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Paul Mason on Louise Michel

ta, i'll give that a listen
Listened to most of it between working. Thought it was reasonably good though a bit embarassing when they started on her appearance.
" Mason you'd fuck it right. You would though wouldn't you mate you'd fuck it. Nothing to be ashamed of at worst she's a bit plain. Come on Paul mate say you'd fuck it. Go on."
Yeah, it was fairly basic, but a sound overview. I suppose Matthew Paris couldn't cope with discussing an actual revolutionary for a whole half hour without throwing in something mind-numbingly crass.
Hmmm, not really much good that. Not very informative. The best part was Matthew Parris saying these people weren't really revolutionaries were they? That's right Matthew, these tens of thousands of people who violently took over the second largest city in Europe weren't revolutionaries. Maybe that's why the state killed 30 000 of them in one week as both bloody revenge and lesson to others eh? And what Did Mason mean that this is what a revolution with the help of (or hinderance) Bolsheviks mean? Was this a criticism or an endorsement? I've not read his work so genuinely don't know. Carolyn Eichner's book is here btw
And what Did Mason mean that this is what a revolution with the help of (or hinderance) Bolsheviks mean? Was this a criticism or an endorsement? I've not read his work so genuinely don't know.
Without the help/hindrance of Bolsheviks. Which was an endorsement, he's moved a fair way from his WP days.
Without the help/hindrance of Bolsheviks. Which was an endorsement, he's moved a fair way from his WP days.
I mentioned that he also said hindrance - but why was his first instinct to say help? It didn't sound to me like he quickly added 'or hindrance' to suggest that their help would have been a hindrance but rather to recognise the historical debates over this. Again, i've not read his words on the commune though. I do have his books at home and will have a check for myself later.
I don't think a 30 minute programme like this would ever satisfy the Urban Purists. They, I am sure, would like a 70 hour programme. At least there would then be more to nit pick from.

As a general overview for a general audience it was okay.
At a loose(ish) end last pm I watched this:-

BBC Two - Performance Live: Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere

Be interested to hear if any Urbz saw the live Young Vic performance and how it compared with the TV version; the BBC stuff felt quite edited.
Setting aside Mason's rather wooden performance, I was most disturbed by the absence of any real focus on 2008, the apparent willingness to cast co-incidence as correlation and, worst of all, the conclusion that, faced with a revolutionary option, the Greek people 'bottled it'.
Posted this here as 'Louise Michel' opens the production.
The latest 'Storyville' documentary on BBC 4 might be of interest - entitled ' Accidental Anarchist: Life Without Government,' about Carne Ross, though I admit to never having heard of him before.

The programme synopsis sez: 'Carne Ross was a career diplomat who believed western democracy could save us all. But after the Iraq war he became disillusioned and resigned. This film traces Carne's worldwide quest to find a better way of doing things - from a farming collective in Spain, to Occupy Wall Street to Rojava in war-torn Syria - as he makes the epic journey from government insider to anarchist.'
At a loose(ish) end last pm I watched this:-

BBC Two - Performance Live: Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere

Be interested to hear if any Urbz saw the live Young Vic performance and how it compared with the TV version; the BBC stuff felt quite edited.
Setting aside Mason's rather wooden performance, I was most disturbed by the absence of any real focus on 2008, the apparent willingness to cast co-incidence as correlation and, worst of all, the conclusion that, faced with a revolutionary option, the Greek people 'bottled it'.
Posted this here as 'Louise Michel' opens the production.
Brilliant good performance we need more like that.
Must admit I'm no fan of Mason but that film of the play was great,Mason discovers anarchism, well sort of.
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