I can't see my face in those boots you know
Yeah, right! Nice try!
I can't see my face in those boots you know
and your cap's crooked
back to your barracks
*skulks off muttering about bloomin' occifers*
I think it's open every day 7am-11pm
*puts sack of spuds on order for brix to peel*
brill! Hello Brix! Oh by the way - I haven't forgotten - I still have your scissors. I am happy to drop them round or I could give them to you if you're coming to the Hallowe'en or Xmas craft club?
*plots to get revenge but can't think of anything so makes do with flicking v signs at Minnie behind her back. Hmph.*
1,000 sit-ups NOW
There now, you can take Han and do a full recce of the place
Can you two keep your kinky sex games to PMs please?
Are you getting jealous?
You can do 1,000 squat thrusts on top of Brix
Oh for god's sake Minnie - you always have to take it too far! I've got images running through my head I could really do without!
same as
It was Quimmy's perverted thinking that started it all off
We were just having and innocent chat and she comes along and turns it smutty
You're right, it's all Quimmy's fault!
Let's all just calm down and have custard tarts til we all feel better.
I am. Noticed how she's bumped her pubes thread. She's obsessed
This is going to put me off any Paulo'z Way food you know
Tarts? Plural? What will Onkey say?
It's for the best Minn. We must think of our figures! *sucks in stomach*
Tarts? Plural? What will Onkey say?
I don't care. The main thing is that calling him Onkey is catching on.
Let's all just calm down and have custard tarts til we all feel better.
It is. I shall think of this thread whenever I fancy a tart and shall be put off and stay slim
I don't care. The main thing is that calling him Onkey is catching on.
We are no longer Paolo'z virginz. Stopped in and picked up a custard tart, and a doughnut, each on our way back this morning. Didn't see any obvious Urbanites in there though.
Just finished the custard tart. Goodbye diet. There will be more.
I bet they're nicer than Sainsbury's
Absolutely, and Tesco - where we've just come back from
Maybe but you have to pay for quality.
Got fried stuff for tomorrow's breakfast though - no black pudding though sorry.
I wonder if Nell's deli (Spoon) does anything suitable, after all she is Irish isn't she?