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Poland may have to leave EU, Supreme Court warns


Bloody EU trying to ensure that a country's judiciary can question government reforms.

Poland could have to leave the EU over its judicial reform proposals, the country's Supreme Court has warned.

The proposals would allow judges to be dismissed if they questioned the government's judicial reforms.

Judges say the proposals threaten the primacy of EU law and could be an attempt to gag the judiciary.

Poland has already been referred to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) regarding rules for judges.

Under the proposals put forward by the socially conservative Law and Justice party government, judges can be punished for engaging in "political activity".

Any judge that questioned the legitimacy of judges nominated by the National Council of the Judiciary could be handed a fine or in some cases dismissed.

Politicians will start discussing the proposals on Thursday.
Poland may have to leave EU, Supreme Court warns
How depressing is Poland right now?

The European Union has denied funding to six Polish towns that declared themselves to be "LGBT-Free Zones."
In announcing the decision on Thursday, the European Commission said it was affirming that the union stands for equality for all people.
"EU values and fundamental rights must be respected by Member States and state authorities," European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, wrote on Twitter.

Poland is notably more religious than a lot of other Eastern European countries, and Catholic at that. I think that is a partial explanation, especially as the catholics got to be seen as the rebellious underground opposition during the years of communism. A vast chunk of the country's "progressive" (Liberal) bourgeois class, if they can even be called that, never returned after the war, allowing the Catholic Church to occupy that space as the voice of opposition to communism. And so it was predictable that their populism would go in this direction. Shit tho. But no way the EU will kick them out. It would be a colossal mess. There's no appetite for it.
Poland is notably more religious than a lot of other Eastern European countries, and Catholic at that. I think that is a partial explanation, especially as the catholics got to be seen as the rebellious underground opposition during the years of communism. A vast chunk of the country's "progressive" (Liberal) bourgeois class, if they can even be called that, never returned after the war, allowing the Catholic Church to occupy that space as the voice of opposition to communism. And so it was predictable that their populism would go in this direction. Shit tho. But no way the EU will kick them out. It would be a colossal mess. There's no appetite for it.
By never returned after the war I suppose you mean were killed by the Germans and Russians
By never returned after the war I suppose you mean were killed by the Germans and Russians

That's precisely what I mean -- though I was using a poetic turn of phrase so as to also include the government in exile in London who mostly stayed in England or emigrated to the US.
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