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NFTs - digital art or something.

I really can't work out what these actually are. Is it sort of like a one off commemorative coin but the coin's on a blockchain?
My current, certainly ill-informed and very possibly incorrect, understanding is it's a way to 'prove' you 'own' the original digital file of something. For example, it might be the file that your camera saved when you took the photo/video, or it might be the specific file that you worked on in Paint to create your masterpiece.

Point is it's the 'original' file that was first created, not one from an attachment, or saved off the web.

I think :hmm:

For reasons I also haven't looked into, the creation of these certificates or whatever also uses an enormous amount of processing power, which needs an equally enormous amount of energy, so many people believe it's a real climate change/sustainability issue too.
I don't really understand what NFTs are either, but I gather they are very, very valuable.

Fortunately I have a quite a few of them, so I'm open to offers.

The London Bridge NFT is an especially good bargain. Yours for a mere £100,000...
I don't think whoever named them actually knows what "fungible" means. If something is non-fungible then surely that should mean you can't make money off it, right?

Yet whenever the subject of NFTs comes up, the focus almost always seems to be on the enormous value of the damn things. I'm guessing that "non-fungible" means you can't sell it on? So what's the point, again? "Ooooh, I have a unique digital token that I paid millions for and can't do anything with, look at meeeeeeee"

I think anyone rich enough to even consider wasting such sums of money for so little gain, has to be infested with capitalist brainworms.
Just had to really restrain myself from bursting out in laughter in the middle of a zoom meeting when seeing this:
There's a good podcast ep on this phenominum, in particular the especially shite Bored Apes Yacht Club, on Qanon Anonymous podcast.

Posted this in the bitcoin thread but might be more relevant here. NFTs are covered.
If they're non-fungible how are people selling them? Seems like the sort of thing that would count as fraud if anyone, anywhere gave a shit about the sort of moron who would pay for such a thing being ripped off.
But they're not non fungible. NFTs are not themselves stored on the blockchain. Only pointers are. Change the pointer, change the token. Moxie details all this in the article I posted above.
Over 2 hours. Is there a summary? Is it worth it?
I watched it this morning, I found it very interesting. It didn't feel like 2 hours. The first 1/2 hour is about bitcoin and Ethereum and then moves on to NFTs.

As well as flat earth he did a critique of Fifty Shades of Grey both the book and film and again really interesting. That's what his copy of the Grey book is referencing in this video.
Yeah its hard to summarize a video that long other than "so NFT's are for tech-bros and are inherently about scamming the roobs but also be aware that this is the future corporations would love to have - a world where every transaction, every item, every tweet and jpeg is tagged and non-fungible."

Theres 2 hours of stuff in there but it didn't feel like it was two hours.
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