Rye Lane seems to be closed for a year, with a few holes scattered up its length, small groups of workers huddle by holes, the guys I spoke to thought it bizarre that it would take a year, the consensus amongst the people actually having to carry the work out - replacing the gas main along the length of Rye Lane - was that its being done this way to allow the shops to still be serviced by delivery trucks and vans but with no buses etc they had noticed very few people walking up the street. They have not been given any idea of an overall plan "What plan?" Laughter. They thought digging it up in 3 chunks, digging up longer stretches of the road and gave detailed analysis of the traffic flows through the side roads - believed that it could probably be done in 6 moths not the projected 60 weeks. How can we get these guys in charge of the planning? They seem better informed and much more practical than the idiots who are currently running it