Treacle Toes
Aye, he's one hell of an orator. Now, if he can walk the walk too...
Near on impossible I fear...
Aye, he's one hell of an orator. Now, if he can walk the walk too...
Hes soooo dreamy
His speech is still laden with rhetoric though.
His speech is still laden with rhetoric though.
Apparently his chief speechwriter is just 27.
His speech is still laden with rhetoric though.
Tbh, it reminds me a lot of the old-style oration I used to hear as a kid. Most politicians these days sound as if their reading from a phone book when they make a speech.
Apparently his chief speechwriter is just 27.
Rhetoric is pretty essential for a good speech.
Apparently his chief speechwriter is just 27.
West Wing isn't real, Balbi.
High five!Minority candidate runs against old dude. Minority candidate wins
Spoken like a true socialist
HE lost that nerviousness the minute he started this speech, incredible!
Spoken like a true socialist
He moves me