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loyalist victim mentality: bizarre new twist


cavalcade of hubris
According to a story on another board:


(that's a kosher board by the way, good people I know them of old)

loyalists in Belfast appear to have invented an entire historical episode about the flight of 2000 loyalist families to Liverpool in the early 1970s.

There's no evidence of this happening, but that hasn't stopped them painting a mural about it.

I vaguely remember Paisley describing the decline in Protestant numbers in the South as a genocide. Presumably he thinks that there are mass graves full of prod babies behind Limerick Junction railway station.
Idris2002 said:
Especially necessary since the church closed down all the factories where the potatoes were being made.

Their opposition to the progressive scheme to provide free potatos to mothers and young children was a particularly sore point. As was the decision of our dogcollared dictators to extend the Lough Derg barefoot pilgrimage to the entire country, all year round, by banning shoes.

(I was just beginning to wonder if I'd seriously misjudged the tone of my last response and if you really did think that there'd been Prod genocide in Leitrim...)
nah i think prods are beginning to realise it looks better if you play up your victimhood, instead of marching around gobbing off about "being up to your knees in fenian blood", there murals are moving (slowly and woefully painted) towards "cultural" expressions and away from masked men kicking thru doors with shotguns.

As for prods being forced to move to england, I think they are trying to manipulate the fact lots of prods left Northern Ireland cos of the troubles and there was no doubt people from both sides forced out of their homes (especially in the mixed housing estates) at the onset of the troubles. Of course it's complete balls that they were loyalists. Most prods who left the north left cos they had enough of "their own" as they had of republicans.
revol68 said:
nah i think prods are beginning to realise it looks better if you play up your victimhood, instead of marching around gobbing off about "being up to your knees in fenian blood", there murals are moving (slowly and woefully painted) towards "cultural" expressions and away from masked men kicking thru doors with balaclavas.

I particularly liked that Loyalist mural in honour of one of their paramilitary groups featuring a man wearing a hockey mask. What kind of moron thinks that portraying your fearless heroes as horror movie serial killers is going to make your political outlook more attractive? Although I suppose it does show a commendable political honesty which is mostly lacking from Republican and Loyalist murals alike.

It's amazing in a way how slow the Unionists have been at catching on the victim language. They almost seem to take pride in being unloved and unloveable, like football fans singing "nobody likes us, we don't care".
Nigel Irritable said:
It's amazing in a way how slow the Unionists have been at catching on the victim language. They almost seem to take pride in being unloved and unloveable, like football fans singing "nobody likes us, we don't care".

Do you really think so? It seems to me that they have been on this bandwagon, of playing catch-up, for a good few years now. I remember when they started banging on (no pun intended) about "parity of esteem" for the two cultures, once the Parades Commission got into (limp) action, and then the Ulster-Scots thing suddenly appeared to balance the burgeoning re-labelling of streets on the Lwr Ormeau... It's like someone told them about 7-8 yrs ago to hijack the vocab of civil rights and turn it against the descendents of the civil rights marchers, as it were.

Speaking of murals, though, I saw a report on BBC NI website about them putting up a mural of a Catholic war hero in Tullycarnet :eek:

Whatever next? Nelson Mandela for Freedom Corner? :D
I'm getting a bit pissed off with my lots lumpen attemps at apeing the Shinners. Ulster Scots, non-sectarian rioting, and now celebrating victim fecking hood, the last resort of utter bastards with no other shred of moral protection. The previous calvinist position that all victims essentially deserved it because God obviously hates them was at least a respectable basis for a barfight.

The Flight Of The Girls. Not as good as the previous but I always like to labor a joke.
Col_Buendia said:
Do you really think so? It seems to me that they have been on this bandwagon, of playing catch-up, for a good few years now

Oh they got there in the end. I was taking a long term view - in the context of the Trouble's it's a recent phenomenon. Even now they don't seem to really get into the spirit of victimhood properly as their psycho-killer murals and willingness to throw things at primary school girls indicate.
yeah prods are such PR retarded fuckwits.

Take for example the ardoyne Holy Cross incident, now no one can deny that prods had been intimidated in the area, but instead of bringing out some scared old woman who couldn't go to the Post Office for her pension cos of "nationalist thugs", some of the local brains decide to picket a primary school and present republicans and oppurtunity evoke comparisons with Alabama in the 60's. Though teh Holy Cross picket lead to a very surreal moment for me when I was cheerleading the cops knocking the shit of those gobshites, and when that cunt was on telly with his broken arm all I could think of was I wish it was his head.

On the Sandy Row which was just down the road from where I lived, there were a few chuckie students who had taken great delight on gobbing off from the safety of their 4 floor life style apartment and wavng a tricolour at the passing locals. Of course instead of getting someone to video tape the drunken antics and present the media with evidence of rowdy republican students abusing a good hardworking protestant local, they decide to get together a flute band and march down to the flats to demand "All the fenians out!".

Of course we shouldn't be too harsh on the prods, as anyone with the brains to provide some sort of half witted leadership fucked off out of the country. Why David Ervine anchors himself to such a bunch of self defeating eejits is beyond me.
Aye, true enough.

As for the non-sectarian rioting, oi2002, I couldn't agree more. It really is a fucking laugh listening to Orangemen complain about heavy-handed policing when for 30 years the cops couldn't crack fenian skulls hard enough for these gobshites.

But then perhaps we are fools for expecting moral consistency from this lot? Where were the Orangemen civil rights activists when John Downes was killed in front of TV cameras on the A'town Rd?
revol68 said:
yeah prods are such PR reatard fuckwits. [...]
Why David Ervine anchors himself to such a bunch of self defeating eejits is beyond me.

Exactly mate, I was listening to Ervine on R4 in the aftermath of last week's shindig, and what he was saying seemed (and god forgive me for applauding an elected politico) totally spot on. Failure of leadership, moral cowardice, stuff like that. I've lost the detail on the situation now I'm not living there anymore, but what does Ervine do from day to day when there is no call for anyone within the unionist community to put more than 1 grey cell into action?

Mind you, to be fair (! as if!!), the provo's offer to shoot the people "responsible" for Robert McCartney's death seemed a bit of a PR disaster, didn't it? For however ideologically or organisationally consistent it might have been for them to do so...
Col_Buendia said:
Aye, true enough.

As for the non-sectarian rioting, oi2002, I couldn't agree more. It really is a fucking laugh listening to Orangemen complain about heavy-handed policing when for 30 years the cops couldn't crack fenian skulls hard enough for these gobshites.

But then perhaps we are fools for expecting moral consistency from this lot? Where were the Orangemen civil rights activists when John Downes was killed in front of TV cameras on the A'town Rd?

They weren't there then but maybe some others might be now. If they're not too scared off by the laughing? (and laughter at you muppets).

Keep laughing at them cracking skulls on both sides. One after the other. There's a way out of the mess - but this continual one-upmanship is not it.

...and you want moral consistency from repulicans? On this, of all issues? Please.

edit: wow, that was my most incohernet rant yet on here. Fair play to any one that extracts a point from it.
It has to be said though that they'd make excellent lifestyle direction actionistas. Something pissing you off? Don't complain about it to the bourgeois media or the capitalist state, go and sort it out yourselves by whatever means come to hand! ;) AUTONOMY!!!
revol68 said:
yeah prods are such PR retarded fuckwits.
<snip>Why David Ervine anchors himself to such a bunch of self defeating eejits is beyond me.
Beause the paramilitaries have engineered a situation that won't let autonomous voices be heard, that makes sure that people like Ervine have to come through them - and that they're tied to support bases that they may nor want to be.

(Don't all go wetting yourself over Ervine yet btw)
Nigel Irritable said:
It has to be said though that they'd make excellent lifestyle direction actionistas. Something pissing you off? Don't complain about it to the bourgeois media or the capitalist state, go and sort it out yourselves by whatever means come to hand! ;) AUTONOMY!!!
Yep, there are lessons to be learnt.
butchersapron said:
They weren't there then but maybe some others might be now. If they're not too scared off by the laughing? (and laughter at you muppets).

Keep laughing at them cracking skulls on both sides. One after the other. There's a way out of the mess - but this continual one-upmanship is not it.

...and you want moral consistency from repulicans? On this, of all issues? Please.

edit: wow, that was my most incohernet rant yet on here. Fair play to any one that extracts a point from it.

Well, I feel honoured to have been a witness to your most incoherent rant BA :)

It wasn't meant to sound like one-upmanship, and I don't think it did - one-upmanship would imply being on one side against the other, and that is the last thing I am about when it comes to "home"... so don't fall into the classic trap of assuming a criticism of one side implies support for the opposition.

What was yr point btw? ;)

Edit: and who are the muppets? Yr not getting abusive on us, are you?
Loyalists, repulicans, welsh, people from manchester who heard a bomb blow up 10 years ago, me, ex-army soldiers, guilt merchants, glue sniffers, etc
butchersapron said:
Loyalists, repulicans, welsh, people from manchester who heard a bomb blow up 10 years ago, me, ex-army soldiers, guilt merchants, glue sniffers, etc

Ah well, that's me out then!
Did we really go that far? I only remember you chatting to Bozza, perhaps yr shyness got the better of you...?

But yes, we shared a moment in history, forever etched in the annals of revolutionary successes... ;)
That's meeting damn you! I didn't enjoy any part of that trip, Exept for up at the blockade and that. Left me tent poles at home. Got sunburnt to fuck. Got chased all over Genvea by german cops (and had to run fucking 5 miles in a northern circle to get back in), got tear gassed, cracked by a stun grenade, beaten up by the OB on the train, nicked a coppers baton, got tear gassed to fuck, actually - that was a really good weekend :D
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