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Notting Hill Carnival

Hmmm.... had a great day yesterday but also strained my ankle and punctured my foot. To go or not to go today. I hear pineapple tribe are rather good.
Have a great time all, beautiful day for it. We're not going now, not :( about that tho' as we have a great day ahead which will include the Carnival spirit of good music, good people, good food and plenty of Rum.
Spent the day at Aba Shanti I yesterday, was great but I think I might have finally done some damage to my hearing. Tinitus like noise in my right ear, hearing in left ear is pretty much gone. Feels well drowsy. I hope it will get better in the next few days.
Will have to give my ears a rest today, but whoever's out there - have a great day!!
It's really nice out, hotter than yesterday which was also really nice, but I'm quite glad I went yesterday as well because I'd forgotten how incredibly rammed it gets on the Monday.
Had an awesome day yesterday. Bit of Aba Shanti and a couple of others. Finally got to bed at 5am and left everyone too it in the front room. Woke at 12 and they were still going.

Have turned into a hungover grump now though. Trying to have a kip but some bastard has decided to sit outside with a fucking plastic horn :D
Top day! Channel One and Solution Sound were vibes as usual! Digital Soundboy havin' it! Don't think I've really checked Pineapple Tribe before but they were dropping some heavy breaks/d'n'b when we got down there and it got us all jumping! :cool:

Ventured down All Saints Rd at one point and my god it was rammed like I've never seen! :eek:




Mate had an enjoyable first carnival too - and he supplied me in stripe and spliffs throughout the day! :cool: :D
Spent the day at Aba Shanti I yesterday, was great but I think I might have finally done some damage to my hearing. Tinitus like noise in my right ear, hearing in left ear is pretty much gone. Feels well drowsy. I hope it will get better in the next few days.
Will have to give my ears a rest today, but whoever's out there - have a great day!!
Yeah I remember ringo complaining about Aba playing too loud and destroying ear drums...
I was at Aba all day today, arrived at 2pm (a new personal best!), happy to be welcomed in with prince jamo's sheep to the shepherd playing.

The other day I wrote a post about Aba's self control in holding back the bass and generally developing the sound over a session - today the first hour or so the bass sounded not good, distorting even - then it went normal for a time, then that extra sub level got wheeled out, and the last hours was the usual earthquake. I wonder if that distortion early on was on purpose? Impressive if so!

Standing in the sweet spot between the three stacks it really was sounding immaculate - but a couple of times i strayed nearer a particular stack (but still some distance from it) and i quickly backed away as it felt dangerously ear drum flappingly loud. Anyone standing near one of those without ear plugs will have done some damage I think. Hope you're okay littleseb.

I see the logic in doing Sunday just old tunes and Monday just new, but I was really hungry for a few foundation tunes in the first couple of hours, I found it a bit much just going in to the new from the off - that said by about 4pm I was jumping.

I got talking to someone on the tube back, a soul boy whose been going to carnival and particularly Good Times for years who was complaining that Norman is getting way too safe and predictable with his selection, and even repeating much of a set he played the previous year. I remember him in the past playing some tunes I thought were pretty obscure and always being shocked how everyone knew the words - that was still in the Giant 45 days though, where he could "teach" tunes to the regular listeners.

I popped in to GT for 5 mins on the way to Aba Shanti, looks like a spanking new sound theyve brought in, but sad to see that The Wall was closed off - the wall crew was the spot for the real hardcore GT faithful.

What did people think, was it busier than usual? Much more of a squeeze at Aba Shanti than I remember it.
Morning all....Ouch is what my head says :D but it was well worth it.

Ending up going alone yesterday as a pal pulled out at the last minute. No drama, can rave alone, meet new people etc so I did.
ska invita I stupidly forgot to make a note of your number from here so short of walking around asking randoms who fit your description if their name is **** I had little chance saying hi to you at Aba, sorry! :D

I could not stay too close to the stack myself as my eardrums would have started bleeding and yes it was more ram than I remember it in past year. Had a good dance anyway and returned to GT again which was equally doing it for me. Can't fault the crowd/vibe anywhere this year apart from the crushy bits!

steph, at one point I entertained the idea of heading down to see if I could find you and say hello but the crowds and my inability to pass any system which was playing tunes put paid to that. Another time, I hope :)
steph, at one point I entertained the idea of heading down to see if I could find you and say hello but the crowds and my inability to pass any system which was playing tunes put paid to that. Another time, I hope :)

We really must meet up soon @Rutita1! (I tried to get to Whitecross St this year but had family engagements - next year?!). Really was difficult to get around in places - not helped by a usual tiny minority of people steaming their way through despite a crush. But otherwise good vibes all around. I kinda felt on tour guide duties with my mate who hadn't been before too otherwise would have tried to meet (goes for @ska invita too).

Roll on next year! Aba Shanti calls!
The cleaners were out in force last night. After it had died down I was drifting off to sleep and then boom, along came the army of bin trucks and sweeping machines. That combined with day two of my hangover has made me a grumpy bastard :D
Well I came away pretty unscathed....a minor hangover, £100 ticket for Section 5 Public Order Act and a few cuffs marks.

Good day!

Aba Shanti was sounding lush.
Well I came away pretty unscathed....a minor hangover, £100 ticket for Section 5 Public Order Act and a few cuffs marks.

Were you winding up police men? :hmm: :D

Still gutted I couldnt go, my usual accomplice still went and had a good time though he went with a newbie who thought Aba Shanti was 'too slow and too loud' :confused: :D we usually spend most of the day there.

Perhaps next year we can try to organise some kind of Aba Shanti urban spot for a meet up?

Im always surprised at how rammed it is and how little that leads to aggro, I think its because the atmosphere is always good, people are smiley and friendly and no-one wants bad things happening.

see you next year!
One thing I don't understand is why it isn't covered more, e.g. the BBC are all over Glastonbury every year. It would be fantastic to have proper coverage of it.
One thing I don't understand is why it isn't covered more, e.g. the BBC are all over Glastonbury every year. It would be fantastic to have proper coverage of it.
i could live without that I think! Coverage on the radio is fine, but no video please :oops:
BBC London occasionally have streamed Good Times.
Too many people at carnival as it is - BBC coverage will just make it worse I think

Nice scenes at CH1

Due to my five month old daughter, I could only go on the Sunday (complicated bargaining means that I probably have to babysit for a week now). Seemed less crowded than normal (even for a Sunday). I will be taking her on a Sunday in 3-4 years time, even though I'll probably have to carry her for most of the time.

Had a bit of a rum related WTF?!?!? moment when I heard when moving through a dancehall soundsystem.

Also has there been some sort of 4/4 bumpy garage revival because I heard *alot* of that.

*eta* only 100 arrests. That's flipping good, that's one arrest per 10,000 people.
i could live without that I think! Coverage on the radio is fine, but no video please :oops:
BBC London occasionally have streamed Good Times.
Too many people at carnival as it is - BBC coverage will just make it worse I think
I do agree, I just used BBC as an e.g - I kind of mean I wish I could watch Aba Shanti or other systems for a good hour session or something like that.
One thing I don't understand is why it isn't covered more, e.g. the BBC are all over Glastonbury every year. It would be fantastic to have proper coverage of it.

I seem to recall probably late 90s there being 30 minutes or so highlights programme once, but apart from that, I can't remember any coverage on telly, certainly not live.

Haven't checked BBC London for a few years now, seem to think their coverage was much reduced than it was a decade ago - especially with the all-dayer Good Times broadcasts (I still have some recordings somewhere, I'll hunt them out and upload). Never checked 1xtra's coverage.

Nice scenes at CH1


I do agree, I just used BBC as an e.g - I kind of mean I wish I could watch Aba Shanti or other systems for a good hour session or something like that.
I'll keep my eyes peeled Numbers ;) The whole of Digital Soundboy was videoed (see post above) - might check out Shy FX's jungle set, but its probably just Jungle HIts Vol1 which is fun if you're there, less so if you're not
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