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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

DB posts here in order to derail any reasonable examination of police tactics, police actions, and police brutality. That's his role and MO.
The security services have a huge budget and spend a lot of money infiltrating groups and organisations in order to subvert them, divert them, and lead them up the garden path. I speculate that this in the modern age includes operatives who do the same on influential message boards and similar. Is DB one of them? I don't know. Does he follow an identical agenda. Yes he does.
The security services have a huge budget and spend a lot of money infiltrating groups and organisations in order to subvert them, divert them, and lead them up the garden path. I speculate that this in the modern age includes operatives who do the same on influential message boards and similar. Is DB one of them? I don't know. Does he follow an identical agenda. Yes he does.

Yep. I've often wondered whether he is paid to disrupt this place. A nice little side-earner.
Avoiding the difficult question again, I see ....

So just answer this yes or no. If there are substantial grounds for believing that a protest will result in serious violence and disorder should the police be able to apply for it to be banned?

Yes or no.

Just one of those words.
you need to amplify that though, in the cuurent climate - what 'substantial grounds', sez who, based on what evidence, in what likely scenario etc etc. "take our word for it, sonny' simply won't do anymore.
The security services have a huge budget and spend a lot of money infiltrating groups and organisations in order to subvert them, divert them, and lead them up the garden path. I speculate that this in the modern age includes operatives who do the same on influential message boards and similar. Is DB one of them? I don't know. Does he follow an identical agenda. Yes he does.
Or, conversely, you and others who don't like what he posts could just put him on ignore and then his supposed 'mission' would fail completely and the thread could continue without a barrage of topic-diverting insults being thrown about.
You have zero proof, so this is just another way to throw around more personal insults, so stop this now please.

Ok I'll stop. But I don't think you or many other mods really properly understand the effect d-b has on this forum. He shuts down debates with his ranting and raving and you allow him to get away with doing so again and again and again and again. About time it was sorted out, imo.
Or, conversely, you and others who don't like what he posts could just put him on ignore and then his supposed 'mission' would fail completely and the thread could continue without a barrage of topic-diverting insults being thrown about.

Who starts the barrage?

Who always starts it?

fuck's sake.
The security services have a huge budget and spend a lot of money infiltrating groups and organisations in order to subvert them, divert them, and lead them up the garden path. I speculate that this in the modern age includes operatives who do the same on influential message boards and similar. Is DB one of them? I don't know. Does he follow an identical agenda. Yes he does.

I know that there probably are some paid mongs on here, who are here to disrupt discussions and such, but why have one on here as a copper? I'd have thought it more concievable, that someone who is paid to be here, to do what ever, would be done so from the perspective of "one of us" rather than "one of them". Someone to stir up debate, and get some info on people who might be a potential trouble maker. You're not going to get that from people telling a copper, ex or not, to "fuck off" alot. OK, you can get a quick glance at who might be anti establishment, but you're not going to get anything juicy out of it, becasue nobody will say anything juicy to a copper, ex or not. (well, anyone with any sense, that is)

To wrap it up, I don't think DB is a paid disrupterizer. (new word, care of ME) He's just a copper/ex copper who has these views in real life. That's what copeprs/ex coppers do. Hate the people who go against what they believe/ the establishment. And go on to think we're all cunts/liars ect... And to an extent, he's a very useful poster, even I can see that. he's given some top notch advise to those who need it, and would probably still give that advise, eve n to those who've called him a cunt in the past. (which makes him bigger than some on here, but not by far, and that's a big a compliment as you're getting, coppah :D )

I may dispise the fucker, and all he stands for, but he's still OK, sort of, when it comes to giving advise that may be useful to people in need of advice from someone with experience in law, and the legal proceedure. I don't think a paid dissinformant, would be that characture.
Or, conversely, you and others who don't like what he posts could just put him on ignore and then his supposed 'mission' would fail completely and the thread could continue without a barrage of topic-diverting insults being thrown about.

This. Really, this.
Nope. That is part of the misunderstanding of political debate. If a debate is turned and others are responding to points that need to be challenged, you need to be able to see who is making those points. You can't just put that person on ignore.
Bit in bold - are you referring to some actual incident that has happened in the past or is this just hyperbolic nonsense?
That was probably the Waterstones at Trafalgar Square that was attacked (just after Tescos in same place) although neither was "ransacked" but both were attacked - with Waterstones it was one window that was attacked but didn't actually go through. A couple of very brave students at that one trying to defend (until TSG / Met arrived) it because it's a bookshop - plenty of shouts to that effect at the people trying to break in

(I think I mentioned it in an earlier post & it was at the previous protest)
Or, conversely, you and others who don't like what he posts could just put him on ignore and then his supposed 'mission' would fail completely and the thread could continue without a barrage of topic-diverting insults being thrown about.

his mission's a complete fail due to his inability to keep a civil tongue in his mouth and the great volume of guff which emanates from his keyboard
Or, conversely, you and others who don't like what he posts could just put him on ignore and then his supposed 'mission' would fail completely and the thread could continue without a barrage of topic-diverting insults being thrown about.

I don't agree. His justifications for police violence including the killing of Ian Tomlinson would still be there, be read and would have an effect even if I ignore him. I confront his explanations, attitudes and insults because they need confronting. His continual insults towards posters here, followed by lickle kiddie whining when he gets it back (and running to the mods) just ups the ante. I understand your frustration. I doubt the situation will improve much though. The demonstrations are going to continue, the police violence will continue, things are getting more polarised not less.
The security services have a huge budget and spend a lot of money infiltrating groups and organisations in order to subvert them, divert them, and lead them up the garden path. I speculate that this in the modern age includes operatives who do the same on influential message boards and similar. Is DB one of them? I don't know. Does he follow an identical agenda. Yes he does.

Between your suggestion, and the possibility that he's merely someone who neurotically defends the police against slights, Occam's Razor shaves closer to the latter. :)
Just the very idea of an MI5 desk officer with typewriter Tourettes seems way too unlikely!
I think we are too indulgent here. What police board would allow anarchists to post calling them all cunts?

none, which is what makes urban 75, not indulgent in this, but more free in this. We're all adults here, if someone sends you an insult, send one back FFS. Man the fuck up, and stop bitching. Bitches :D [/offtopic]
none, which is what makes urban 75, not indulgent in this, but more free in this. We're all adults here, if someone sends you an insult, send one back FFS. Man the fuck up, and stop bitching. Bitches :D [/offtopic]

I don't have a problem with this attitude. Making this forum moderation free would be an option worth exploring. I feel for the mods (Crispy especially) trying to "restore order" when it gets heated here.
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