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My Booky Wook..


Enforced Holiday
my internal jury is still out on Russell Brand - he can be really irritating but also very funny and capable of some brilliant flights of fantasy and wordplay..

anyway, anyone read the 3 extracts from his 'autobiography' in the Guardian this week? Really really good - very funny, quite touching and insightful in places. Has it been ghosted?

I might actually end up buying this.. :oops:
I read one bit the other day in the gaurdian, and it was very funny.

It's on the christmas wish list.
I can't wait to read it.
He's a very intelligent boy, is Russell. I'm sure it'll be great.
Nah I haven't read the extracts but I'm in the same kinda camp as you as per Mr Brand. His telly output is offputting but otherwise he shines.
this is on my christmas list too. son number 2 is buying it for me.

we lurve Russell in our 'ouse. :)
yes it is ghosted..

times online said:
Does Russell Brand even own a desk? That was my first thought when I heard that the flamboyant stand-up du jour had been paid a reported £500,000 by Hodder & Stoughton to write his sex, drugs and comedy autobiography. Surely he was too busy living his rapscallion life to perch at a table?

The result, My Booky Wook, is out this Thursday, but the question of Russell’s desk ownership became secondary when it leaked out that a journalist, Ben Thompson, had been taken on board as Russell’s ghostwriter. The tone might be distinctively Brand’s but the graft of getting the dates and facts in order will be down to the diligence of Thompson.

Thompson's a pretty funny guy in his own right.. However, the style of the writing is very much like Brands, so like the article says, suspect Thompson merely tidied it..
bouncer_the_dog said:
Brand epitomises the londoncentric sleb culture I am growing to abhor. I avoid his output like the plague. He is the new Jonathan Ross.

that's nonsense though, isn't it? you're reacting to his persona, not his output.
Well I watched some of his Big Brother stuff, didn't like it. I read some of his articles in a newspaper, the only one I remember was a particularly disappointing article where he met Kieth Richards. And I gave his radio show a go and listened to him on 5live yesterday and generally find his nasally whiny voice grates. Coupled with the pretentious arse he spouts makes me think 'whats to like?'.
Dubversion said:
Thompson's a pretty funny guy in his own right.. However, the style of the writing is very much like Brands, so like the article says, suspect Thompson merely tidied it..
A bit like Milli Vanilli 'tidied' up those songs for Frank Farian a few years back more like....
Brand's recent series on C4 was hilarious
My Booky Wook though - horribly twee - he needs to reign that part of him in
Yep, I read yesterday's and on the strength of that the book was added to my wish list for xmas...
Paulie Tandoori said:
A bit like Milli Vanilli 'tidied' up those songs for Frank Farian a few years back more like....

my thoughts exactly. times must be hard if this half-wit is somesort of literary mountain.
Barking_Mad said:
my thoughts exactly. times must be hard if this half-wit is somesort of literary mountain.

show me the bit where anyone claimed he was some sort of literary mountain? :D

why do people just make shit up in threads? :D
I watched him / heard him for the first time ever (been away for a few years havent i) on 4OD with open mind the other day -> I laughed (a lot) -> I like him. But an hour at a time max.

I presume the snippets from the book are also on the Guardian website?
Dubversion said:
show me the bit where anyone claimed he was some sort of literary mountain? :D

Oh people seemed to be thwacking on their todgers or curtains about him, that's all :)

why do people just make shit up in threads? :D

I don't know Dub, why do you just make up shit threads? :D
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