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Phil Spencer off Location, Location, Location likes to kill deer and take a selfie


What a fucking shitbag.

Spencer, 40, best known for presenting Channel 4's property programme Location, Location, Location alongside Kirstie Allsopp, said he was "chuffed to bits" after shooting the deer with a .243 sound-moderated rifle in Kent.

Huntsman: Location, Location, Location host Phil Spencer grins with a deer carcass

*yes, it's 9 years old but fuck the twat
Since the introduction of the 1991 deer act, the UK deer population is at the highest it's been for 1000 years (~2 Million). If something isn't done about it, deer will soon be classified as vermin (again), then any idiot with a gun or a snare of a crossbow, etc. will be allowed to kill (or injure) them. They already destroy millions of £££ of crops each year, and if left to their own devices, it'll get a lot worse. I'd hate for them to be classified as vermin.
Taking selfies isn't a great look but at least if he ate it it'll go some way towards reducing factory farming.
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Taking selfies isn't a great look but at least if he ate it it'll go some way towards reducing factory farming.
No it won't. He's just indulging in a rich man's 'sport' where he gets to pose with the powerful weapon he's used to kill a defenceless trophy creature in a wildly unequal 'battle.'

If there is a problem with the deer population, privileged cunts like this really aren't making any significant positive change. And what kind of fucking weirdo tells the press that they've 'wanted to kill a deer for a very, very long time.'

And it's just not deer that the bloodthirsty 'hunter' Spencer likes to go around killing:
The pair began by killing pigeons with 12-bore shotguns, hitting about 40 from a hide, while reminiscing about their childhood shooting habits.
And this is pretty weird too:
"It didn't sound like I'd hit it - but I had. I am absolutely chuffed to bits. It has been my ambition to shoot a deer for a very, very long time." He then turned to look at the bloodied animal, whose head he was cradling, and said: "Thanks, buddy", before taking it and the pigeons home to cook a "grand Sunday lunch".
For sake of balance...
He's a terrible person because he's rich and did it with a gun, whilst apparently enjoying it, but if he was from a tribe in the Amazon, and killed it with a club, would that be ok? Obviously a clean shot with a gun is much more humane, so it must be the fact that he has money and he enjoyed it that makes him a terrible person, but there are hunters in tribes all over the world who celebrate a kill, and they're obviously not scum, they're just doing what they've done since forever. Then what about people who breed chickens and eat them, are they as bad as him? Neither will make a dent in factory farming but is what he's doing any worse than someone saying "thank fuck the lockdown is over. I can't wait for a big mac"? I'd argue that what he's doing is no worse than someone taking a picture of their steak dinner to post to Instagram. The only difference is one was killed in a factory, so there was a distance/disconnection between the acts of killing and eating, which I'd argue is probably worse than what he's doing.
Who says ever, ' they're chuffed to bits' about killing something? Come on Saul Goodman , you love you're animals. The man's a fucking shitbag who probably didn't take his trophy home, hang it for days and butcher it himself for survival. He's just a cunt who likes to kill things, the cunt. Now, if he'd shot Kirstie allsop , he'd still be a cunt but I'd respect him more.
So he'd be a better person if he bought factory farmed venison from Sainsbury's?
No, but you're Amazonian argument is piss poor, because he's probably lives in knightsbridge(or wherever) that you don't have to stalk you're ya food to live . Cunt. Spencer that is.
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Who says ever, ' they're chuffed to bits' about killing something? Come on Saul Goodman , you love you're animals. The man's a fucking shitbag who probably didn't take his trophy home, hang it for days and butcher it himself for survival. He's just a cunt who likes to kill things, the cunt. Now, if he'd shot Kirstie allsop , he'd still be a cunt but I'd respect him more.
I'm not disputing his cuntishness, and if he did only kill it for sport then he's a massive cunt, but if he did take it home and eat it, which he says he did, then surely that's better than involving a corporate giant, whose only goal is profit?
Then it boils down to the fact that he really wanted to kill one and enjoyed doing it. Maybe that does make him a cunt but again, is it any worse than someone expressing their love of big macs?
It's a tricky one. One that should make a lot of people think about what they're eating, especially anyone who considers him a monster.
It could actually make a good debate. If deer become so prevalent that they destroy enough food crops to seriously impact our food supply, would culling them be ok?
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I'm not disputing his cuntishness, and if he did only kill it for sport then he's a massive cunt, but if he did take it home and eat it, which he says he did, then surely that's better than involving a corporate giant, whose only goal is profit?
Then it boils down to the fact that he really wanted to kill one and enjoyed doing it. Maybe that does make him a cunt but again, is it any worse than someone expressing their love of big macs?
It's a tricky one. One that should make a lot of people think about what they're eating, especially anyone who considers him a monster.
But did he take it home and eat it? The prick took a pic of his kill. It's hardly one to one combat. He's a massive twat. As for McDonald's patrons, they should be shot on sight. Anyone in my world that can snuff out life with a gun and feel chuffed is fucking heartless. I talk to snails, so don't even bother arguing with me .
I'm not disputing his cuntishness, and if he did only kill it for sport then he's a massive cunt, but if he did take it home and eat it, which he says he did, then surely that's better than involving a corporate giant, whose only goal is profit?
Then it boils down to the fact that he really wanted to kill one and enjoyed doing it. Maybe that does make him a cunt but again, is it any worse than someone expressing their love of big macs?
It's a tricky one. One that should make a lot of people think about what they're eating, especially anyone who considers him a monster.
It could actually make a good debate. If deer become so prevalent that they destroy enough food crops to seriously impact our food supply, would culling them be ok?
Oh you, and ya edit. That's a completely different thread. Deer are already being culled for that reason. Doesn't make it okay for some posh twat to just go kill a deer, because he's a posh twat.
Oh you, and ya edit. That's a completely different thread. Deer are already being culled for that reason. Doesn't make it okay for some posh twat to just go kill a deer, because he's a posh twat.
Apologies for the edit, but would it have been less bad if he wasn't a posh twat? Don't get me wrong, I hate posh twats, but I'm probably the epitome of hypocrisy, because I love all animals. I feed wild foxes, and take mice from my cats and release them, but if I needed food, I might think twice about killing and eating the same fox, but not three times.
It's a deer they need shooting. As no natural predators . Deer stalking is one of the ways money is made in the countryside.
Not an endangered species and very tasty .
It's an odd past time not particularly despicable though.

It's got nothing to do with shooting deer. If someone posted a photo of a working-class person who culls deer for a living, this thread would be very different.

It's because he did it for lolz and had a wank over it. That's what makes him so objectionable.
It's got nothing to do with shooting deer. If someone posted a photo of a working-class person who culls deer for a living, this thread would be very different.

It's because he did it for lolz and had a wank over it. That's what makes him so objectionable.

Just condemning him for doing something perfectly legal and necessary, while being a posh twat, is hypocritical and gives tories ammunition to make lefty and liberal city dwellers look out of touch with reality. As someone who shared his childhood between city living and country living, I can tell you that farmers and "working class" hunters would also find whipping up social media outrage over this ludicrous and harmful. Sure the photo doesn't look nice if you love animals but sharing it is supposed to provoke a knee-jerk reaction which is sentimental and manipulative. It also fudges the issue of why fox hunting is wrong (hunting purely for sport) and why this isn't (an ethical alternative to factory farming). Deer are prey animals, that's what they are on the planet for. As they barely have other natural predators anymore in the UK and much of Europe, they need to be kept in check by hunting.
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I shoot deer - I do so as part of the cull as required by the local Deer Management Group, comprised of the Forestry Commission, Natural England, landowners and the local councils who together count the local Deer population, work out what population is sustainable, and cull the rest.

I'm 'chuffed to bits' when I do a successful stalk because it's a technically difficult, often time consuming task where, while I've got a rifle and they haven't, their ability to detect me and run away far outmatches my ability to sneak up on them.

I enjoy the task, the planning, the stalk, the shot management, I take satisfaction from doing a difficult but necessary job and doing it well and safely, and I enjoy eating it. I don't take any great delight in killing the deer, but if you asked of I enjoyed 'the whole thing', I'd say yes.

It's got nothing to do with shooting deer. If someone posted a photo of a working-class person who culls deer for a living, this thread would be very different....

Sadly, it wouldn't....
I shoot deer - I do so as part of the cull as required by the local Deer Management Group, comprised of the Forestry Commission, Natural England, landowners and the local councils who together count the local Deer population, work out what population is sustainable, and cull the rest.

I'm 'chuffed to bits' when I do a successful stalk because it's a technically difficult, often time consuming task where, while I've got a rifle and they haven't, their ability to detect me and run away far outmatches my ability to sneak up on them.

I enjoy the task, the planning, the stalk, the shot management, I take satisfaction from doing a difficult but necessary job and doing it well and safely, and I enjoy eating it. I don't take any great delight in killing the deer, but if you asked of I enjoyed 'the whole thing', I'd say yes.

You're good because you don't use your fame from being a property cunt to wangle a televised wanking-opportunity doing something you have no training or experience in.
They do a deer cull here every winter too, because otherwise there'd be no more young trees and eventually no forest i suppose. I know they monitor the population carefully to get the balance right but am curious about how exactly its done kebabking do they just have a number that they know the herd needs to be thinned down to or do they target a particular age group or part of the deer demographic?
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They do a deer cull here every winter too, because otherwise there'd be no more young trees and eventually so forest i suppose. I know they monitor the population carefully to get the balance right but am curious about how exactly its done kebabking do they just have a number that they know the herd needs to be thinned down to or do they target a particular age group or part of the deer demographic?

Both. There's a deer survey so we know (roughly) how many deer there are and in what proportions (young/old, male/female etc..) and a 'damage survey', things like damage to crops, road collisions, tree damage, as well as the size of the area, natural grazing, cover etc.. all of which point to how many deer the area can sustain healthily. There's then a mix up of how many do we need to remove from the herd, and which types/subcategories should we concentrate on.

Overwhelmingly it's the older animals, anything injured or in poor condition, and young males - without predation there are far too many of them, only a small number get to mate, and the rest do a great deal of damage while working off their testosterone.
Although I doubt it, in the nine years since the article was published he might have completely changed his view on the rights and wrongs of shooting. This is part of the problem of the internet, things you did years ago easily come back to haunt you. Which of us can honestly say that there are things in our pasts which, if they were to resurface, would cause us embarrassment? And how many of those things would we still do/say, because our views and positions have changed? There’s a lot I’d rather stay in the past and I’d not say/do again.
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