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People who shoot photos with their lens hood on backwards

Oh, so now good photography is about people *liking* the photo is it? :rolleyes:

"Good photography" is in the eye of the beholder. For some people it's all about technical image quality (definition, resolution etc). For others it's about how a photo "speaks to" you - what it tells you, how it makes you feel, and what thoughts it provokes (all utterly subjective, of course, but then art always is!).
For me both definitions I've made "work" for me, but I personally get far more joy from pictures in the latter category, than in the first.
People still get hung up on seeing photography as a way of presenting an snapshot "true record" of an event, often ignoring or simply not bothering with the fact that photography is actually mostly representational, that even the smallest choice made at the taking or processing stage can change the way that others will "read" the picture. It's an art-form that has a grounding in technology, not a science, as some people hope it is (because to do so validates their expensive gear, and lends them the hope that they can master photography through rote learning).

And if anyone reading this gets the impression that I dislike gearheads, damn right! :D
As I've mentioned on another photography thread - the camera always lies, as every picture is subject to the photographer's idiosyncrasies. Camera technology may have improved in terms of "accuracy" ie better lenses, image sensors etc. But no amount of technology can make up for a lack of talent. Even "scientific" images require a lot of visual imagination on the part of the photographer, if they are to convey the "correct" message.
The resolution on this Rothko is crap. Loads of noise too. Call himself a professional? He needs better paintbrushes. The other 13 must have been really rubbish.

Maybe he did it with his cap on backwards.

That is a cruel thing to do to a dog. :(

And what is worse, it is on a site called Cute Animal Images. That isn't cute. The dog will wonder why his vision is changed. Taking the micky out of a human on a forum is bad enough but that animal cruelty is much worse.
It's getting a bit boring listening to you posting up your mad lies now. Please stop. Thanks.
Mad lies, huh?

I posted the details in an earlier post, but seeing as you're having such trouble believing them, here's a screengrab of the image and EXIF details.

View attachment 34254



A mirrorless camera.
What the fuckity fuck are you on about now?
I might ask you the same question. I asked what I thought would be a simple question to answer: why did you buy a mirrorless camera. Apparently I'm a "liar" for suggesting that you own such a device. But as we all see now do you own one, or are you saying that the EXIF data that you yourself posted is wrong?
I might ask you the same question. I asked what I thought would be a simple question to answer: why did you buy a mirrorless camera. Apparently I'm a "liar" for suggesting that you own such a device. But as we all see now do you own one, or are you saying that the EXIF data that you yourself posted is wrong?
I really haven't the slightest clue what you're blathering on about here.
What is plain to see is that you are being quite ridiculously obsessive about editor's photographic activities.
I'm not obsessed about anything. I just want to know the reason Ed bought a mirrorless camera - not too difficult a question to ask you might think - since he has been arguing here is a phone is all anyone needs. He must have bought one for a reason, and I'd like to know what it is.

Ed never denied he bought a mirror less camera, whatever the fuck that is. That's not the part of your post he was denying.

My post:
Tell me, Ed, if you're so convinced that camera phones are the bee's knees why do you own a mirrorless camera?

His reply.
It's getting a bit boring listening to you posting up your mad lies now. Please stop. Thanks.

I take great exception be being called a "liar" as he has done several times in this thread, when I am clearly not.
Denying things traditionally involves denying things

On a related note, asserting things traditionally involves asserting them.
This is not true and it is the part that led him to call you a liar.
So it's wasn't Ed that when I said "DSLRs are better because of A and B, and can do X and Y" argues that A & B don't matter, and that phones can do X and Y as well?

Oh, and Ed re the Lumia 1020 a 4 second shutter speed isn't very impressive. My ten year old Canon A80 (a compact camera) can do 15 seconds, and DSLRs can do 30, longer if one invokes Bulb mode.
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