Why is Network Rail behaving in such a cut throat way? They don’t have regular shareholders to enrich like a normal private company, but we have been told that they have a duty to maximise profits so as to reduce the cost of rail fares i.e. to subsidise rail fares through profit on real estate. However, rail fares should be subsidised by the government because of the environmental benefits of rail travel over car use. Brixton High Street is one of the most polluted streets in the UK. So where does this apparent duty to maximise profits on real estate come from? A Tory government leaning on them, or legal provision in the company’s constitution?
To try and get an answer I searched the company’s Memorandum of Association at Companies House but couldn’t find any such requirement. A requirement to follow the provisions of the Railways Act 1993 was given, but when I took a look at that I couldn’t see any provision that would cover such a cross subsidy. The following is the only paragraph on behaviour towards society in general that I could find in the company's Memorandum of Association:
“4.30 To have regard to the protection of buildings and other objects of historic, architectural or other significance when formulating or implementing proposals and more generally to participate in, manage and co-operate in projects or works designed to restore, preserve, improve or protect the environment."
Evictions and massive rent hikes won’t improve the cultural environment of Brixton. It seems pretty clear to me that they are just acting as a poodle of Tory government policy to commercialise the whole of our society with profit maximisation as the be all and end all, as in the way that the NHS is being pushed. Quality of life does not come in to the equation. The directors have only one knighthood amongst them. Perhaps they are seeking a few more, or seats in the House of Lords.
So far only 6 people have commented on the planning application. A reminder that you can find it at:
Simple Search
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The 'Statutory Expiry Date' is Wednesday 13th April 2016, presumably the deadline for comments, but that should be checked as to its meaning.