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Playstation Plus (& other options)

Johnny Vodka

The Abominable Scotsman
So it's time to renew my PS Plus subscription. I'm thinking I might go for "Extra" this time. Has anyone tried the two new tiers and, if so, is it worth the upgrade? Bear in mind, I don't game a lot and mainly during winter... but it is only an extra £30 for a year.
I've got the top tier, mainly because when I was off with covid I wanted to play ghost of tsushima, and it was £12 to upgrade...... When I thought about it if you pay yearly it works out at about £8 a month or something and I was paying £6 on a monthly basis.

I haven't used it as much as I should, but I did play through ghost of tsushima and I've played about half of stray, and I've downloaded fallout 4 to play. I was hoping my partner might play stuff like worms and some of the classics catalogue but she hasn't yet. She may when she has time off I guess.

Game streaming works well, the catalog of games could be a little better, but its not terrible. I've got my partner to bring home her PSP from her dads too as apparently I can sign in on that too.
I stuck with the basic one. I've heard people complain of games disappearing from the catalogue. With the money saved, I can buy a couple of discounted games a year. ;)
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