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Pictures and videos of people dancing

Glad there aren't too many photos about like there are now. I remember Muzik or Mixmag doing a Gurner Of The Month feature of random punters in clubs chewing their faces off.
Glad there aren't too many photos about like there are now. I remember Muzik or Mixmag doing a Gurner Of The Month feature of random punters in clubs chewing their faces off.
And watching your mate dancing his tits off, on a mixture of E, Ket, acid and speed, whilst occasionally stopping and sticking his fingers in his ears to check for blood, because some twat (who wasn't me) told him his ears were bleeding.
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Was on worldometer looking up some of the places that had very low covid19 figures and top of one list was Réunion, a small French Island near Madagascar (I'd never heard of ot before). Checked what music they listened to and came across this excellent bit of " Ska" dancing. The music is great.

I just wonder if the people immortalised in it know, and if so what they think about it...
I'm sure they're well aware of it, and depending on who mentions the picture to them, their reactions would range from abject horror and embarrassment, to being as proud as the day your child takes its first step.
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I'm sure they're well aware of it, and depending on who mentions the picture to them, their reactions would range from abject horror and embarrassment, to being as proud as the day your child takes its first step.

I reckon the guy in the white T-shirt is a really senior police officer or lawyer these days and lives in paranoid fear of someone recognising him! :D

Does anyone know where it originates from?

I doubt it. It's been floating around the internet since God was a boy.
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