The best investment ive ever made (aside from buying a house, which doesn't count) is starting to pay in to a private pension. I have an ethical one with Royal London which has done v well in the past few years especially. In fact it has outperformed "conventional" pensions significantly. Green capitalist bullshit indeed, I know.
Been getting government top up from the £1500 I pay into it a year, £125 a month. 25% top up in fact. So after about 9 years of paying in its now worth about 31k compared to the miserable ~15k aprox it would be worth if id put it in a cash ISA or maybe less if I'd tried to play the stockmarket without knowing what Im doing.
Sure this is a long term investment for a good 20+ years in the future but def worth considering and looking into if youre not benefiting from the tax relief already via work pension etc. I was working abroad so I wasnt.
Oh I had a few grand in premium bonds too and I won £1100 one month. Who wants to frickin touch me??
Can't resist responding to this one.
"The best investment I ever made" was Petroleos Mexicanos 2006 14.5% - a quasi gilt issued by Lloyds Bank on behalf of the Government of Mexico around 1981 when Mexico was going bust.
I was coming up to my redundancy at RS Components in City Road and used to pop into the old Throgmorton Street stock exchange and go to the viewing gallery for my lunch break sometimes. It was all yellow buttons and blue buttons on the (physical) traders back then. No screens - and stock prices came out to the gallery on a teleprinter and also various dot-matrix displays.
I had noted for a while that Pemex and also United Mexican States 16.5% 2008 were yielding high - like 21% taking intro account the purchase price. In those days I banked with Williams & Glynns in Lombard Street - the first major bank to offer free current account banking. They had frock coated doormen too. You could pop upstairs to the securities department and literally buy stocks and shares over the counter (via the bank's brokers).
I went up to the counter when I had a quote for my redundancy package and asked one of the rather staid old guys on the securities counter what he thought of Petroleos Mexicanos. "Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole" he said. "Oh yes, what would you recommend then - for income?" "You know we are not allowed to recommend stocks - unless you have a discretionary account" "But...." "Well he said if you want yield go for a spread of securities, starting with Imperial Tobacco"
That did it - I decided on a flutter and bought £1,000 of Pemex for the price of £725 plus £11.50 dealing costs.
Pemex never let me down - I got £72.50 interest every six months until the bond was redeemed in full in 2006 all the way from 1983 to 2006. A running yield of 19.68% beat that!
PS in case I'm giving the compression of total recklessness I used the bulk of my redundancy to pay of my mortgage in full. Can't remember exactly - but this was originally £8050 @ 13% from the GLC - those were the days - Brixton was "redlined" by such as the Abbey National. I was 5 years into that, and rates might have dropped to 11.5% by then, so by no means a stupid thing to pay it off.