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Photo editing programs: Lightroom, Luminar, Affinity Photo, Darktable, FastStone, ACSDSee and more

Got it last week. TBH haven't had much of a chance to explore it yet.
Also my mac's misbehaving and doesn't seem to like processing stuff very quickly in it - lots of spinning beachball of death action.
:rolleyes: :(
it's certianly quiite ram intensive however considering the sze of the files i shoot most things are...

That and adobe crapola "won't work over 2 gig's of ram" due to instablity problems i assumed it was the lack of ram in my machine...
Raw Shooter Premium was better, IMO. Alas, Adobe have acquired Pixmantec, and it is no more.
GarfieldLeChat said:
it's certianly quiite ram intensive however considering the sze of the files i shoot most things are...

That and adobe crapola "won't work over 2 gig's of ram" due to instablity problems i assumed it was the lack of ram in my machine...

After seeing this thread I had another look at it over the w/end.
It isn't my machine - the bloody thing is just useless in it's current unstable shape.
Couple of other mates - another photographer & a re toucher - also confirmed it's shiteness (and the re toucher has some real fuck off G5 set up.)
Shame, as what I did manage to frustratingly do in it looked pretty good.
I guess that's Beta's for you
Pie 1 said:
Couple of other mates - another photographer & a re toucher - also confirmed it's shiteness (and the re toucher has some real fuck off G5 set up.)

Some of the industry reviews I have read and discussions on other graphics forums have said simlair things. It is still in its early days though and apart from GoLive! Adobe always make good software. Photoshop is a work of genius. One thing Lightroom has in its favour is a black background - about bloody time! Your working background has a massive impact on how the eye sees colours.

I reckon they'll integrate into Photoshop or the Creative Suite.
This is a recommended spec for Aperture, which seems to be a similar type of thing.
Recommeded Mac Pro Photographer’s Workstation

* Two 3GHz Dual Core Intel Xeon
* 4GB 667MHz DDR2 FB DIMMs
* ATI Radeon X1900 XT graphics card
* Three 500GB SATA 3Gb/s hard drives
* 16x SuperDrive

All I can say is that my poor old powerbook has enough trouble running Bibble.
Adobe calls Windows users to test public beta version of Lightroom

Just got e-mail of BJP

Can't read the article 'cos I'm not a subscriber, and cant be arsed to sign up to the free 2 week trial

But you can download Lightroom from here if you want to test it


Dunno if you win a prize for submitting the best feedback or what... (obviously you don't)
Herbsman. said:
Just got e-mail of BJP

Can't read the article 'cos I'm not a subscriber, and cant be arsed to sign up to the free 2 week trial

But you can download Lightroom from here if you want to test it


Dunno if you win a prize for submitting the best feedback or what... (obviously you don't)

You join the racist backward bigots of UK photography today. I wouldn't touch any freebie from the backward fuckers.

Herbsman. said:
WTF man?!!??! I'm not racist, ive got black people in my family


I don't like BJP. That's all. Some right fuckers have been abusing their forum. They don't seem to want to deal with it - that's all.

'Black people in your family' :D
I dont like bjp either, but i thought the lightroom beta would be in urban75 photographers interest

*goes to look at bjp forum*
There was a thread on lightroom a few weeks ago. It looks nice but unfortunately the beta's got some serious running problems, even a decent spec. Constant beachball of death action on mac's.

Shame, cause what I have managed to frustratingly do looks promising.
Hmmm I remember that thread. If it was available that long ago, then it appears that I have been conned!
It would be pretty good if it wasn't so fucking slow... Not really anything new mind you.
Cid said:
It would be pretty good if it wasn't so fucking slow... Not really anything new mind you.

Try Picasa. It reminds me of Apple Aperture.

The kind of thing that is marketed at fools who have bought a dSLR. The ones who think of themselves as professional photographers because they own a copy of Photoshop, and a dSLR. You know the kind... the mate who offers to do your wedding photos, the work colleague who shows you what photos he took on the weekend. (Which invariably consists of 600 JPEGS shot over the an afternoon in Dorset.)

Christ I have typed that so many times in other forums that it has almost become rehearsed :D
riot sky said:
Try Picasa. It reminds me of Apple Aperture.

But Picasa is only available for PC isn't it?

Apple users should use what exactly oh wise one? Photoshop maybe.. Lightroom maybe... Aperture maybe...

riot sky said:
The kind of thing that is marketed at fools who have bought a dSLR. The ones who think of themselves as professional photographers because they own a copy of Photoshop, and a dSLR. You know the kind... the mate who offers to do your wedding photos, the work colleague who shows you what photos he took on the weekend. (Which invariably consists of 600 JPEGS shot over the an afternoon in Dorset.)

Christ I have typed that so many times in other forums that it has almost become rehearsed :D

Hmmm... sounds like you have some issues here. Quite a broad stroke of your brush don't you think? Personally I don't recognise either of the characters you describe, but maybe I lead a sheltered life.

Do people who buy a dSLR and a copy of Photoshop really consider themselves professionals? And are they fools for buying that equipment to take photographs?

But to get back on thread, the new Lightroom beta, (which is free, so hardly marketed to delusional fools) is slow when working on big files (over 20MB), on a fast G5 Mac, albeit it is bringing those files from a separate 500GB hard drive.

I tend to be one of those fools that uses Photoshop, (which also pulls files from the same HD) and that seems more intuitive to me now, and faster to get around, and more versatile, subtle and flexible.

My view is that Aperture, as well as a number of similar programmes started using a single window GUI and it's become quite fashionable to use rinky-dink little sliders for all your image adjustments.

Bottom line on Lightroom (and Aperture): There may well be potential in these programmes, but they still have some way to develop - Aperture looks like it's going in the right direction with the release of 1.5, but Lightroom seems to have dropped back, and it's taken Adobe longer to get to this latest beta release, than Apple have taken to develop two (free) upgrades.

Download the trial versions and judge how they fit in your workflow.
wordie said:
Do people who buy... a copy of Photoshop really consider themselves professionals? And are they fools for buying that equipment to take photographs?
TBH I think anyone who pays £500+ for a piece of software must either be a professional or a fool.
wordie said:
But Picasa is only available for PC isn't it?

Don' think so - don't quote me on that!

Apple users should use what exactly oh wise one? Photoshop maybe.. Lightroom maybe... Aperture maybe...

Photoshop works, as does iPhoto, ACDsee - there's dozerns of alternatives if you look in some reviews in mags. The interesting thing is people in the industry scoff at the new stuff, and continue to stick to the old and tested ways. I guess that is why Quark is still hanging on with a quite a good grip too!

Hmmm... sounds like you have some issues here. Quite a broad stroke of your brush don't you think?

No not at all. Work in a gallery, and you'll be amazed how many people come in with a shit business card asking you can they advertise. Or even hang up some of their pics. Plus, just take a look on the web and flikr. I have charged a few quid to cover my expenses for some photographs but I wouldn't consider myself a pro and I wasn't as sad to get a business card done!

Personally I don't recognise either of the characters you describe, but maybe I lead a sheltered life.

Yes, if you say so.

Do people who buy a dSLR and a copy of Photoshop really consider themselves professionals? And are they fools for buying that equipment to take photographs?

Some do yes, and they are fools if they're going to pay £500+ for a bit of software that isn't going to improve their photography.

I tend to be one of those fools that uses Photoshop, (which also pulls files from the same HD) and that seems more intuitive to me now, and faster to get around, and more versatile, subtle and flexible.

Me too. Good file management helps in the first place.

My view is that Aperture, as well as a number of similar programmes started using a single window GUI and it's become quite fashionable to use rinky-dink little sliders for all your image adjustments.

Nail on head. Style over substance.

Download the trial versions and judge how they fit in your workflow.

Be interesting to see what the image houses use...

Cid said:
Great for organisation but, unless I'm missing something, shit for RAW.

Why would anyone use it for RAW (Picasa that is)? - the primary use of these progs is for workflow management. Which PS can do albeit in its own clunk way. The likes of ACDsee, Picasa, etc. all do it better and sometimes for a much smaller fee.
riot sky said:
Why would anyone use it for RAW (Picasa that is)? - the primary use of these progs is for workflow management. Which PS can do albeit in its own clunk way. The likes of ACDsee, Picasa, etc. all do it better and sometimes for a much smaller fee.

Well hopefully they wouldn't... which is kind of the point. If I can have a programme that doesn't just nicely organise my files but also allows fairly comprehensive RAW manipulation and conversion to .tif I'm going to use it over something like Picasa.
Cid said:
Well hopefully they wouldn't... which is kind of the point. If I can have a programme that doesn't just nicely organise my files but also allows fairly comprehensive RAW manipulation and conversion to .tif I'm going to use it over something like Picasa.


Oddly enough I hate the GUI but it is bladdy good for RAW. DNG never really took off did it :(

Talking of which, new version of Camera Raw

GarfieldLeChat said:
it intergrates fine with potatoshop you know ... there's abible plug in which takes over from the adobe raw converter...

Yup, got that! Bloody great it is too, and when you're done fiddling you just hit ctrl+w and it pops into photoshop.

I tell you what does annoy me... you can't go 'save as -> jpeg' with a raw file, you have to do the 'save for web', which sucks as it uses sRGB, removes exif data and uses a far harsher compression engine.

Cid said:

Didn't you say PS was for fools btw? :p

I love Photoshop, no really I do. I know it is sad to say but it is more than a tool for me :oops:
Cid said:

Didn't you say PS was for fools btw? :p

Unfortunately I only have a er... less than legit copy of CS1 and can't get camerRAW to work. Usually just use CS2 at uni/my mum's house but it's irritating to have to do that.
mac or pc?

not that it matters as i have either format ... at cs2 level... pm me for more info...
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