a digitalized world is as difficult as never before.
With all the obstacles put into our way during the struggle for a better world, anarchist ideas and values remain important. In times of crisis methods of collective organizing, mutual aid and the principle of solidarity start to shine. The system will fall apart and we should get ready to take back a world that was stolen by companies, yacht owners and the war industry. A world that was meant for everyone. And while our friends are put behind bars and states try to hide them in the darkest corners of their prisons, we will not hold still but fight till they are free again.
Let’s break out together!
That is why we are calling again for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. Do some action of solidarity! Write letters, organize speeches or film screenings, make our comrades visible on the streets with a banner drop or a graffiti and let them show that they are in our hearts and that we are fighting together.
Let’s remember those who fought against this injustice and payed with their lives.
No one is free, till all are free!

Till all are free – International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

IWOSWAP is on:
Once again, it will be International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in a couple of weeks!

23 - 30 August 2023

View attachment 386358

The world is on fire. The climate crisis is getting worse and worse. Instead of masks against Covid-19, people now have to wear masks against smoke from forest fires. At the same time huge areas getting flooded due to heavy rain caused by the ongoing pollution of the environment. Nothing of that is caused by individual decisions of the people. It is not cause by buying the wrong product in the supermarket. It is caused by the systematic exploitation of nature and humanity. Governments and big corporations are the ones steering us into a climate catastrophe that, at this point, seems to be unstoppable.
Governments and big corporations that created a world where wealthy people are more important than others. This was especially visible while the global media had nothing better to do than talking for 5 days about a missing submarine filled with 5 rich people, while hundreds of others are dying in the mediterranean sea during their try to get chances for a better life.
Extreme right, conservative and authoritarian politics are increasing all around the world. Some use it to start Wars and kill thousands of people, some build fences and guard what they think is their property and others use it to arm up in the digital world. Surveillance is increased and the states are leaping more and more into our private spaces, analyzing our private conversations and collecting data about us with a depth of detail we could never have imagined. The tools of the states to crush resistance, crush even the idea of fighting the system, are sharpened with every minute. Many anarchists, anti-authoritarians, environmental activists, and antifascist around the world face repression because acting anonymous in a digitalized world is as difficult as never before.
With all the obstacles put into our way during the struggle for a better world, anarchist ideas and values remain important. In times of crisis methods of collective organizing, mutual aid and the principle of solidarity start to shine. The system will fall apart and we should get ready to take back a world that was stolen by companies, yacht owners and the war industry. A world that was meant for everyone. And while our friends are put behind bars and states try to hide them in the darkest corners of their prisons, we will not hold still but fight till they are free again.
Let’s break out together!
That is why we are calling again for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. Do some action of solidarity! Write letters, organize speeches or film screenings, make our comrades visible on the streets with a banner drop or a graffiti and let them show that they are in our hearts and that we are fighting together.
Let’s remember those who fought against this injustice and payed with their lives.
No one is free, till all are free!

Till all are free – International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

IWOSWAP is on:
There's a link here to a list (PDF) of imprisoned anarchists, a little bit about the circumstances of each, and where to write to them:

Every year we try to update the list of imprisoned anarchists. If you see any mistakes in it, if someone is missing or has been released, please let us know!

is a single page version and a booklet version to print.

List updated: 28/08/2023

List of prisoners – Till all are free
Just heard this through the grapevine:

Anarchist Toby Shone Recalled to Prison on 19 September 2023

Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator
of counter-information project 325.nostate.net. After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions), oversight by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and was forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire 9 days ago.

On the morning of 19 September 2023, he was driving to an appointment with his probation officer when he was pulled over and arrested by an armed police unit in-between the Forest of Dean and Gloucester. He was taken to HMP Bristol. He is awaiting more detailed information, but his legal team say that the allegations are that he breached two of his license conditions: being in possession of an [unauthorised] phone and attending a meeting in Bristol in August.

Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and books. Please write to him at:

Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Road
Bristol BS7 8PS
Ilya Shakursky, a Russian anarchist, writes a letter from prison.

just an extract:

When the chekists [police] fastened on to the term “Network”, they actually misunderstood something. They thought that we would hand over our party membership cards and renounce our responsibilities to an alleged organisation. But the anarchist movement’s networks exist without any clearly-defined structure. The network of the anarchist and antifascist movements is the smiles of two people who don’t know each other, but who catch each other’s eye in the metro with some characteristic attribute; it’s when you are in a city that’s not your own, but then someone sends you the number of a place to stay and it becomes your own; it’s when we get to know each other by a single handshake, more than likely without knowing each other’s real names; it’s when we can travel hundreds of kilometres to support our guys in a big street fight, support musicians we know or join an environmentalist sit-in. Neither the investigators nor the prosecutors and judges understand this. And for that reason they are unable to destroy us.

full letter here: https://avtonom.org/en/news/ilya-shakursky-letter-friend

Ilya Shakursky, July 2023. The letter was passed on by Ilya’s mum, Elena.

To support Ilya: Russia, 431161 Mordovian republic, Zubovo-Polynasky district, Ozernyi, ulitsa Lesnaya 3, FKU IK-17 UFSIN Russia (Republic of Mordovia), Shakursky Ilya Aleksandrovich (d.o.b. 1996)

2202 2005 6759 6000 (Sber, Nina Ivanovna Sh.)

PayPal: [email protected] (in euros, marked “for Shakursky”)
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