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London: the unlockening/relockening

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 10.07.32.jpg
Above is the map I took a screenshot of 4 days ago.
Below is the map as it appears today.
Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 10.05.55.jpg

These maps are always a bit out of date - they seem to have around a week's lag on them, but at first sight, things do not appear to have got signifiantly worse. If anything, slightly less bad.
View attachment 248464
Above is the map I took a screenshot of 4 days ago.
Below is the map as it appears today.
View attachment 248463

These maps are always a bit out of date - they seem to have around a week's lag on them, but at first sight, things do not appear to have got signifiantly worse. If anything, slightly less bad.
Blow me sideways that's a stupid, stupid conclusion. Because that tells you fuck all about how bad it is in the worst affected areas, just that some areas have reached a certain threshold. It doesn't tell you how far beyond that threshold they are, or how near the next threshold they may be. Come back when you've developed an understanding of the maps you post and include the legend next time.
Thanks as ever to Pickman's model for stating the obvious.
View attachment 248464
Above is the map I took a screenshot of 4 days ago.
Below is the map as it appears today.
View attachment 248463

These maps are always a bit out of date - they seem to have around a week's lag on them, but at first sight, things do not appear to have got signifiantly worse. If anything, slightly less bad.
You can't tell how things have gone from maps like those you fuckwit. So don't make out it's obvious because it sure as shit wasn't to you
Maybe you are unfamiliar with the meaning of the term "at first sight". Or maybe you are perfectly familiar with it but feel like filling the thread up with your pointless bickering anyway.
Maybe you are unfamiliar with the meaning of the term "at first sight". Or maybe you are perfectly familiar with it but feel like filling the thread up with your pointless bickering anyway.
you've not offered any deeper insights so i don't think you have any. but do go on, i look forward to seeing what your second sight has shown you.

and it is by no means 'pointless bickering' to take substantive issue with the claim you're making about what you think those maps tell us.
Maybe you are unfamiliar with the meaning of the term "at first sight". Or maybe you are perfectly familiar with it but feel like filling the thread up with your pointless bickering anyway.
while we're about it, one other issue which hinders deriving any information from those maps is that you haven't bothered saying what they are supposed to represent.
tube use currently three times what it was in march lockdown supposedly, i read in a paper earlier (forget which one)
View attachment 249032

Not all areas improving but the dark purple seems to be starting to break up a bit in NE London.
So you don't say what the maps are supposed to show, what the colours mean, you don't put another image beside it for comparison although you say there's been change. It is utterly devoid of meaning. Why do you insist on saying you're a man who can only post maps shorn of the information that gives them value? I know you're not the sharpest tool in the box but even so this is remarkably stupid
If anyone has any genuine issues in understanding the maps, all of the necessary information about which is present earlier in the thread, feel free to PM me for info. This service is open to everyone except Pickman's Model, who is free to take his complaints to the feedback forum to be ignored there, instead of cluttering this thread with his off-topic whining.
If anyone has any genuine issues in understanding the maps, all of the necessary information about which is present earlier in the thread, feel free to PM me for info. This service is open to everyone except Pickman's Model, who is free to take his complaints to the feedback forum to be ignored there, instead of cluttering this thread with his off-topic whining.
if you are unhappy with my posts you can alert a member of the moderating team
If anyone has any genuine issues in understanding the maps, all of the necessary information about which is present earlier in the thread, feel free to PM me for info. This service is open to everyone except Pickman's Model, who is free to take his complaints to the feedback forum to be ignored there, instead of cluttering this thread with his off-topic whining.
It would certainly be useful to provide a link to the source of these maps you're posting, rather than suggesting people PM you, and it really doesn't seem that much to ask.
Government dashboard.

I know where teuchter is getting them from, what I'm saying is that he should include a link to the site in his post.

I thought this was one of the unwritten rules of Urban, TBH, otherwise it could just be a picture he's created to pass the time while locked in the bathroom.

(but thanks for the link)
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