over the weekend:
Greenday - International Super Hits
Classic Rock - The First Cut Is The Deepest
Justice - Cross
Classic Rock Presents Powerage Records 2
Today: Hard-Fi - Star Of CCTV
found I kind of like them, they've gone from bordering on a guilty pleasure to yeah they're alright.
def non-essential and unoriginal but good at what they do.
Hard To Beat now sounds like it's about wanking
The Soft Boys - Invisible Hits still about this, again am getting a strong "look at me! look at me! I know a lot of Dylan and all about Syd Barrett' vibe from Robyn.
v/a - John Peel : Right Time, Wrong Speed 1977-1987
eta: cd one only, think I'll leave disc 2 til later today (after sleep).
got it on shuffle
Killing Joke - Pssyche sounds beyond amazing
Roadrunner sounds like another version again, but it's not, just sounds better here than on other comps (crappy mixing/mastering elsewhere or the difference a decent set of headphones makes?)it's the "I feel alive, I feel alone" non organ version.
Just Like Honey suddenly sounds perfect in a way it never quite has before @ five o'clock in the morning - combo of that & listening on headphones
fuck. O Superman is making total sense, can feel how much it influenced bands like Postal Service etc./that style/genre
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