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Plane Crash Children Survive 40 Days in Amazon Jungle in Colombia

released video shows the first moments four missing children were found alive after surviving a plane crash. They had spent weeks fending for themselves in the Amazon jungle in Colombia.

Oh they only found 4 kids, I thought there were more missing.

Anyhow great that they survived in the jungle after the plane crash
By the time the children were discovered, about 150 troops and 200 volunteers from local indigenous groups were involved in the operation, which was combing an area of more than 300 sq km (124 sq miles).

"This isn't a search for a needle in a haystack, it's a tiny flea in a vast carpet, because they keep moving," Gen Sanchez told reporters during the hunt.

But on Friday, after a month-long search, specialist rescue dogs found the children.
They managed to miss them by metres several times. That's not hard in the Amazon though. The 1 year old also only became 1 while they were lost.

Being indigenous would definitely have helped them, their gran had taught them jungle survival apparently. Learned a bit myself while there, like how to suck lemon ants (which taste very lemony) out of a branch.
Yes they were indigenous and would have learnt some things from their families but still they are children. I think it is remarkable that they survived.

And clever that it was specialist rescue dogs that finally located them.
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