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Morocco vs Portugal


Comment on the BBC about him sodding off down the tunnel without acknowledging his team mates, fans or the opponents spot on. What a petulant fucking baby.

Anything that makes that little shit cry is fucking fantastic as far as I'm concerned. Well done Morocco.
He also funded, and is the director of, a museum in Madeira, dedicated to … himself!

He's a narcissistic prick in my book however he also paid for the hospital bills of 370 injured in the fires in Portugal in 2018, 60,000 euros for a child's brain surgery and 150,000euros towards funding a Portuguese cancer centre.
thats the end of CR7. Hes now a supremely wealthy vanity piece that no one apart from ME clubs will seriously consider now, given his renumeration and impact ratio. You never know tho'

Heres a tip if you are reading Mr Ronaldo- try lager. My life was pointless and directionless until i discovered lager. it never lets you down
(He's never actually been found guilty of rape but because people don't like him they seem to think it's OK to present it as fact.)
Probably not the thread for this but yes, you are right, he hasn't been prosecuted and people may well jump to conclusions because he's a prick. Having said that, he's been accused of raping 3 women. The first involved 2 women and the case didn't proceed, so you can't really draw too much from that. The second also didn't proceed, partly I gather, because of fuck ups by Katheryn Mayorga's lawyers or the judge's refusal to allow privileged client attorney documents (I'm sure it was more complicated, but I can't be bothered tracking it all down). However that document was a questionnaire between Ronaldo and his lawyers and even what Ronaldo admits is very grim. Then there's that her paid her something like 300 grand in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement.
He earns that in a few days. Could have been just to end it. Point is, we have no idea. And just saying "he's a rapist" wouldn't fly normally so don't see why it should here.
He earns that in a few days. Could have been just to end it. Point is, we have no idea. And just saying "he's a rapist" wouldn't fly normally so don't see why it should here.
Well, we'll just have to differ and probably not the thread for it anyway. Same time, do have a look at the 'questionnaire', particularly the version before it was edited by his lawyers. There's a decent article in the Daily Mail, but I won't link for obvious reasons.
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