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Music that passed you by that you now want to get in to

I’m not a massive music poster so point me to similar if done previously.
The beauty of Spotify I think is it links to similar styles of music when left to its own devices. This has thrown quite a few my way but the band I want to talk about is The Cure. No idea why they passed me by but every track I hear I like. Do folk have suggestions for which albums to listen to first to get to hear them further?
I suppose this thread acts as similar to others. I have further requests but will start with The Cure.
I’m not a massive music poster so point me to similar if done previously.
The beauty of Spotify I think is it links to similar styles of music when left to its own devices. This has thrown quite a few my way but the band I want to talk about is The Cure. No idea why they passed me by but every track I hear I like. Do folk have suggestions for which albums to listen to first to get to hear them further?
I suppose this thread acts as similar to others. I have further requests but will start with The Cure.
I’d start with Seventeen Seconds.
Well, Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me is probably the one with the most eclectic mixture of songs. But it IS long, it was a double when it came out. Disintegration is widely seen as their masterpiece. Head On The Door is a great album, more poppy. Pornography is brilliant but very doomy. Faith is also very good but it's resigned and sad, like putting on a favourite but damp coat.
Well, Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me is probably the one with the most eclectic mixture of songs. But it IS long, it was a double when it came out. Disintegration is widely seen as their masterpiece. Head On The Door is a great album, more poppy. Pornography is brilliant but very doomy. Faith is also very good but it's resigned and sad, like putting on a favourite but damp coat.
I think 17 seconds, Faith , Pornography and Disintegration all roughly fit into one period . The marvellous turn into their brilliantly quirky poppy stuff is another period
I think I started with Disintagration and moved outwards Before that I only had cassette copies of Play for Today, Jumping Someone Else's Train and Fascination Street. Which are all great songs but from different albums. Not keen on the latter Friday etc stuff though.
I discovered the Cure because they were on TOTP doing " The Walk" I loved the opening hook. I very quickly graduated to Pornography which was absolutely perfect for a very depressed 14 year old- along with "Closer" by Joy Division completely reflected my inner horror and feeling of futility and that was the only thing that gave me any hope because it made me realise that there were people out there who got me at my core and I so badly needed to be recognised.
OK I got to confess, I've never knowingly heard the Fall. But where would you start? No idea if i'd like them but everyone seems to go on about them as something special.
Re Stranglers what's the name of the tune with the laughing pixy voices? I tried to Google it but of course they have an actual song called Laughing. I'm only familiar with their greatest hits TBH and it's on one of those compilations I've not got to hand.
OK I got to confess, I've never knowingly heard the Fall. But where would you start? No idea if i'd like them but everyone seems to go on about them as something special.
This- I recently downloaded '1981 live at Leeds' in the hope of sparking the flame, but not happened yet.
OK I got to confess, I've never knowingly heard the Fall. But where would you start? No idea if i'd like them but everyone seems to go on about them as something special.

Standard answer here would be Hex Enducation Hour or This Nation's Saving Grace. But there isn't a definitive Fall record because they've done so many and they're all a mix of all sorts of stuff.
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