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that's bizarre !

and it looks like the xing [remote] monitoring didn't work !

I always treat xings as box junctions, so I don't start across unless my exit is clear.

and why didn't the bus driver carry on ?

i don't know the location (purfleet) so hard to tell just what happened. as the exit barrier (for road traffic) usually comes down after the entry barrier, and as bus appears to have got to where it is without being hit by the entry barrier, it does imply that bus driver failed to treat it as a box junction.

possible that something a few vehicles in front of the bus stopped suddenly either to go in to, or let someone out of the station car park on the right, but bus shouldn't have been following things so close that it had to stop on the crossing.

only other possible is some fault with the bus and it stopped in the worst place. think if i'd ended up in that situation, i'd have taken the risk of driving through the exit barrier and causing minor damage rather than staying put.

the one at wokingham station used to be nasty - there was a mini roundabout on the exit from the level crossing, and you couldn't see what traffic was coming until you were on the level crossing. it was a bit alarming in a car (although crossing is / was controlled from the signalbox there) so must have been more alarming doing it with a bus (and yes it is a bus route) - the road layout has now been changed and it's traffic signal controlled, but this is how it was -

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Spent so much of my commuting time via Farringdon I have a very sort spot in my psyche - they had a station cat , and the old signalling on the Met side was a joy -
If they ever manage to start up "Great British Railways" it should mandate that all stations have station cats.

I agree - but there have been both official and unoffical budget planning for cat welfare. They are useful for obvious reasons - one turned up at St Albans off an inwards - was very comfortable and the staff looked after "Brian" as they named it - one of the passengers was a vet and took it for checking etc - turned out it was a female. Despite the comfort and attention she was returned home to North London as she was chipped ! ........
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