I've not had time to take pictures recently, and certainly not to take myself off wandering in areas I don't usually visit, but a few recent ones from town:
Former warehouse on High Street, now flats.
Crowds gathering around Queens Gardens for a parade which opened Santa's Grotto at Prince's Quay shopping centre the other weekend.
Posterngate, with someone dressed as - I assume - the snow queen heading for Prince's Quay.
I didn't realise until I got there that the local Mini club were taking part in the parade.
Ad for some Hull Literature Festival event, projected on the wall of Kardomah94.
Weird little greengrocer's shop tucked away in the city centre.
Good news: the bulldozers have moved in and the site of what used to be LA's nightclub is being cleared. There'll be a Hilton hotel there next year.
The view from the building site, in this case Jameson Street. Will all look very different - and much better - a year from now.