New Member
its interesting dis stuff.
There are 2 appraoches. The waht do we do now and the cut to the chase.
Cut to the chase says: prescribe smack and crack cocaine to addicts. Why? Because it removes them from the criminal market. They are the lucrative, repeat buyers, on whom the trade rests. Occasional users, peeps who snort a line of smack twice a year are not the market. This undermines dealers/thugs, provides safe ways of taking drugs, stops epople moving around the country to areas where drugs are more `prevelent`, stops them burglarising and so on to get drugs.
I would suggest that LONG TERM these are ideas that peeps should hold dear and voice in situ's like this, with the proviso that this is a medium to long term aim.
What do you do now? This should be much more dependent on residents, i think the residents between them would work out a solution, be motivated to find a solution, be prepared to compromise, be prepared to be pragmatic, far more so that Mr Paddick, Ms Hoey, the MP, the council, the local OB. all of whom have other people's `interests` to consider, their bosses, the Mail readers they fear so etc etc.
Having been to Brix recently i can see why peeps get upset, i was interested (i never asked u mike) that dealing seems to be going on around the `new` nightspots like the DS, LB and so on. This seems to say that the dealers need/are attracted to the flow of cash/people that comes to these places. yet these places seem to attract lilttle mention, do they have a responsibility to help? do they help?
There are 2 appraoches. The waht do we do now and the cut to the chase.
Cut to the chase says: prescribe smack and crack cocaine to addicts. Why? Because it removes them from the criminal market. They are the lucrative, repeat buyers, on whom the trade rests. Occasional users, peeps who snort a line of smack twice a year are not the market. This undermines dealers/thugs, provides safe ways of taking drugs, stops epople moving around the country to areas where drugs are more `prevelent`, stops them burglarising and so on to get drugs.
I would suggest that LONG TERM these are ideas that peeps should hold dear and voice in situ's like this, with the proviso that this is a medium to long term aim.
What do you do now? This should be much more dependent on residents, i think the residents between them would work out a solution, be motivated to find a solution, be prepared to compromise, be prepared to be pragmatic, far more so that Mr Paddick, Ms Hoey, the MP, the council, the local OB. all of whom have other people's `interests` to consider, their bosses, the Mail readers they fear so etc etc.
Having been to Brix recently i can see why peeps get upset, i was interested (i never asked u mike) that dealing seems to be going on around the `new` nightspots like the DS, LB and so on. This seems to say that the dealers need/are attracted to the flow of cash/people that comes to these places. yet these places seem to attract lilttle mention, do they have a responsibility to help? do they help?