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Paul Barnes gone

In my time on the committee there was definitely a “need to know” basis for communication with supporters. Apart from the irregular fans forums, it tended to be a rather one-sided relationship communicating with fans when we needed to get them on board for the proposed ground developments or bums on seats at games. That hasn’t really changed despite the arrival of club personnel dedicated (and of course paid) to communicate. It’s something that needs to be addressed going. Now that I’m part of the committee set up with my women’s/nonbinary club, I’m seeing a whole different way of doing things where input is gathered from members (we have over 200) about everything from the leagues we play in to proposed sponsors to tours to the club nights we put on to raise funds to sustain the club. Not saying this is a route Dulwich Hamlet would or could go down but there’s definitely a model to ensure fan involvement & engagement.
It’s perhaps a route the Trust could consider going down if not the Club, in the short/medium term to guide their policy and Board voting and in the medium/long term to prepare for a fully fan-owned or 50+1 world where every decision was openly and democratically arrived at.
It’s perhaps a route the Trust could consider going down if not the Club, in the short/medium term to guide their policy and Board voting and in the medium/long term to prepare for a fully fan-owned or 50+1 world where every decision was openly and democratically arrived at.

Well I for one hope we never go down the route of a community ownership model where "every decision is openly and democratically arrived at". I am not sure you do either?! The whole point of electing a board and the board delegating responsibility is to allow decisions to be made without the need for that. Naturally, there are some issues that shouldn't be made public, not least playing budgets.

Major issues should of course be consulted upon. The club has done that. There was an open discussion after the showing of the funding scandal documentary on whether the club should take further legal action. Ultimately, it's a club board decision though. I would only hope that really major decisions (e.g. club identity, ground redevelopment support) or constitutional decisions would go to a membership vote.
Well I for one hope we never go down the route of a community ownership model where "every decision is openly and democratically arrived at". I am not sure you do either?! The whole point of electing a board and the board delegating responsibility is to allow decisions to be made without the need for that. Naturally, there are some issues that shouldn't be made public, not least playing budgets.

Major issues should of course be consulted upon. The club has done that. There was an open discussion after the showing of the funding scandal documentary on whether the club should take further legal action. Ultimately, it's a club board decision though. I would only hope that really major decisions (e.g. club identity, ground redevelopment support) or constitutional decisions would go to a membership vote.
Yeah we don’t need a vote on the colour of the paper clips (pink and blue, obvious).

But we do need more votes on more things. And a regular (quarterly?) forum for that would be good to establish (perhaps with online voting in the interim if things are more deadline pressing). Crouch should have gone to a vote for example. A sponsor policy could be made and could go to a vote, for example. And so on.
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Naturally, there are some issues that shouldn't be made public, not least playing budgets.
This is a very British thing, that fear of revealing what’s earned and what’s spent. Other countries have moved to publishing salaries to ensure parity of pay so why we’re so afraid of it in this country I’m not sure. If clubs were actually put in a position of revealing their playing budget (not salaries note) might help to alleviate these situations where clubs overspent and put their very existence in danger. That said judging by the gossip both here and that I’ve heard on terraces & in boardrooms down the years, even if some of them have been Chinese whispers there’s a hell of a lot more people aware of budgets than the powers that be suspect. It would also make comments like Barnes‘ more relevant. After all what’s the point of informing us of a 20% budget cut if most of us have no idea what it was in the first place and whether that was sustainable.
Yeah we don’t need a vote on the colour of the paper clips (pink and blue, obvious).

But we do need more votes on more things. And a regular (quarterly?) forum for that would be good to establish (perhaps with online voting in the interim if things are more deadline pressing). Crouch should have gone to a vote for example. A sponsor policy could be made and could go to a vote, for example. And so on.

Agree a quarterly forum on a set date, so people can put in diary would be great. I don't however think a sponsor policy should go to a membership vote. Views can be elicited from supporters, but ultimately it's a Board decision taking into account all factors.

I don't know the model of the current governance of the club, as I'm not a shareholder. I would expect a SGM could be called though, with resolutions if sufficient shareholding supports that move, in the event of a lack of confidence or serious objection to a particular issue.
In terms of governance, the company’s rules and regulations are available on Companies House within the published Articles of Association.
With the finances, there is some information within the company’s published accounts and The National League has to be provided with this information every quarter.
What level of detail would be acceptable? Overall playing budget? Or individual player salaries?
The club sets its budget based on maintaining a cash flow surplus and that budget constantly changes due to so many factors. Would people like to be advised every time it is adjusted? Do people want to see the monthly actual numbers against the budget?
On the question of sponsorship, I believe there is a mechanism whereby all major deals are scrutinised by a separate committee on which the Trust are strongly represented.
I am equally not convinced that making every decision subject to a fan vote is going to be efficient and has been tried without success elsewhere and would be totally impractical. Where does it start and end? Team selection? Appointment of a manager? Suitability of players? Or just broad budget setting?
I agree that there could be better communication but, in the defence of the board, the challenges they have faced over the last few years would have meant that there would need to have been a near running commentary of the challenges. Some of those challenges still exist and will never be overcome without the new stadium being delivered.
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Overall playing budget?
Or individual player salaries?
The club sets its budget based on maintaining a cash flow surplus and that budget constantly changes due to so many factors. Would people like to be advised every time it is adjusted?
Do people want to see the monthly actual numbers against the budget?
Team selection?
Appointment of a manager?
No, but a policy could be agreed with club value red lines.
Suitability of players?
No, but as above.
Or just broad budget setting?
I’m speaking specifically about the Trust here. But if the long term Club ownership strategy is 50+1 (or greater) Trust, as I think was stated somewhere as Ben and the Trust’s idea (I can’t find it now), then on that day we’d be in a world where the Trust would be running things.

In that world, given the Trust’s aims, you would expect greater transparency and democratic involvement, to a level to be determined - not paperclips but greater than we have now.

If it was me, and I knew that was coming, I’d be thinking that I didn’t want to put that transparency / democracy system in place the day I got to 50+1. I’d want to do it way beforehand so I had plenty of time to see what worked when it didn’t matter as much. You want to know what’s possible and helpful to share and not share, and vote on and not vote on. But you also want to understand more mundane things like meeting timing and frequency and how they fit in with your internal meetings - what days and times get best turnout, how long do you need between a quarterly update and your monthly Board for example.

There will never be an ideal time to start these things because all Clubs are constantly lurching from crisis to crisis but that’s not a reason to not start. In this instance, I’d suggest the Trust takes the lead, running a quarterly forum to take the views of its members on things it knows are coming up / have just come up at the club, and to present on its ongoing work and seek confirmatory approval where necessary. If Club financials etc can be presented so much the better. These meetings would then be the prototype for whatever follows in the 50+1 or whatever world.
I would be interested to see what models are used by other fan owned clubs as there should be a number of good models out there.

Also, it would be good to understand the level of engagement in Trust elections as I can’t find it anywhere. This is merely to understand what engagement levels there are at present and how representative those on the board are of the overall membership.
I would be interested to see what models are used by other fan owned clubs as there should be a number of good models out there.

Also, it would be good to understand the level of engagement in Trust elections as I can’t find it anywhere. This is merely to understand what engagement levels there are at present and how representative those on the board are of the overall membership.
AGM minutes are here and election results are announced therein but you’re right I don’t see a turnout figure. Come to think of it I don’t remember ever seeing one, but then my memory isn’t great for things like that so it may have been given. It may also have been stated on the night.

I would be interested to see what models are used by other fan owned clubs as there should be a number of good models out there.

Also, it would be good to understand the level of engagement in Trust elections as I can’t find it anywhere. This is merely to understand what engagement levels there are at present and how representative those on the board are of the overall membership.
Worth adding that whatever the turnout more people voted for Trust board members than for Peter Crouch.
I would be interested to see what models are used by other fan owned clubs as there should be a number of good models out there.
I'm a member at two other Trusts, long story. One is a fan owned semi pro club, the other a fan owned pro club. Both totally hand over day to day running to a board / committee and simply report back to members.

The semi pro club elects all members of the committee via their Trust. The pro club are relatively new in fan ownership and most of the board remained in situ at transfer - it had been planned for several years. The only director to change since then was a Trust representative, the Trust asked for applicants and nominated a candidate. This was put to the members for a confirmation vote. It should be noted this club has a turnover of several millions and the background of the directors reflects this. To date they are people used to dealing with budgets in the millions professionally or with a specialist knowledge such as health and safety. They aren't your standard Trust member like me.

Part of the monthly subs at the pro club is ring fenced for community work. If the Trust board approve an application for funding it always goes to the members for a confirmation vote. I get the same basic financial results as DHFC release publicly, no more.

Neither permit the standard Trust any day to day involvement in budget setting etc. I'm not even sure that would be viable as the members could vote in a bonkers budget and leave the Board legally responsible for the subsequent mess.

I'm sure there are other models but that's the two I am involved in.

Edited to say the semi pro club send out a weekly e-mail which informs members of players under a seven day approach, training elsewhere and so on. It's purely for information and not so members can offer an opinion.
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Interesting comments from Ben Clasper on the decision and timing to get rid of Barnes. Hayrettin apparently wasn’t a done deal at the time of writing.

Interesting comments from Ben Clasper on the decision and timing to get rid of Barnes. Hayrettin apparently wasn’t a done deal at the time of writing.

Quite like what he said in that to be fair other than the Barnes took over at a difficult time rubbish. Glad he’s grown some cojones and can make some big decisions.
Quite like what he said in that to be fair other than the Barnes took over at a difficult time rubbish. Glad he’s grown some cojones and can make some big decisions.

Tell me more about this…. 😀

“accurate performance monitoring model that tracks progress and a forecasting model that predicts outcomes”.

Must be borrowed off a financial advisor buddy.
Quite like what he said in that to be fair other than the Barnes took over at a difficult time rubbish. Glad he’s grown some cojones and can make some big decisions.
Replacing a manager who’s been in post over ten years, part way into the season, with five points from eight games… you don’t think that’s a difficult time…?
Interesting comments from Ben Clasper on the decision and timing to get rid of Barnes. Hayrettin apparently wasn’t a done deal at the time of writing.

The video interviews with Hakan suggest he was head hunted on Wednesday, while spending time in Cyprus with family members, and flew back the next morning to complete the appointment. It sounds like the whole thing was done and dusted inside 24 hours, immediately following the announcement of Barnesy leaving. Just as well he didn't turn us down!
In my time on the committee there was definitely a “need to know” basis for communication with supporters. Apart from the irregular fans forums, it tended to be a rather one-sided relationship communicating with fans when we needed to get them on board for the proposed ground developments or bums on seats at games. That hasn’t really changed despite the arrival of club personnel dedicated (and of course paid) to communicate. It’s something that needs to be addressed going. Now that I’m part of the committee set up with my women’s/nonbinary club, I’m seeing a whole different way of doing things where input is gathered from members (we have over 200) about everything from the leagues we play in to proposed sponsors to tours to the club nights we put on to raise funds to sustain the club. Not saying this is a route Dulwich Hamlet would or could go down but there’s definitely a model to ensure fan involvement & engagement.
I am sorry to hear you think that it 'hasn't really changed' that really surprises me, as a long term fan I can tell you I never heard from a chair or director of the club before I was involved with the club and so have done my best to communicate through every programme, at every match and in every meeting. I also run regular email and survey questions to gather input from our season ticket holders including examples very similar to your club, apologies if you have not received those. I hope we have reversed the 'need to know' attitudes by sharing everything asked of us. If there is more we need to do here, please let me know.
I am sorry to hear you think that it 'hasn't really changed' that really surprises me, as a long term fan I can tell you I never heard from a chair or director of the club before I was involved with the club and so have done my best to communicate through every programme, at every match and in every meeting. I also run regular email and survey questions to gather input from our season ticket holders including examples very similar to your club, apologies if you have not received those. I hope we have reversed the 'need to know' attitudes by sharing everything asked of us. If there is more we need to do here, please let me know.
Hi Ben - firstly, I very much appreciate you picking up and answering questions on here - especially at 1.30am in the morning after last night's result!

There are quite a few posts across the board that touch on communication from and to the club, but I'd imagine they'll be tough to find and navigate - so I'll start with a couple of areas that have caused personal frustration in recent seasons, and that I think several others feel a similar way about.

1 - Communication needs to start with the club and come back from the supporters as a reciprocal process and on as wide a scale as possible. As appreciated as your programme notes are, they're one way and don't invite response. Just as appreciated is your willingness to talk at matches when behind the goal, but I think you'd agree that that's not always the most suitable environment to address concerns and not everyone is going to feel comfortable doing that.

For me, there is a real need for regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club - arranged at good notice and to enable questions to be raised and appropriately responded to. Since the restrictions of the pandemic lifted there have been two such opportunities that I'm aware of - the fans forum announced at about a week's notice in April 2022, and a 20 minute Q&A after the open training session shortly after Paul Barnes was appointed in October 2022.

Considering the challenges and the change that the club has been through in that time, that's just not enough - I hope the opportunity to change that is something the club are willing to address on an ongoing basis.

2 - The extent of Peter Crouch's involvement with the club last season and his concurrent role as an ambassador for a major betting company is still an area that seems to have been largely ignored by the club.

At one point shortly after his appointment, on the Discord channel set up by a representative of the club, supporters were asked to submit questions for Peter Crouch to answer. Many questions were submitted, some of them addressing potentially challenging issues including his involvement with Paddy Power and how that seemed to completely conflict with the club's support for The Big Step. Those questions were ultimately never addressed, and it felt like the club became increasingly quiet on anything to do with Crouch and the documentary after making significant efforts to promote the association at the outset, including the launch event.

It may seem like a while ago, but for me it felt like the club weren't willing to address the valid concerns coming from Crouch's involvement with the club, whilst ignoring the difficult questions asked by the supporters after inviting them to be submitted. I feel like it would go a long way for the club to finally address those concerns and questions which were validly raised at the time.

I'd also add that the appointment of Tom Bale this season has seen a big improvement in communication overall, that probably also coincided with Gavin Rose leaving and Paul Barnes embracing the opportunities to give interviews and speak with the supporters directly - something Hakan Hayrettin seems to also want to do, which is encouraging.

I realise nothing is easy when there are priorities everywhere, but if ways to provide those regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club could be established, and the long standing concerns around Peter Crouch from last season could be addressed, I think the relationship between the club and the wider supporter base would greatly benefit.
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Hi Ben - firstly, I very much appreciate you picking up and answering questions on here - especially at 1.30am in the morning after last night's result!

There are quite a few posts across the board that touch on communication from and to the club, but I'd imagine they'll be tough to find and navigate - so I'll start with a couple of areas that have caused personal frustration in recent seasons, and that I think several others feel a similar way about.

1 - Communication needs to start with the club and come back from the supporters as a reciprocal process and on as wide a scale as possible. As appreciated as your programme notes are, they're one way and don't invite response. Just as appreciated is your willingness to talk at matches when behind the goal, but I think you'd agree that that's not always the most suitable environment to address concerns and not everyone is going to feel comfortable doing that.

For me, there is a real need for regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club - arranged at good notice and to enable questions to be raised and appropriately responded to. Since the restrictions of the pandemic lifted there have been two such opportunities that I'm aware of - the fans forum announced at about a week's notice in April 2022, and a 20 minute Q&A after the open training session shortly after Paul Barnes was appointed in October 2022.

Considering the challenges and the change that the club has been through in that time, that's just not enough - I hope the opportunity to change that is something the club are willing to address on an ongoing basis.

2 - The extent of Peter Crouch's involvement with the club last season and his concurrent role as an ambassador for a major betting company is still an area that seems to have been largely ignored by the club.

At one point shortly after his appointment, on the Discord channel set up by a representative of the club, supporters were asked to submit questions for Peter Crouch to answer. Many questions were submitted, some of them addressing potentially challenging issues including his involvement with Paddy Power and how that seemed to completely conflict with the club's support for The Big Step. Those questions were ultimately never addressed, and it felt like the club became increasingly quiet on anything to do with Crouch and the documentary after making significant efforts to promote the association at the outset, including the launch event.

It may seem like a while ago, but for me, it felt like the club weren't willing to address the valid concerns coming from Crouch's involvement with the club, whilst ignoring the difficult questions asked by the supporters after inviting them to be submitted. I feel like it would go a long way for the club to finally address those concerns and questions which were validly raised at the time.

I'd also add that the appointment of Tom Bale this season has seen a big improvement in communication, that probably also coincided with Gavin Rose leaving and Paul Barnes embracing the opportunities to give interviews and speak with the supporters directly - something Hakan Hayrettin seems to also want to do, which is encouraging.

I realise nothing is easy when there are priorities everywhere, but if ways to provide those regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club could be established, and the long standing concerns around Peter Crouch from last season could be addressed, I think the relationship between the club and the wider supporter base would greatly benefit.

Top notch post this. 😍
Hi Ben - firstly, I very much appreciate you picking up and answering questions on here - especially at 1.30am in the morning after last night's result!

There are quite a few posts across the board that touch on communication from and to the club, but I'd imagine they'll be tough to find and navigate - so I'll start with a couple of areas that have caused personal frustration in recent seasons, and that I think several others feel a similar way about.

1 - Communication needs to start with the club and come back from the supporters as a reciprocal process and on as wide a scale as possible. As appreciated as your programme notes are, they're one way and don't invite response. Just as appreciated is your willingness to talk at matches when behind the goal, but I think you'd agree that that's not always the most suitable environment to address concerns and not everyone is going to feel comfortable doing that.

For me, there is a real need for regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club - arranged at good notice and to enable questions to be raised and appropriately responded to. Since the restrictions of the pandemic lifted there have been two such opportunities that I'm aware of - the fans forum announced at about a week's notice in April 2022, and a 20 minute Q&A after the open training session shortly after Paul Barnes was appointed in October 2022.

Considering the challenges and the change that the club has been through in that time, that's just not enough - I hope the opportunity to change that is something the club are willing to address on an ongoing basis.

2 - The extent of Peter Crouch's involvement with the club last season and his concurrent role as an ambassador for a major betting company is still an area that seems to have been largely ignored by the club.

At one point shortly after his appointment, on the Discord channel set up by a representative of the club, supporters were asked to submit questions for Peter Crouch to answer. Many questions were submitted, some of them addressing potentially challenging issues including his involvement with Paddy Power and how that seemed to completely conflict with the club's support for The Big Step. Those questions were ultimately never addressed, and it felt like the club became increasingly quiet on anything to do with Crouch and the documentary after making significant efforts to promote the association at the outset, including the launch event.

It may seem like a while ago, but for me it felt like the club weren't willing to address the valid concerns coming from Crouch's involvement with the club, whilst ignoring the difficult questions asked by the supporters after inviting them to be submitted. I feel like it would go a long way for the club to finally address those concerns and questions which were validly raised at the time.

I'd also add that the appointment of Tom Bale this season has seen a big improvement in communication overall, that probably also coincided with Gavin Rose leaving and Paul Barnes embracing the opportunities to give interviews and speak with the supporters directly - something Hakan Hayrettin seems to also want to do, which is encouraging.

I realise nothing is easy when there are priorities everywhere, but if ways to provide those regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club could be established, and the long standing concerns around Peter Crouch from last season could be addressed, I think the relationship between the club and the wider supporter base would greatly benefit.
Agreed. We’ll set up a regular forum with sufficient notice.
Hi Ben - firstly, I very much appreciate you picking up and answering questions on here - especially at 1.30am in the morning after last night's result!

There are quite a few posts across the board that touch on communication from and to the club, but I'd imagine they'll be tough to find and navigate - so I'll start with a couple of areas that have caused personal frustration in recent seasons, and that I think several others feel a similar way about.

1 - Communication needs to start with the club and come back from the supporters as a reciprocal process and on as wide a scale as possible. As appreciated as your programme notes are, they're one way and don't invite response. Just as appreciated is your willingness to talk at matches when behind the goal, but I think you'd agree that that's not always the most suitable environment to address concerns and not everyone is going to feel comfortable doing that.

For me, there is a real need for regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club - arranged at good notice and to enable questions to be raised and appropriately responded to. Since the restrictions of the pandemic lifted there have been two such opportunities that I'm aware of - the fans forum announced at about a week's notice in April 2022, and a 20 minute Q&A after the open training session shortly after Paul Barnes was appointed in October 2022.

Considering the challenges and the change that the club has been through in that time, that's just not enough - I hope the opportunity to change that is something the club are willing to address on an ongoing basis.

2 - The extent of Peter Crouch's involvement with the club last season and his concurrent role as an ambassador for a major betting company is still an area that seems to have been largely ignored by the club.

At one point shortly after his appointment, on the Discord channel set up by a representative of the club, supporters were asked to submit questions for Peter Crouch to answer. Many questions were submitted, some of them addressing potentially challenging issues including his involvement with Paddy Power and how that seemed to completely conflict with the club's support for The Big Step. Those questions were ultimately never addressed, and it felt like the club became increasingly quiet on anything to do with Crouch and the documentary after making significant efforts to promote the association at the outset, including the launch event.

It may seem like a while ago, but for me it felt like the club weren't willing to address the valid concerns coming from Crouch's involvement with the club, whilst ignoring the difficult questions asked by the supporters after inviting them to be submitted. I feel like it would go a long way for the club to finally address those concerns and questions which were validly raised at the time.

I'd also add that the appointment of Tom Bale this season has seen a big improvement in communication overall, that probably also coincided with Gavin Rose leaving and Paul Barnes embracing the opportunities to give interviews and speak with the supporters directly - something Hakan Hayrettin seems to also want to do, which is encouraging.

I realise nothing is easy when there are priorities everywhere, but if ways to provide those regular, structured, club-led opportunities for the supporters to communicate with the club could be established, and the long standing concerns around Peter Crouch from last season could be addressed, I think the relationship between the club and the wider supporter base would greatly benefit.
Thanks to Ben Clasper and AveryDave for the initial response and that very succinct response which has definitely addressed the majority of the concerns on the communication side of things. After the Discord debacle hopefully we can move forward and start discussing supporter concerns from a position of mutual respect.
I am sorry to hear you think that it 'hasn't really changed' that really surprises me, as a long term fan I can tell you I never heard from a chair or director of the club before I was involved with the club and so have done my best to communicate through every programme, at every match and in every meeting. I also run regular email and survey questions to gather input from our season ticket holders including examples very similar to your club, apologies if you have not received those. I hope we have reversed the 'need to know' attitudes by sharing everything asked of us. If there is more we need to do here, please let me know.

It's a hundred times better Ben.

I think the one thing that could be added is a quarterly forum/social with a set date, so we all know when it is and can go in diaries. I think the week or two notice is not enough for some.

Small thing, the programme notes are fine with me and great you put time into doing them. However, attention poor people may miss important info as the headline is often too mundane, i.e. programme notes. The headline perhaps needs to draw people in? Funding update, ground update, the league are twats again update.
It's a hundred times better Ben.

I think the one thing that could be added is a quarterly forum/social with a set date, so we all know when it is and can go in diaries. I think the week or two notice is not enough for some.

Small thing, the programme notes are fine with me and great you put time into doing them. However, attention poor people may miss important info as the headline is often too mundane, i.e. programme notes. The headline perhaps needs to draw people in? Funding update, ground update, the league are twats again update.
Good point, I don't write a headline for them as I just follow the format John Lawrence has given me for the programme but will add a headline. Might need someone to explain to John why it is acceptable for twats to be in the headline though.
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