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loyalist victim mentality: bizarre new twist

no, its a complete lie. It was actually eoghan harris who invented it .

Did you read the rest of my posts on this old, old, thread, wee man?

My Mum and Dad knew Eoghan H. back in the 60s. He was a wanker even then. He was courting girl from Montenotte, the posh bit of Cork - and lived in fear of her father discovering that he drove a smelly, beat-up van around the city.
wee man

wee man

fucking wee man

um..no..didnt read your posts and only noticed how old the thread was after id replied, which is why i didnt read them

why do people keep digging ancient threads up
why do people keep digging ancient threads up

Yes the bastards

Anyway, does anyone remember the thread(s) whether someone recounted their experiences of scoring off the Adair gang?
more helmand shenanigans


theyre over there because the Taliban are a crazed bunch of religious bigots, apparently, and to help the afghans learn theres a better life to be had outside of that religious hatred malarkey

how quaint
We dont mind the protestant taliban
But the papist satan worshipping taig taliban can get to fuck :(
Guardian article on the soldiers and salute photo: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/27/british-soldiers-nazi-salutes-afghanistan

Includes the line, "and below it hangs the flag of Northern Ireland" :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: Great fact checking there Graun.

Any symbolism associated with fascism has no place in the Unionist tradition or any regiment of the British army

I think we need more sensitive equipment here. the level of self awareness is so low it does not produce a response on the standard euipment
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