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One hit wonders that you still love

Men at Work - Down Under. Remember thinking the video with them in the desert eating muesli was brilliant when i was seven!
Men at Work - Down Under. Remember thinking the video with them in the desert eating muesli was brilliant when i was seven!
Don't count really. They followed up with Overkill which made top 30, 22 I think, and was featured effectively in a Scrubs episode. I liked them. They were on my schoolbag.
My Sharona - The Knack

Turning Japanese - The Vapors

99 Red Balloons - Nena

Gordon Is A Moran - Jilted John (Heh!)
Voyage, Voyage - Desireless
First Picture of You - The Lotus Eaters
Rip It Up - Orange Juice
Broken Land - The Adventures
Plastic Bertrand - Ca Plane Pour Moi

bought that, but I think he had another top 40 hit
My Sharona - The Knack

Turning Japanese - The Vapors

99 Red Balloons - Nena

Gordon Is A Moran - Jilted John (Heh!)

Jilted john, by Jilted John, with a good b/side, Going Steady, bought the Vapors and the Knack too, and 99 red balloons

Nena and her underarm air - :oops:
I love Billie Ray Martin...but she was a two hit wonder (Electribe 101's Talking With Myself).

Anyway, the best one hit wonder was Rosie Vela - Magic Smile

I still love that song and play it every summer without fail....and oh, the magic is there when you smile, just like a Hollywood child...
Abandon Ship by April Showers. A 12" I gave away which is apparently hugely collectable these days. Not a particularly brilliant tune, just particularly brilliantly produced.

Kardomah Cafe by The Cherry Boys. Still have 12" red vinyl in storage somewhere. Very simple, very beautiful pop song.
Fontella Bass - Rescue Me
Dr Feelgood - Milk and Alcohol
Members - sound of the suburbs
Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight
Westworld - Sonic Boom Boy
La's There She goes
Harry J Allstars - liquidator
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