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Post your tax return angst here

I believe you can still amend and resubmit last years return; it will recalculate and add the missing tax and some penalties. You can then have them added to this years (there’s a section for underpaid tax I believe). I’d do it straight away if it was me.
Yeah you are probably right. I should just do it now.
I messed up once before when I got an invoice template with the dates written in the American way . . . so I submitted it in the wrong tax year. I got on the blower about that one and resubmitted my return after the event. . . I somehow feel like I should phone up, but phoning won't make a blind bit of difference will it?

£1000 extra in expenses . . . so that's going to be an extra £300 in tax plus interest plus whatever penalty (I don't think I got a penalty last time).
Takes a while to recalculate though doesn't it?
Yeah you are probably right. I should just do it now.
I messed up once before when I got an invoice template with the dates written in the American way . . . so I submitted it in the wrong tax year. I got on the blower about that one and resubmitted my return after the event. . . I somehow feel like I should phone up, but phoning won't make a blind bit of difference will it?

£1000 extra in expenses . . . so that's going to be an extra £300 in tax plus interest plus whatever penalty (I don't think I got a penalty last time).
Takes a while to recalculate though doesn't it?

I’d say no point in phoning, they’ll just (perfectly friendlyly and politely) tell you to correct it online. This is speaking from experience, I’ve had to do it a couple of times; first time I was worried they’d come down like a ton of bricks so phoned and so on, and was told ‘just amend it, no problem’ but subsequently just done it and it all flows through.

I imagine it might be different if it was a huge amount, but like you both times it’s been a few hundred pounds different.
I think if you've left it this long you have to write in. There will be a page on .gov somewhere about this but it might be easier to just Google search. Deadline is definitely the 31st for corrections to the previous return so sort it ASAP. And make sure to send it signed for because it will potentially take months to work through their internal system, so you'll want the proof it got to them on time

I think if you've left it this long you have to write in. There will be a page on .gov somewhere about this but it might be easier to just Google search. Deadline is definitely the 31st for corrections to the previous return so sort it ASAP. And make sure to send it signed for because it will potentially take months to work through their internal system, so you'll want the proof it got to them on time

I don't think I have to send anything in the post. I think you can just amend a previous tax return on line.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't think I have to send anything in the post. I think you can just amend a previous tax return on line.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
Looks like the answer is "it depends" but leans more heavily to do it online

I've found this link, but I'm sure there was another page that lent a lot more towards "write in". I think it depends if you filed it yourself or if someone else did it (eg an accountant)
Looks like the answer is "it depends" but leans more heavily to do it online

I've found this link, but I'm sure there was another page that lent a lot more towards "write in". I think it depends if you filed it yourself or if someone else did it (eg an accountant)
OK this is good. Thank you. I'll make the change tomorrow and submit my new tax return for this year mid next week.
Such a weird mistake to make. It was so obvious to me that it was wrong that I noticed just at a glance without having to look into the details (which I then did to find out why). I even found the bit of paper I did the sum on. It has all the figures but then inexplicable the final answer just has 2000 something rather than 1000 something. . . .then I must have just typed that figure in. . . without questioning it.

OK this is good. Thank you. I'll make the change tomorrow and submit my new tax return for this year mid next week.
Such a weird mistake to make. It was so obvious to me that it was wrong that I noticed just at a glance without having to look into the details (which I then did to find out why). I even found the bit of paper I did the sum on. It has all the figures but then inexplicable the final answer just has 2000 something rather than 1000 something. . . .then I must have just typed that figure in. . . without questioning it.

Is it not worth paying an accountant 500 quid a year to do this for you if it causes you so much angst?
Is it not worth paying an accountant 500 quid a year to do this for you if it causes you so much angst?
Probably not. I would have give the accountant that figure instead of the HMRC and I would now have someone else to go through. Plus there is no way that the extra cost of an accountant would make up the couple of quid interest I will have to pay. . . or even a fine.
Probably not. I would have give the accountant that figure instead of the HMRC and I would now have someone else to go through. Plus there is no way that the extra cost of an accountant would make up the couple of quid interest I will have to pay. . . or even a fine.
Honestly it looks more complicated to go to an accountant than just doing it yourself sometimes
Looks like the answer is "it depends" but leans more heavily to do it online

I've found this link, but I'm sure there was another page that lent a lot more towards "write in". I think it depends if you filed it yourself or if someone else did it (eg an accountant)
Actually this is not good. . .

Despite being the actual gov link it is completely wrong (for me anyway).
If I click on it NONE of those things listed are on my personal tax account page apart from (1).

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 14.23.41.png

I think I have found it now, but it's slightly infuriating that the above information is totally wrong. Has the site been updated or a new layout being beta tested for some and not others??
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