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Peckham news, rumours and general chat

Rye Lane seems to be closed for a year, with a few holes scattered up its length, small groups of workers huddle by holes, the guys I spoke to thought it bizarre that it would take a year, the consensus amongst the people actually having to carry the work out - replacing the gas main along the length of Rye Lane - was that its being done this way to allow the shops to still be serviced by delivery trucks and vans but with no buses etc they had noticed very few people walking up the street. They have not been given any idea of an overall plan "What plan?" Laughter. They thought digging it up in 3 chunks, digging up longer stretches of the road and gave detailed analysis of the traffic flows through the side roads - believed that it could probably be done in 6 moths not the projected 60 weeks. How can we get these guys in charge of the planning? They seem better informed and much more practical than the idiots who are currently running it
They seem to be making very good progress. from Primark up to where they are now (near the brigde) is already done by the looks of things. How far up are they planning to do works on?

Because if it stops at the bridge theyll be done in a few weeks.

Have had fun seeing moody dickhead cyclists trying to cycle on the pavement at 8:30 in the morning through pedestrians. I knew that after the first week (when they had police telling cyclists to dismount) that they would start trying that.

London’s first hot sauce festival arrives in Copeland Park, Peckham, Sat 13th Apr 2019
Im glad to see that the above is free entry. such things are often seen as fair game to charge an entrance fee (on top of food and drink prices), as there is plenty of hipsters nearby who wouldn't mind paying to stand in a big concrete yard.
An old man speaks . they were fucking wonderful.
Err, I really like the Fat Whites. I know them personally and have promoted them twice for my club nights, so a little less of the 'old man' if you please.

And the 'pisstake' comment was referring to the text of their event.
The boy is playing with gini coefficients in his work experience ( blunt and arguably misleading measure of inequality ) . Southwark has a higher Gini score than the Central African Republic.
My friend's band is in this video and I can honestly say it's the only thing I like about it. The place looks fucking awful.

Serious snacking and pigging out all in the best possible taste! Bringing you the best pork snacks with our award winning Snacking Salami and Snackingham.

Ancient history now, but this is a video the BBC put up of a Steve Reich performance in the Bold Tendencies car park next to Peckham Plex.
The recording was made in 2016. This was a radio broadcast, not TV - though having a static camera maybe suits Steve Reich's repetitive minimalist style. I was actually there, and since the venue has sides open to the adjacent railway line there was all sorts of grinding railway axles from time to time, not that you'd notice here.
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Meet 50-year old Banaras Hussain of West Green Road, Tottenham, N15, a former Director of Shaba Hair & Cosmetics (Peckham) Limited ...



You can learn about people like him here ...

and you can read about him here ...

Banaras Hussain: Toxic skin lightening cream seller sentenced


This shop sells poisons to Africans.

A cosmetic shop in Peckham has been caught selling potentially cancer-causing skin whitening cream for the third time.

Creams containing banned substance hydroquinone were found hidden under the floorboards at Shaba Hair & Cosmetics.

Peckham shop owner fined £20,000 after being caught selling skin whitening cream for THIRD time

I wonder what else they have to do before they are closed down.
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