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olympic font

wayward bob

i ate all your bees
where THE FUCK did they manage to find a font uglier and more moronic than comic sans?

does it have a name? a designer? i feel a lifetime's naming&shaming coming on...
All the branding for the olympics is hideous.

Who the fuck decided those weird cyclops things would make great mascots?!
The font is called 2012 headline and the designer is Gareth Hague of Alias, should you want someone to blame.
gareth hague. ohhhh gareth, gareth hague :(

thank you, he deserves an entry in every typography textbook to be published from now on.
NO commitment to smearing the careers of piss-poor designers sheo *shakes head sadly* none at all :(

is that the olympic spirit? :mad:
The O is special cos it stands for Olympics.

Also it is one of these

It's worth pointing out that accessibility issues were probably fairly near the top of the agenda when designing it. Say what you like Comic Sans, but dyslexics love it.
did you hear about the higgs boson presentation they did in comic sans? :D

and yeah i get the accessibility thing which is cool, but surely it's possible to design something that is not only legible but also NOT butt-ugly? it hurts my eyes :(
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