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new stuff in streatham

i don't know if it's new or if it's been there forever, but has anyone been to the kennedy's fish n chip shop? it looks well tasty.

and the fishmongers a few doors down looks good too. 3 bream or sea bass for £10! anyone been to that too?

Yes, it's expensive, but huge portions. So large that I couldn't finish my fish and chips, which as I'm a greedy glutton very rarely happens. It's good enough to justify the long queue snaking out of it on a Friday night...

On a different note. As a new Streatham resident, I'm really liking that bakers at the north end of the high street, way past Streatham Hill station. Large Iranian flatbreads (so good that my nephew has informed us that every time we visit we *have* to bring some) for 80p a loaf.

I also like the halal butchers/deli near St Leonard's church. Their merguez are excellent, and very good value.

what other food places should I be checking (I've been to the cup cake place, cup cakes nice, but it's expensive)
Spotted a new(ish?) bakery opposite Streatham station - is it any good?
Right, thanks for that. Used to buy bread once a week at the Turkish bakery - until it got a bit too oniony at the times of day when I could get there. *adds yeast to the list*

BTW welcome back.

As nobody's tried the place, you'll have to be the guinea pig and report back

Oh, how nice of someone to notice I haven't been here :D

Nobody else did. :mad:
oh whilst it's not new, I've discovered that there is a branch of Whitechapel's finest Lahore Kebab House, at the bottom of Streatham high road. Which may well cause death by lamb chop for me.
Seeing this thread up top I thought it'd be someone lauding the new Pratts & Payne pub on the high road. Opened last week, run by Antic pubs. A nod to the past in the name, after Pratts (dept store) and (Cynthia) Payne...

A welcome additions to Streatham - this actually feels like a 'local' in the way we've been missing (Leigham Arms & Ferrer excepted). Great selection of beers (7 iirc) including Jaipur (at £3.20), couple of Adnams and Harvey's ales, Doom Bar. A 'Devon Cloudy' cider on tap and Fruli strawberry beer.

Decor is a mixture of vintage pieces, tbales and chairs with some comfy and sofas, too often this is done wrong but they seem to have got it right. Friendly staff, kitchen is "opening soon", but pork pies on offer currently (am veggie so can't report back!) - all in all 8/10 - I've been back twice since it opened, which is more than I can say for the Manor Arms...
Popped into Pratts & Payne for a nosy on Saturday. Very nice on the whole - though the furniture does leave something to be desired. There's a lot of space, but due to the variety of furnishings there aren't actually that many seating areas - we ended up sitting (the two of us) on armchairs separated by a dessert trolley. Not that conducive to quiet conversation! Beer garden not open yet, but if I remember correctly - this was rather large in the past, so looking forward to utilising it this summer. Will be nice be able to sup a nice pint of ale outside in Streatham, and not be in the Leigham! I can confirm that the Jaipur IPA is indeed a very good pint. Didn't spot the cloudy cider... Next time.
walked past there on a Sunday.. looked very respectable, especially compared to the pub next door.

But was much more distracted by the jumbly sale in the pub over the road. Has anyone been to the music or comedy nights there?
Popped into Pratts & Payne for a nosy on Saturday. Very nice on the whole - though the furniture does leave something to be desired. There's a lot of space, but due to the variety of furnishings there aren't actually that many seating areas - we ended up sitting (the two of us) on armchairs separated by a dessert trolley. Not that conducive to quiet conversation! Beer garden not open yet, but if I remember correctly - this was rather large in the past, so looking forward to utilising it this summer. Will be nice be able to sup a nice pint of ale outside in Streatham, and not be in the Leigham! I can confirm that the Jaipur IPA is indeed a very good pint. Didn't spot the cloudy cider... Next time.

I don't remember the fomer Goose having a beer garden? Surely it backs straight onto the yard of Streatham Police Station. The Holland Tringham (Wetherspoons) next door does have a decent garden - best (or the only good?) thing about that pub.
You know you could well be right - my memory isn't what it used to be. Mind you, I did ask the manager if they had a garden and he said yes... I just assumed it wasn't open yet as there is no visible way of getting to it if there was one.
Pratts&payne def does have a garden (according to the person serving me) - I asked specifically to find out as I'd never been into it under its previous incarnation...
Pratts&payne def does have a garden (according to the person serving me) - I asked specifically to find out as I'd never been into it under its previous incarnation...

Well I went to go in it today to have a rest and check it out. Doesn't open 'til 4.00pm.

Now, are they trying to keep out the older punters so it doesn't turn in a Holland and Tringham? What are their prices like? If they actually opened the same time as H&T, would they have the same custom as them or are they much pricer?

Went into the Holland & Tringham today (for the first time). Despite a wheelchair lift, it's not exactly elderly or disabled friendly having the bar down those steps. Wonder why the bar isn't on the upper level?

Also noticed that new Jazz Bar.
What are their prices like?
Pint of Jaipur is £3.20 (iirc). Which, although reasonable imho, is a lot more than the Tringham (Wetherspoon) £1.99 for a John Smith etc...

Hideaway Jazz bar is nice actually, their Sunday roasts are (apparently) good - I've not eaten there but friend has - the owner is veggie so good nutroast
Pint of Jaipur is £3.20 (iirc). Which, although reasonable imho, is a lot more than the Tringham (Wetherspoon) £1.99 for a John Smith etc...

Hideaway Jazz bar is nice actually, their Sunday roasts are (apparently) good - I've not eaten there but friend has - the owner is veggie so good nutroast

Is it really called the Hideaway Jazz Bar? Never noticed the Hideaway bit.

How the fuck can it be Hideaway with that orange frontage? Or is there more at the back that's hidden away? :hmm:
Wasn't that Jazz Bar something else before and used to have trouble or was that somewhere else near the pub?
Wasn't that Jazz Bar something else before and used to have trouble or was that somewhere else near the pub?
As Dan says, was a snooker hall. The front (where Hideaway Cafe - fronting onto High Road is), was a dodgy club called Ice Blue/ Icicles (or summat similar) which has its licence removed afaik after some incidents.
As Dan says, was a snooker hall. The front (where Hideaway Cafe - fronting onto High Road is), was a dodgy club called Ice Blue/ Icicles (or summat similar) which has its licence removed afaik after some incidents.

Yep, that's the one. Had a fair bit of trouble up there from what I heard
The jazz club's supposed to be good for those in to such things. They do comedy too. Hope to get along soon.

Also, in Streatham news, the Chilli & Chutney site on the High Parade is going to be a Lebanese restaurant, apparently.

Sadly no update on Balfe's bikes of Kennington's plans for a Streatham branch.
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