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Mighty Hoopla, Cross The Tracks, Wide Awake, Field Day & City Splash festivals, Brockwell Park - discussion

Anyone walked by there yet today? This photo from Brixton Buzz a few years ago makes me nervous

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I imagine it'll be the same for the weekend dates. Last time their pooch got all excited as I went past and I was escorted by two heavy handed wankers to the search area. They'd already decided that I had loads of drugs on me - I hadn't as I was working - but were so fucking rude. No apology was offered when they found nothing, natch.
They had dogs and were pulling people out for searches last year, but I got through just fine.

Mind you, I was carrying a wrap of molly, not stinky bud. That’ll get you caught on the gate for sure. And even if you get it through or throw it in over the fence, spark up inside and they‘ll find you.

Whatever, make sure it’s well wrapped and stashed and I reckon you’ll be okay.
And remember to completely forget that you’ve got it on you for the time it takes to get through customs. If you don’t know you’ve got it, you won’t look like a sweaty drug fiend trying to smuggle drugs into an urban festival.
Seems a bit late in the day to be finally giving all these events approval...

This article mentions that 879 people applied for free local resident tickets - do we know how many of those people were actually successful?

I’ve applied every year, along with half a dozen friends - we’ve never once had a problem with the ballot until this year, when every single one of us was unsuccessful. Would be interested to know whether the quid pro quo for running the free midweek events has been offering fewer resident tickets.
It seems a lot quieter this year. I can normally hearing it blaring out from my house but ne'er a peep this year.
I was quieter than last year for sure - but still fairly clear up Tulse Hill.
Definitely aiming to be there before 5 today for FWF
new computer technology allows for moving speakers millilitres up down left right to create a phasing effect that reduces spill but sounds full fat in a desired zone - very clever stuff and a possible saviour for outdoor events in the UK...i wonder if this was what the difference is?
This article mentions that 879 people applied for free local resident tickets - do we know how many of those people were actually successful?

I’ve applied every year, along with half a dozen friends - we’ve never once had a problem with the ballot until this year, when every single one of us was unsuccessful. Would be interested to know whether the quid pro quo for running the free midweek events has been offering fewer resident tickets.
Yes I've always been lucky in the past too, but this year missed out as well
In a fit of self-delusion i got myself a ticket to the thing today - my idea was to see primal scream do higher than the sun like in the olden days but truth is i'll be asleep before they go on and i live hours away now and even if i didnt i'd still be asleep.

Does anyone want my e-ticket?
You might have to do some jiggery pokery with a computer cos it has my name on i dont know.
Yep - speaker kept crackling out intermittently all the way from Yard Act onwards
I enjoyed Wide Awake.
I went alone which was a new experience for me.
I never had to worry about losing friends and could push to the front if I wanted.
Fat White Family were 👍.
Off to City Splash today and Madness on Thursday.
Being a NHS person...the tickets were free!
I had a good time on both days, thanks to the £5 weekend tickets. A couple of friends were 'indicated by the dog' and hauled off for searching, when neither had anything on them. It didnt sound too bad though, i think they were just pulling 1 in every 10 people for a pat down, not sure why that required a clearly disinterested dog.

Bicep on the Friday were quality, and i met some really sound folk at the mainstage yesterday, Primal Scream and The Comets are Coming being the highlights. The crackling sound was a bit shit, but overall im pretty chuffed to have these decent events on my doorstep. Long may it continue!
I enjoyed Primal Scream but it felt a bit doing-it-by-rote and even old fashioned compared to some of the other bands I saw. Automatic were great, and Special Interest tore the place apart. Tropical Fuckstorm didn’t disappoint either.

The Horrors were okay. It was so loud in the tent that I had to take a step back, then bumped into some friends and we went off for chats etc. So, not compelling.

Amyl and the Sniffers were wonderful, but it did feel a bit like being at a Rock against Racism gig for an oldie like me. I love that punk is now being made and played again but it was so huge and exciting at the time, so life changing, that for me, revisiting it feels a bit like a re-tread. But it pleases me enormously that young’uns are appreciating and enjoying it. (I liked Special Interest more than Amyl/Sniffers actually.)

FWF were excellent. Lias in nothing but a pair of Spanx (I guess because he wouldn’t get away with being naked these days) that were slurred with the beer that was sprayed all over him when he climbed into the crowd. Not so whippety-thin these days for sure! And Saul certainly looks much better than he did back then (mind you, anything would be an improvement on the walking corpse look). Anyone who has been watching FWF over the years can see that they’ve arrived in the solid-confidence part of their career. They played a new track, which sounded good to me. Looking forward to hearing more of what they’ve been working on.

The issues with the sound (blown speaker) was very distracting.
My biggest gripe was the fact that it was really hard to find information about running orders and changes. I tried downloading the app, which borked my phone and anyway the signal in the park isn’t great. They have boards up with maps, but no boards with stage times. Sometimes, but not often enough, they project the information at the back of the stage, but that’s no good if the drum kit is obscuring it, if you want to know information about a stage you’re not currently looking at, or if you want to know who is playing later or elsewhere while a band is currently on stage. It was the same last year, and annoyed me then, but I assumed it was something that was overlooked because it was the first year, and would be sorted out for this year.

It annoyed me so much that I might actually write to them about it. I certainly wasn’t the only person who complained about this.
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