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NFTs - digital art or something.

I just went to an nft website. Starting price seems to be 800 dollars for some cartoon pictures.
Jokes on them. I took some screendumps.
Thinking I might rent myself out somewhere where I can talk about the world before the internet and the mistakes that were ignored.

“I don't know of any other space that this kind of interaction could have happened”

“When I first bought the ape, I was like, ‘This guy represents everything I love and want to be,’” he explains. It was the “embodiment of myself and my dreams.”

“It’s worrying that this is how millions will discover the NFT space,” he says. “It trivializes the technology as a toy for rich people who have run out of things to buy.”

The whole thing is just fucking insane
there's a story going round claiming the bored ape yacht club guys are secret neo-nazis... it has to join a lot of dots, but there's also a lot of dots there so maybe it could be true.
there's a story going round claiming the bored ape yacht club guys are secret neo-nazis... it has to join a lot of dots, but there's also a lot of dots there so maybe it could be true.
Yeah, this is the thing putting it all together:

It does feel quite Pepe Silvia a lot of the time, but then again 4chan Evola fanboy types do really like those sorts of silly games so hard to say either way. The theory that they chose "Gordon Goner" as an anagram of "Drongo Negro" seems a bit far-fetched to me, but then the official explanation that they chose it to sound like Joey Ramone is also pretty implausible?
This bit does make it sound like there's something going on:

But then again I suppose you can't really give an interview where you just go "we wanted to see if mugs would pay silly money for some shit drawings of monkeys".
Why sell a thing once when you can also sell the idea that a position on a blockchain has something to do with it?


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Another bunch making NFTs for stuff they don't own or have permission for, just lifting albums off spotify: Site Defends Selling Music As NFTs Without The Artists' Permission

Funniest thing is that the NFT Is just a link to the spotify album page. It's fucking hilarious in some ways, but also just shows how shitty this world is.
Apparently they included some disney stuff though so they are toast.
They claim they pay the artists but reading a thread on reddit there are plenty who had no idea their music was being sold as NFTs by this lot.
Another bunch making NFTs for stuff they don't own or have permission for, just lifting albums off spotify: Site Defends Selling Music As NFTs Without The Artists' Permission

Funniest thing is that the NFT Is just a link to the spotify album page. It's fucking hilarious in some ways, but also just shows how shitty this world is.
Apparently they included some disney stuff though so they are toast.
They claim they pay the artists but reading a thread on reddit there are plenty who had no idea their music was being sold as NFTs by this lot.
"It's on the chaaaiiiin Bro" plus "It's Bayta"
If they're non-fungible how are people selling them? Seems like the sort of thing that would count as fraud if anyone, anywhere gave a shit about the sort of moron who would pay for such a thing being ripped off.

Sorry for being thick..what exactly does fungible mean?
Sorry for being thick..what exactly does fungible mean?
A fungible asset is one whose component pieces are indistinguishable and interchangeable. One USD is just as good as another. An ounce of gold is the same as any other ounce of gold. Grains of rice, barrels of oil etc. Non fungible assets include things like classic cars and fine art.
The fungibility aspect with some of this crap eg hirst means that you can have either an actual print sent through the post or a digital token saying you own a copy of the print. At some point you have to make a decision as to what you want, so either the print gets shredded or the token gets deleted

It’s utter wank
I am surprised how many people in the music world are taking them seriously. would dismiss them all as money-grabbers but some small indie outfits getting involved seems a bit weird. but I guess hype and money still.
I am surprised how many people in the music world are taking them seriously. would dismiss them all as money-grabbers but some small indie outfits getting involved seems a bit weird. but I guess hype and money still.
I think some artists are just keen on finding ways to make money off their art now they can't via traditional means. This certainly isn't it, but you can't really blame people for trying it out.
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Buyer of "Pepe the Frog" NFT files US$500,000 lawsuit after creator releases identical NFTs for free​

trolololol ... given the alt right nature of pepe the frog, I'm sure this couldn't happen to a better person. Will be fun to watch this go through the courts (or not)

Buyer of "Pepe the Frog" NFT files US$500,000 lawsuit after creator releases identical NFTs for free​

trolololol ... given the alt right nature of pepe the frog, I'm sure this couldn't happen to a better person. Will be fun to watch this go through the courts (or not)

I wonder how this is going to work, given that the images aren't actually a functional part of the NFT as I understand it. There's a bit within the NFT code that can point to an external host of the image, but that host is perfectly free to stop hosting the image or replace it with a picture of their genitals or whatever. If they're on the same blockchain, then they're gonna have a different serial number (or whatever) and can thus be distinguished that way. If they're on different blockchains (e.g. Ethereum vs non-Ethereum), then it could be argued that they're separate on that basis.

Then of course there's the stone-cold fact that it's trivial to create an NFT and that's a risk that anyone buying NFTs implicitly takes when they sink absurd amounts of money into this kind of fucking stupid shit.

Buyer of "Pepe the Frog" NFT files US$500,000 lawsuit after creator releases identical NFTs for free​

trolololol ... given the alt right nature of pepe the frog, I'm sure this couldn't happen to a better person. Will be fun to watch this go through the courts (or not)
It’s almost as if these people are a bit fucking stupid.
I don’t see much wrong with NFTs, aside from the debate about intellectual property rights. It’s no different than music ownership with music also being a product which has no physical form. Why this happening to digital art is causing some kind of storm is perplexing tbh.
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