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loyalist victim mentality: bizarre new twist

1. Re: Ervine. Someone I used to know did her anthropology Phd on loyalism. She once heard David Ervine speak to a crowd of senior UVF/UDA types. He was giving it the old 'brothers violence is not the answer' thing. . . and they were going 'we'll be the judge of that wee man'.

2. FAO Nigel Irritable: I'm not so humourless as to think you were serious about prod genocide in Leitrim. But I can see why you might think so.

3. It's difficult to wear a monkey suit outside Queen's when you're actually living in St. Petersburg. (or Leningrad, as Ern would have been quick to remind me).
hibee said:
The idea that the PUP are progressive is something you hear from a lot of British lefties with no idea about what they're like on the ground. I could drag up all their far right/military links if we hadn't all heard it a million times before. What is worse is the complete absence of leadership from those who have set themselves up as representative of the loyalist working class towards recognising reality. Hence the w/c either turn, for want of any better analysis, to Paisley, or take part in some utterly nihilitic violence.

Ervine is personally sincere. But the PUP as a whole is just yet another also-ran. In the end, Paisley maintained his electoral grip on the communities the PUP was hoping to mobilise, which meant there was no electoral niche for paramilitary loyalism to move into.
Idris2002 said:
Ervine is personally sincere. But the PUP as a whole is just yet another also-ran. In the end, Paisley maintained his electoral grip on the communities the PUP was hoping to mobilise, which meant there was no electoral niche for paramilitary loyalism to move into.

I'd be daft to deny there's a difference between the likes of Ervine or the late John McMichael, for all their flaws, and, say, Johnny Adair. But ultimately working class loyalism has rejected them. If you can't present a more attractive alternative than "Dr" Paisley and his anti-line dancing party (the one bit of the DUP programme with which I agree) you are truly fucked.
But his chance, if he ever had one, came and went a long long time ago.

For the foreseeable future it's going to be the dinosaur, or dinosaur jr.
Idris2002 said:
loyalists in Belfast appear to have invented an entire historical episode about the flight of 2000 loyalist families to Liverpool in the early 1970s.

There's no evidence of this happening, but that hasn't stopped them painting a mural about it.

Well this lot were in London on Saturday walking around in circles -

- maybe they're still looking for the lost 2,000?
revol68 said:
aye, Ulster Scots has been around for years, but it is only recently it has been used towards political ends.

The irony of Ulster Scots has been long spoken in the Glens of Antrim, by prod and catholic alike, now of course they want to remove it from its organic existance, freeze it in history and market it. Bit like nationalists have been doing with gaelic for over a century.
I'm with you on the Ulster Scots thing. Don't know what you mean about Gaelic tho.
Here's my view on scots from a thread from ages ago.
I was in the "Slemish" in Ballymena and this fella's rant on "ulster scots" was something to behold. :D
A Tintin book (unsurprisingly the Scotland-set The Black Island) has for the first time been translated into Scots - as The Derk Isle - this past month.


Also, the forthcoming non-Uderzo/non-Goscinny Astérix album (again, unsurprisingly set in Scotland) is getting both Scots and Gaelic editions.


Anyway, anyone remember the threads where someone was describing how they/their friends used to score off the Adair gang? Try as I might, can't find it.


I particularly liked that Loyalist mural in honour of one of their paramilitary groups featuring a man wearing a hockey mask. What kind of moron thinks that portraying your fearless heroes as horror movie serial killers is going to make your political outlook more attractive?

Lets be fair here, have some seen some of the UDF thugs? A hockey mask is what their wives make them wear to bed.
A Tintin book (unsurprisingly the Scotland-set The Black Island) has for the first time been translated into Scots - as The Derk Isle - this past month.


Also, the forthcoming non-Uderzo/non-Goscinny Astérix album (again, unsurprisingly set in Scotland) is getting both Scots and Gaelic editions.


Magic potion has become Buckie in the Scots edition. Or so I hear anyway. :hmm:
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