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Most overused Clichés in movies/TV shows?

'You're insane' said to the villain right after they've done the big villain speech that actually makes their evil plot sound a lot more reasonable than we originally thought it was.
The long explanation of the dastardly plot before attempting to kill the hero thus giving them time to plan/organise their escape or be rescued. Just shoot them and save the time and trouble.
In the first episode of the sitcom the man goes to resign from his job, makes a big speech, then an attractive woman shows up for her first day and the man changes his mind
“I can explain!”
Never once in the history of cinema was the character who’d uttered those words able to give a convincing explanation to the other party. Not right after anyway.

Also, countdown timers on bombs that beep every second. Timers don’t beep every second- it’d be fucking annoying in everyday use, and counterproductive to anyone planning to hide a bomb in a public place and hoping it won’t be discovered.
Characters beaten to a pulp in one sequence, looking pretty handsome the next.

Detectives / sleuths / obsessives making large string-and-photo-art collages which lay the whole plot out for you because the script can't do the exposition. Connecting the dots, yeah?
We find out how ruthless the killer is, when they kill the intended victim's pet for them to find. The most famous was probably the bunny in Fatal Attraction, which gave us the term "bunny boiler". If you see a cute pet at the start of a thriller or horror film, it generally turns up dead.
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