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Mundane pictures of the North


Electric Transformers
These large transformers supply electricity to a nearby surface coal mine.
Don't play war in the electrictiy substation.
No idea what this building was for. But it is in a very odd location, perched right on the edge of a bridge.

Not sure if you're still in Stockport but Hillgate is good to walk up to see the many faces of Stockport.

It starts off with some beautiful old buildings (mostly turned into banks etc), then you follow the cobbles up hill and pass some shops which were probably thriving at one point, but now are pound shops and charity shops etc. Then you get to the newer built stuff, which is mostly horrible and bland, and perfect for this thread, then at the top there's an industrial estate and housing estate right next to it.

This is all in the space of about a mile or so. Crazy.
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