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Poo and bones i.d. (not for the squeamish!)


Cool people die horrible, preventable deaths.
Classic Suburban; whose is this shit and why the bones?

I would have assumed fox, each turd about the size of my thumb and stinks to high heaven, but the regurgitated corpse? Do foxes do that?!





Buzzards probably eat more worms than anything else, not that they wouldn't scavenge a chicken/dead bird
The bones in pellet and the poo may not necessarily be from the same incident (unlikely to be?) Fox and badger poo are pretty stinky but, although one may have had a dreadful tummy upset with things coming out both ends, the turds look pretty firm. What an interesting find 😁
What’s the creature whose bones it is? It looks beaky? I did just look up ‘hedgehog skeleton’ and don’t think it’s one of them. I think if you can identify the bones in the pellet that will lead you to the likely predator and if it’s avian then it’s probly not their poo. Fascinating
I’m not sanding any paintwork, cleaning any bathrooms or cutting down any overgrown shrubs
My vote is for a fox.

a) their turds honk to high places
and the size is about right
b) one of their methods of carrying food back to the den is to swallow it and then hoik it back up for the cubs.

e2a - skeleton - either a rat or a small rabbit
My vote is for a fox.

a) their turds honk to high places
and the size is about right
b) one of their methods of carrying food back to the den is to swallow it and then hoik it back up for the cubs.

e2a - skeleton - either a rat or a small rabbit
Just looked up rat and rabbit skeletons and am surprised that rabbits have such long top of head/ jaw bones, thanks
What’s the creature whose bones it is? It looks beaky? I did just look up ‘hedgehog skeleton’ and don’t think it’s one of them. I think if you can identify the bones in the pellet that will lead you to the likely predator and if it’s avian then it’s probly not their poo. Fascinating

Skull definitely avian. However surely birds of prey do prey on birds? Sparrowhawk's sure as fuck do and we once saw a hawk here pulling all the feathers out of a pigeon, so not sure that stands up
I live in a rural area, plenty of wildlife comes calling ...
Get foxes, hedgehogs and owls - as well as a lot of smaller birds & mammals.

Owl pellets rarely smell, are usually light coloured and full of fur and bones. Can be ball or cigar shaped. Apart from Little Owls, which seem to eat a lot of beetles, in which case, as with hedgehogs, there'll be a lot of shiny chitin from wing cases. Non-beetle hedgehog poo is dark, sticky and smelly, but much smaller - about little finger sized.
Skull definitely avian. However surely birds of prey do prey on birds? Sparrowhawk's sure as fuck do and we once saw a hawk here pulling all the feathers out of a pigeon, so not sure that stands up
Of course birds of prey do prey on smaller birds.
The turds in your photos look like mammal turds, whereas the bones, which you say look def avian/ small bird may have been sicked up with some hair and whatnot by a larger bird of prey or a mammal for whatever reason
I just can’t imagine an animal or bird that sicks up something for later or to feed it’s young, right next to its pile of shit

I’m still thinking if the shit/ scat is very smelly its probs fox or badger, or maybe even some sort of mustelid? Stoats around here will get an adult sized rabbit.
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