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Popes road car park to become temporary Ice Rink

Insult No1- "This is gentrification of Brixton and you have not got your ticket".
Insult No 2. "White middle class people want to shop in Brixton and buy books and cheese from cheese shops.".

I'm staggered that an experienced councillor would say that publicly. Even if it is exactly what they were thinking.

Who is alleged to have made "insult no.1" and what was the context?
And any idea when it was said? I've got hours of audio here and it's quite easy to miss little bits.

I'm not convinced that Sally Prentice did say it on Wednesday. I only heard it from one of the hecklers, who seemed to be recounting something from an earlier meeting Prentice had had with the market traders. However, what Prentice did say in her rambling attempt to defend the indefensible was so patronising to the Brixton traders/residents that I'm not surprised many people think she had said that in the planning meeting.
I'm not convinced that Sally Prentice did say it on Wednesday. I only heard it from one of the hecklers, who seemed to be recounting something from an earlier meeting Prentice had had with the market traders.

Well, I wasn't going to discount anything until I have been through the file. If it's there, it's there. If it's not, it's not. It's dynamite either way, so I'd say it's in people's interest to prove it (or not).

However, what Prentice did say in her rambling attempt to defend the indefensible was so patronising to the Brixton traders/residents that I'm not surprised many people think she had said that in the planning meeting.

This. She certainly said something close to it on Wednesday.
From my notes of the meeting here is what Cllr Sally Prentice said.

She was saying that the ice rink would be good for the local economy (of Brixton). It would bring in more people.

There was some barracking from the floor from traders and audience.

She then said that if "if existing businesses dont take advantage of new (oppurtunities?) then others will".

She imo lost it at that moment and had a go at the traders.

There were comments at the back about "cheese shops" every time she spoke in favour of rink. It seems some time ago she made some remark about how she couldnt find a decent cheese shop in Brixton.

The gentrification insult I dont remember.

Gentrification is a Brixton issue. I dont think it is wise to bring it up. The opposition to the Ice Rink at Popes road was by a wide range of people. Some of whom might be characterised as white middle class. But other people wouldnt agree. Still the campaign to stop this application kept together. It brought together a disparate group of people. As Brixton is a complicated mix of people. Supporting the Traders against Tescos/ Lambeth is something we could all agree on. Even if we didnt agree on other issues re Gentrification.

I kept my remarks to the committee to planning issues around the Popes road development. So much time was spent on the arguments around the Section 106 and the overall problems of the Hub scheme that a lot of the issues around the application were not discussed in the end.

Im really not happy about that. Normally issues of design , affects of on residents would be discussed. Even though the meeting was long it was not enough to cover all the issues in detail.
In this Fridays SLP Nadia Gilanis:) version is that Sally said

"If businesses in Brixton dont take this oppurtunity, there are other businesses who will."

Which is similar to my notes. I defer to Nadias expertise:)
Cllr Palmer was the one Cllr was argued that it was ok to record the meeting.

I would like to give Cllr Palmer credit for his to the point questions. He was not prepared to be browbeaten by officers , chair or Tescos. As he knew he would be the only Cllr on the committee who would speak his mind he played an important role for those of us who opposed the applications.
Not only that but, as numerous residents pointed out, the plans breached various policies. The council seems really invested in this project. I can understand as leisure facilities in Lambeth are dreadful, but theyre willing to sacrifice a lot, it seems.

This was what was not discussed in enough detail. Despite Brixton Society putting in why it had in its written submission.
This was what was not discussed in enough detail. Despite Brixton Society putting in why it had in its written submission.

I've only lived in Streatham for a year and a bit (and spent the majority of that time in Uni at Holloway), but my personal impression was that the Labour Cllrs didn't really want to discuss any problems, let alone ones that hit the mark.
Can you put it on youtube? / is it ok for me to do so?

EDIT: Actually, feel free. I was wondering about uploading the entire thing for people to explore, anyway. The meeting just seemed too huge for people to hear unedited.

Just credit me as a source of the audio.
EDIT: Actually, feel free. I was wondering about uploading the entire thing for people to explore, anyway. The meeting just seemed too huge for people to hear unedited.

Just credit me as a source of the audio.

Where should I link to? Or shall I just put Streatham_Mao ?
Insult No 2. "White middle class people want to shop in Brixton and buy books and cheese from cheese shops. They want to stroll around Brixton and not have to look at 16 horrible looking meat shops on Electric Avenue, It is time for Brixton to move on"


If you want cheese shops, go move somewhere else. Brixton is brilliant for it's variety, not for the addition of ponce-shops.

If you want cheese shops, go move somewhere else. Brixton is brilliant for it's variety, not for addition of ponce-shops.

In fact, Brixton has some great cheese shops - Spoon, Portuguese deli, Wild Caper, Rosies. As you say, variety is good.
Chuka changed his tune from when he wrote this:


Commenting on the current state of negotiations, Mr Umunna said: “If Tesco comes forward with proposals which are acceptable to the community and the council, it is crucial they are legally bound into their commitments. Any contract entered into with them must have teeth, and they should not be allowed to renege on any promises made.

“If Tesco do not come forward with proposals which are acceptable, the council should walk away from any deal and look to immediately progress the development of the Streatham Hub project on its own.

The gf would be pleased - her dad gives her £20 of Paxton cheese vouchers every Xmas. It would save her a journey.
Personally, the overwhelming cheesy whiff usually makes me gip.

Incidentally, was there any objection from Iceland re: car park closure? I would have thought they would be quite affected since they sell quite a lot of bulky stuff in high volumes.
No objections from Iceland or Morleys at the PAC but I heard some of the bigger stores in Brixton road did sign petition against losing car park.
Heh, I got an email from Cllr Clyne asking about the my audio files last night. He said they could be important.

Given everything, that's probably an understatement. I don't think continuity of timetable was actually agreed, which seemed to be SISAG's main sticking point. That'll go down well, and by well I mean really badly.

Annoyingly my internet connection flakes out before I can get the files uploaded. I may have to haul my laptop up to a wi-fi'd pub somewhere...
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