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Notting Hill Carnival

init, the fuckers would still put on the helmet and beat people watching if told

how are your ears littleseb?
I remember when i destroyed my ears at Valve - took 5 days or so to stop the ringing, but it went away eventually, and the next year was not up to scratch but recovered over time (i think :hmm:)
Hearing does not recover. Once those cells are dead, they're dead. Your brain can compensate to some extent, filling in for lost frequencies by extrapolating the harmonics, but hearing damage is permanent.
Hearing does not recover. Once those cells are dead, they're dead. Your brain can compensate to some extent, filling in for lost frequencies by extrapolating the harmonics, but hearing damage is permanent.
Im sure you're right, but I had a thing where any loud noises (particularly sirens) were REALLY painful. Thats passed at least.
I did that youtube test posted about hearing loss in the bandwidth wasting thread - im a little under 50 supposedly :( blatantly will need a hearing aid when im older
how are your ears littleseb?
I remember when i destroyed my ears at Valve - took 5 days or so to stop the ringing, but it went away eventually, and the next year was not up to scratch but recovered over time (i think :hmm:)

A lot better, back to normal I dare say. Shanti really was very loud. Trouble is I like it very loud, I thoroughly enjoyed standing right by the stack all day. Only when I got home I realised that I might have pushed my ears a bit too much. The ringing was worrying me. Had to take a couple of days off the loud music, so I didn't venture back to the Carnival on Monday and skipped the after party I was meant to go to.
Think I might get myself some proper ear plugs.....
wonder how badly I damaged my ears then....
Wear headphones and listen to this:

Skip to about the 3 minute mark. If you hear the tone fading out or panning side to side at points in the 3-8kHz range, then you know you have some noise-induced hearing loss.
Skip to about the 3 minute mark. If you hear the tone fading out or panning side to side at points in the 3-8kHz range, then you know you have some noise-induced hearing loss.

thanks, will give it a go when I'm home. although I don't know if I really want to know :hmm:
We just went on Sunday, were based at Solution/Jah Observer in the afternoon, they were on good form as usual... but for some reason I wasn't really feeling it, perhaps because I'd been for a run that morning and forgot to rehydrate, hence was having a dip in energy by the afernoon.

Highlights: Chris Ranks working the crowd shamelessly, a (fairly stocky) geezer dressed as a Smurf, another feller coming to Carnival with his parrot (big f--ing macaw on his arm). Lowlights: none really, although I did get bitten by a nervous squirrel in Kensington Gardens afterwards.

ska invita and everyone, we should have some sort of Urban reggae meet-up!

littleseb, hope your ears are ok now.
Residents complain about the 'noisiest ever' Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill celebrity residents have complained about the “loudest ever” carnival after writer Rachel Johnson revealed her sitting room ceiling fell in following two days of “ear splitting decibels.”

The Mayor’s sister, who has lived in Notting Hill for 20 years, said that noise levels have reached intolerable levels in recent years as floats with traditional steel bands have been replaced by vast mobile spound [sic] systems.

The ceiling came down in the early hours of Wednesday morning two days after the end of the carnival following exposure to “pimped-up sound systems called things like Far Too Loud and Rampage?”...

the plastering of the ceiling in my home collapsed once for no reason - narrowly missed falling on the head of ms invita - nothing to do with noise, just part of old victorian properties

"“pimped-up sound systems called things like Far Too Loud and Rampage?” lol

What a family those Johnson's are....
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Haven't checked BBC London for a few years now, seem to think their coverage was much reduced than it was a decade ago - especially with the all-dayer Good Times broadcasts (I still have some recordings somewhere, I'll hunt them out and upload). Never checked 1xtra's coverage.

Good Times at Carnival BBC London broadcast 2003 (288MB)
Good Times at Carnival BBC London broadcast 2004 (250MB)


(dunno if depositfiles is any good - I tried to put them on my mediafire but its limited to 200MB uploads :mad:)
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