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Motherwell - Tickets for low income households


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd share this story about Motherwell fans donating to buy £60,000 worth of season tickets for low income families. :)

BBC News - Motherwell: Fans pledge almost £60,000 to buy season tickets for low-income families
That’s fabulous. I hope other clubs follow suit. Seen loads about how people have been swept up by the euros and there was a piece on the news about a kids coaching thing that had seen a return of young people having seen it in decline, with absolutely nobody mentioning the fact that the footy has been free to watch as opposed to behind 50quid a month paywalls.
That’s fabulous. I hope other clubs follow suit. Seen loads about how people have been swept up by the euros and there was a piece on the news about a kids coaching thing that had seen a return of young people having seen it in decline, with absolutely nobody mentioning the fact that the footy has been free to watch as opposed to behind 50quid a month paywalls.
Same story with me as a kid. Tennis and Cricket on C4 and BBC would always see me going out and play in the summer.
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