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Poland in April - stopover in Warsaw or Krakow?

Warsaw was flattened in the war, with many of the old looking bits rebuilt after the war. anyone know how Krakow fared? It looks incredibly complete
Krakow was proclaimed the capital of the General Government by the Nazis shortly after the city surrendered on the 6th September 1939, so it made it unscathed.

Vienna, too, was proclaimed some sort of the regional capital by the Nazis, so they didn't bomb the shit out of it, it's beautiful.
Warsaw was flattened in the war, with many of the old looking bits rebuilt after the war. anyone know how Krakow fared? It looks incredibly complete
They never flattened it. As the Nazis were pulling out orders were given to blow the whole thing up but apparently the commander could not bring himself to destroy something so beautiful.

It's a miracle, but Krakow is all original and didn't have to be rebuilt unlike Warsaw, which was completely destroyed.
FabricLiveBaby! how do regional buses work, if you know? I'm assuming I'll be fine just to turn up at the bus stop with cash and won't have to fuck about with apps or buying a ticket beforehand or anything? (Will be travelling from Piotrkow Trybunalski to Przedborz if that's relevant)
FabricLiveBaby! how do regional buses work, if you know? I'm assuming I'll be fine just to turn up at the bus stop with cash and won't have to fuck about with apps or buying a ticket beforehand or anything? (Will be travelling from Piotrkow Trybunalski to Przedborz if that's relevant)
Yeah, you can just rock up and pay the driver. They usually have these minivans/mini buses you can catch too that run between smaller towns and villages. Private enterprises. I like to call them demon busses on account the drivers give zero fucks and drive like a bat out of hell.

They are usually piss poorly signposted and run at random times so it might be worth asking a local for help.
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