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People who shoot photos with their lens hood on backwards

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. Virtually anyone can press a button - I'm sure you bend your finger in a particularly clever way though :rolleyes:
If "virtually anyone" can do it, then home come "virtually everyone" isn't an award winning photographer then? Anyone can pick up a paint brush and smear paint across a canvass, that doesn't mean anyone can create a painting worthy of hanging in the National Gallery.

LOL! Your knowledge of this is obviously zilch and you have no idea what it takes to produce a great photograph. I'm quite sure this is one thing at least that Ed and the others will back me up on.
Do you think those two pictures I posted earlier was just a case of "pressing a button"? It wasn't. It was a case of selecting the correct time to take them, selecting the correct vantage point, selecting the correct framing, selecting the correct focal length, selecting the correct exposure, and then getting the images back on the computer and editing them to look their best.
Do you think those two pictures I posted earlier was just a case of "pressing a button"? It wasn't. It was a case of selecting the correct time to take them, selecting the correct vantage point, selecting the correct framing, selecting the correct focal length, selecting the correct exposure, and then getting the images back on the computer and editing them to look their best.
They're great! Which way round did you have the UV filter on?
Do you think those two pictures I posted earlier was just a case of "pressing a button"? It wasn't. It was a case of selecting the correct time to take them, selecting the correct vantage point, selecting the correct framing, selecting the correct focal length, selecting the correct exposure, and then getting the images back on the computer and editing them to look their best.
Oh yeah, I missed out choosing the correct aperture.
OK, trade secret. I get it ;-)
Anyway, I just noticed in your last post that you say you edit your photos in A COMPUTER :eek:
Dude, any serious photographer that's worth their salt don't do that shit. I doubt very much that you're the professional photographer you claim to be if you need to edit your shots.
Ah, the old "editing photos on a PC is 'cheating'" argument

I didn't claim to be a "professional". Secondly editing the photo is a key part of photography. Great photographers have always edited their images. In the old days they did it in the dark room, and these days they do it in Lightroom. Do you think Ansel Adams didn't tweak his photos after he took them? He did.
A quote from Jared Polin "Photography doesn't end when you push the button, it's only the beginning"....or something like that anyway.
Ah, the old "editing photos on a PC is 'cheating'" argument

I didn't claim to be a "professional". Secondly editing the photo is a key part of photography. Great photographers have always edited their images. In the old days they did it in the dark room, and these days they do it in Lightroom. Do you think Ansel Adams didn't tweak his photos after he took them? He did.
Is he a professional? Which phone does he use to take his pictures... the Lumia does do pretty good shots in dark rooms. Something about the low f number or something.
Never used the Lumia one myself (Nexus 4 user).
Oh, my dad has a google. It's pretty big so it must take good pictures. Never seen him use a lens hood on it though, the amateur :rolleyes:
They're a tidy piece of kit.
I'd always recommend a hood. Don't want to smudge the lens. I roll with one of these:

It'd be a bugger to make phone calls if you had it on the wrong way round though.
If "virtually anyone" can do it, then home come "virtually everyone" isn't an award winning photographer then? Anyone can pick up a paint brush and smear paint across a canvass, that doesn't mean anyone can create a painting worthy of hanging in the National Gallery.

LOL! Your knowledge of this is obviously zilch and you have no idea what it takes to produce a great photograph. I'm quite sure this is one thing at least that Ed and the others will back me up on.
Wow. This is just too easy :D
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