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Pop Brixton (formerly Grow Brixton) Pope's Road development

Tried to go to Pop Brixton last night with teenage daughters for dinner. Disappointed that it’s now over 18s only after 8pm because of their alcohol license. I guess it’s now just a place to get pissed.
It's been Brixton's biggest (council subsidised) bar for years. It's the same at Lost in Brixton, except they kick kids out as early as 5pm to ensure maximum ££££££ off boozers.
Tried to go to Pop Brixton last night with teenage daughters for dinner. Disappointed that it’s now over 18s only after 8pm because of their alcohol license. I guess it’s now just a place to get pissed.
Its the post-Brexit culture mate. The idea of a family trip to a licensed venue is so continentale.
The farce continues

The Architects Journal interview you cited - with the illustrious Carl Turner - makes it very clear that Pop Brixton was very much a temporary venture - a stepping stone in his career if you like.
I guess the conspiracy theory on this might be that Pop Brixton had to be meanwhile "enough" to bridge the point in time when people demanded the council preserve and enhance the Rec to the point where everyone is just sick of everything and the developers can move in big-time on everything north of Brixton rail station.
Except we might be spared that if interest rates hold up and the sums no longer work for gentrification.
And this was it was supposed to be:


Carl Turner is very much the villain in this debacle. And Lambeth, of course.

Speaking exclusively to Brixton Buzz, the EBS said:

“Carl handed out some notes to us. They set out how he wanted to take full control.

This would reduce our role to just “community gardeners”, contractors on an annual fee, rather than equal partners, in the decision making and delivery of the project together as Grow:Brixton.

This was a complete shock to us. It seemed to be no coincidence that this took place the day after planning permission was given. We had carried out the vast majority of the community engagement.

He only wanted us to give him the credibility that he required.”

Anyone ever met a nice architect?
I've met several - but what is frightening and awe inspiring is the ones on Sky Arts "The Architecture of Museums" etc.
Zaha Hadid was on yesterday. She did the curvy wavy thing at Baku
as well as the Evelyn Grace Academy at Loughborough Parl, Brixton.
She might have been OK. Smoked like a trooper, which was apparently her undoing. The man currebtly in charge at her old firm, Patrick Schumacher looks a right pretentious twat. I'm sure Gramsci posted up some stuff from him on a social housing thread. He doesn't believe in designing social housing apparently. I guess we should all go back to living in a shoe box in the middle of the road! This wiki quote "might" find favour with some on Urban?
"Schumacher's viewpoints are aligned with anarcho-capitalism, in favour of complete decentralisation and radical privatisation of all aspects of architecture, planning and development."
Might be worth understanding that as far as Pop Brixton is concerned (at least as far as I can make out) Carl Turner's business went beyond the "architect" role and effectively became part developer / operator. They took on some form of financial stake in the project.

Although there are quite a few architectural practices that do this (Squire & Partners are another), the vast majority of architects don't (and can't). Mostly, their job is limited to the design. They don't own the site or buildings. They don't decide on the brief (although they might be able to influence it to some degree). They don't get involved in the commercial calculations of whether a certain development will be profitable or not, and they don't have any power to make those kinds of decisions. They don't decide what kind of use is going to go onto a certain site. All of those decisions are made by the site or building's owners and developers (within constraints determined by planning policy). They don't get any share of profits that the development then does or doesn't go on to make. They are paid a fee to do the design work, just like the builder is paid to do the building work.

Many architects, if you ask them, will see part of their role and professional responsibility as doing what they can to moderate the worst commercially-driven desires of developers. But in the end he who pays the piper calls the tune. Of course, if an architect believes that what they are being asked to design is not something they are comfortable with being involved with, they can decline or resign from the job... in which case the developer will simply find someone else.
I don't think anyone here was having a go at architects in general.

The case in point was Turner and the way EBS said he treated them

No one forced Turner to put a bid in for the old car park site.

Any criticism of Pop meets with attitude that one is being negative in general.

Re reading Brixton Buzz article and what strikes me is the role the Council played. And continued to play.

That Pop is a wonderful project. Forget Grow Brixton.

Let's just move on and stop moaning.

In the end that line works. People get tired of the moaners. So perhaps the Council aren't that stupid.

It would really help if the Council admitted this was a cock up and learnt lessons from it.

They on the quiet might have. International house hasn't been the balls up that ended up as Pop. The Council did that on a different basis. And I don't hear anyone complaining about it.

On architects I would not have campaigned to get Brixton Rec listed if I thought all architects are bad
Lambeth council have ignored it's working class community for ever. The mono-cultured Brixton it is creating really does reflect on why employees of colour used to call it "The Plantation'. Gentrification is a form of colonisation.

What sticks in my throat is the fact that so many people trying to earn a decent living and keep Brixton going for decades have gone under.

There were tears when First Choice closed a couple of weeks ago. We used to boast over 6 Caribbean bakeries, Greek delis and so much more.These are the people who kept Brixton going for decades in filthy market places - some how we didn't even deserve working clean toilets - or any services.

And all we have now cultural appropriation and a pastiche of what Brixton was.

Clifton Mansions. I rest my case.
I’d have thought Lambeth would have made money out of the business rates?
You know how the set up for Pop Brixton was supposed to work, yes?

They got the land RENT FREE with profits supposedly shared with the council. How much do you think the council got back from Pop Brixton's 8/9 years of rent free existence?
You know how the set up for Pop Brixton was supposed to work, yes?

They got the land RENT FREE with profits supposedly shared with the council. How much do you think the council got back from Pop Brixton's 8/9 years of rent free existence?
But they would have paid business rates I would have thought? And the micro businesses would also have paid business rates?
But they would have paid business rates I would have thought? And the micro businesses would also have paid business rates?
Wait. You're actually arguing that Pop Brixton somehow represents a successful venture for Lambeth?

It's been a catastrophic failure.
Wait. You're actually arguing that Pop Brixton somehow represents a successful venture for Lambeth?

It's been a catastrophic failure.
I mean it’s provided jobs for local people & money for council services at the very least.

Aldo less tangible benefits such as PR, publicity I suppose
I mean it’s provided jobs for local people & money for council services at the very least.

Aldo less tangible benefits such as PR, publicity I suppose
They've created an absolute fraction of what a properly run business paying full rent would have contributed to Lambeth. It's been an embarrassing failure.
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