4.5 hours
cook some up the night before, bring it in in a tupperware box with a couple of slices of buttered bread, whack it in the microwave for 30 secs at work, slap a bit of brown sauce you've brought in on, job done. Almost nicer than fresh imo.
no, nope, i just don't believe it. i simply refuse to believe that you, of all people, use tupperware (except as some kind of drugs storage thing)
yes but Yetman isn't the tupperware type... or at least i didn't think he was!
I got three 500ml bottles of free balsamic vinegar the other day.
Searched about online and seem to be £15-£20 a bottle which is nice
yes but Yetman isn't the tupperware type... or at least i didn't think he was!
No way man, I wrap my hot bacon in tinfoil and then put it in my pants to keep me warm on the way to work - badgers just looks like the tupperware type hence the suggestion.
Tupperware types - can spot em a mile off
Do you like being called Sojjy?
why did you ask?
Because I assumed that you would hate it. Most rational (not that you are rational) people would hate to be called Sojjy I reckon. Not because it is a bit like 'soggy' or anything of course. Neither because of the third image that comes up when you do a Google image search on 'Sojjy' with the safe search turned off.
i just hate it because it sounds fucking stupid, and doesn't roll off the tongue very well.
did that search - blimey! yes - a million miles away from Sojourner Truth
I can't get it out of my head now
Any chance of you arranging a similar pose for us as my imagination is running wild?
Beggars can't be choosers