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Let's have a new 2013 thread for Laurie Penny to get away from the stuff in the old thread.

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Hocus Eye.

Snap, crop, scrap crap
The old thread was not exclusively about Penny Red but I offer this one as a new start so that people who have been following her articles, blogs and tweets can draw attention to the latest news.
Thread instantly doomed to be a meta discussion about the discussion rather than a fresh chapter of the discussion.
We could keep this thread purely for lurid gossip. Apparently, she's had her frontal lobes pierced. According to her neurosurgeon.
Only if we get to post pics of her dirty hovel for a critique of her bed making skills.
That other thread had gone beyond just L.P though and was pointed more a the whole culture of left-ish/radical bloggers and their various degrees of despair inducing wilful twattery.

So basically, let's not.

Could change the title to something more fitting and likely to feature on Google when people are searching for critique of Laurie Penny, Sunny Hundal, Owen Jones, Nicholas Lezzard, blah blah.
I love the way that, if you're a female, all you have to do to get your own thread on this forum is to be vaguely political and a bit of a dick, but if you're male, you need to be Jimmy Saville.


Hahaha that's a pretty good. GO fourth onto twitter, padawan, the troll in you is strong.

I am impressed :cook:
Could change the title to something more fitting and likely to feature on Google when people are searching for critique of Laurie Penny, Sunny Hundal, Owen Jones, Nicholas Lezzard, blah blah.

Critiqueing the Commentariat - Smash the Spokesperson Statespeople :mad:
The last thread had "SWP" in the title. I take that as a public warning not to click on the thread unless you are really really fucking bored.
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