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Lambeth's plans to demolish Cressingham Gardens and other estates without the consent of residents

Here's how the estate looks today

View attachment 310860

Yep. 19 roofs off on Friday (including mine), with others unsafe. The one in your pic was put back on this morning by Fahey Roofing. It came tumbling down again at about 4pm These idiots just screwed the metal roof down onto the joists. They should have removed the roof, and deployed tarps & sandbags, which would have prevented the wind getting under the lip of the roof. It's not like Fahey Roofing have any skill in working on metal roofs. They're just cowboys with friends in the Town Hall.
Criminal negligence?
Back when Steve Reed was council leader, a decision was made to discontinue cyclical maintenance on our roofs - before then they were inspected & maintained once a year, plus whenever a roof was damaged - and to go over to a "responsive repairs" modality. Before this, we had no major roof failures, even in 1987. After this decision, we've had roof failures in 2013, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021 & 2022. This isn't a materials failure because, as you can see from the ed's photo, the zinc panels have stayed "stitched" together.
We'll probably also see the council trying to fob us off with the cheapest permanent solution, which is GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic). Where they used it elsewhere on Cressingham in 2018, it's already failing.
The "weathertight" repairs that Fahey Roofing did on Sunday - essentially they NAILED DOWN some tarpaulins - were as much use a chocolate teapot, as they didn't stretch the tarps taut. If they'd done that then sandbagged them, it might have worked. As it was, I got water pissing in thru my light sockets Sunday evening & night, so they don't work (the wiring has shorted in the bedroom) and there's no point getting it fixed while the roof - such as it is - is made watertight.
Lambeth Council & Fahey Roofing. A marriage made in the 9th circle of Hell.
Protest yesterday


Excellent piece here

Health impacts aren’t the only thing not being priced into regeneration. Currently, there is no regulation of the “embodied carbon” created during the construction of a new building – the emissions that come from transportation and manufacturing of materials.

“When you demolish a building, you’re wasting all the resources used to make it originally – and wasting the carbon emissions that were created,” says Joe Giddings, of the Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN).

“Then, the construction of a new building creates more carbon emissions. That could all have been avoided if you upgraded the existing building,” he adds.

Suspect from the results local Labour may be thinking there's a good opportunity to push the local Libs out.

The Colchester constituency is a target seat for Labour at any GE. The national party ploughed money into the local campaign in May with a view to raising the profile on the ground ahead of the next GE. It didn't get them very far. The LibDems are very strong at a borough level, but not so now when it comes to GE's. Bennett knows there is an opportunity in causing an upset if he gets selected as the candidate. He is after all, nothing but an opportunist.
The Colchester constituency is a target seat for Labour at any GE. The national party ploughed money into the local campaign in May with a view to raising the profile on the ground ahead of the next GE. It didn't get them very far. The LibDems are very strong at a borough level, but not so now when it comes to GE's. Bennett knows there is an opportunity in causing an upset if he gets selected as the candidate. He is after all, nothing but an opportunist.
If he stands, I'm willing to visit the constituency at GE time, in order to expound on what the creepy little fucker is really like. I believe I still have a recording of him telling me he had no ambition to stand as an *MP!

*The context was that he was swanning around the developer exhibition held at Cressingham Gardens community hall, & I challenged him on the fact that he was divorced from the consequences of what he was putting in train. I told him that his actions were a transparent attempt to mark his name with "glory" "at any cost" so that when he stood as an MP, like his ex-employer Steve Reed did, he'd be able to refer back to his "triumph" in Lambeth. I think I may have mentioned Sydney Sporle, too.
Not stictly relevant (within 300 miles/kM) but I spotted this social housing development in ‘s-Hertogenbosch which looked quite green and elegant in a Space1999 sort of way. I saw it in the FT, but this Twitter thread gives perhaps a better idea

Edit: Google say 300 miles:
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HfL is dead. Long live... HfL. The Kerslake Report has recommended that Lambeth's private property company be taken back in-house. Plus a 'reset' (!) on resident engagement at Cressingham, Central Hill and Fenwick. It's only taken almost ten years of failure and millions of public funds wasted to reach this conclusion.
Will Lambeth do as they're told though?
HfL is dead. Long live... HfL. The Kerslake Report has recommended that Lambeth's private property company be taken back in-house. Plus a 'reset' (!) on resident engagement at Cressingham, Central Hill and Fenwick. It's only taken almost ten years of failure and millions of public funds wasted to reach this conclusion.

Jesus this is hard hitting report. Started looking at the introduction.

HFL is a failure. The estates program is producing few extra homes and consultation has been piss poor. Leading to very low levels of trust in Council.

So campaigners on Cressingham and other estates have been proved correct.

Kerslake has gone out and talked to local residents. And taken their views seriously.

It says something about the culture of this long standing right wing Labour council that it takes a outside expert report before the views of the residents who vote for these Cllrs get taken seriously.

This has been going on for years. In case of Cressingham almost ten years.

I'm so glad for once these right wing Cllrs have been proved wrong. The general level of arrogant entitlement of senior Cllrs has been getting me down. Any form of questioning of what they and senior officers do is met with resentment.
This made me laugh. Lambeth never give up. I see Kerslake resisted the Council attempt to choose who it consulted. Impressed by how Kerslake has gone about this,

The review panel held several meetings with different groups of residents living across the
Council’s six estates earmarked for demolition and in temporary accommodation. In terms
of selecting residents, the review panel was supported by the council's housing
management team to identify an initial group of residents to participate in consultation
meetings to help gather evidence for the review. I
n selecting potential residents, we advised
the LBL team that we were eager to hear from a range residents represented across the six
main estates subject to renewal. The review panel also identified residents independently
from the Council that expressed an interest in sharing views with the review panel. All
residents that contacted the review team expressing an interest to participate in the review
were invited to attend a resident meeting.
Great write up of the report here

Bennett was the chief cheer-leader for estate regeneration and the Blairite HFL venture. His ego wouldn’t accept the fact that HFL has been a complete failure.

Even more difficult for him to take will be the realisation that his political reputation lies in tatters as a result of being humbled by a bunch of determined council tenants who resisted his plans for demolition of their homes

“We acknowledge the frustrations and deep pain that many residents have felt during the renewal programme……

The Council should also acknowledge the significant shortcomings of its approach to engaging with residents across the estates in the past, in recognition of a number of residents that we spoke to who reported to us physical and mental health impacts that they felt aspects of the Council’s engagement has had on residents.”

Kerslake review sinks Homes for Lambeth and recommends ballots for estate regeneration
HfL is dead. Long live... HfL. The Kerslake Report has recommended that Lambeth's private property company be taken back in-house. Plus a 'reset' (!) on resident engagement at Cressingham, Central Hill and Fenwick. It's only taken almost ten years of failure and millions of public funds wasted to reach this conclusion.
"Resident engagement" on Cressingham was comprised of an "independent advisor" who knew who was paying his wages, & always took the council's side, & a "Resident Engagement Panel" chaired by the pustulent Mary Atkins, who was in favour of "regeneration" - so much so that she lied to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee", claiming that Save Cressingham Gardens campaigners had caused a "climate of fear" on the estate.
Oddly, people always answered the door when SCG knocked. The same can't be said for Mary Atkins - she was almost universally loathed here!
This made me laugh. Lambeth never give up. I see Kerslake resisted the Council attempt to choose who it consulted. Impressed by how Kerslake has gone about this,

The review panel held several meetings with different groups of residents living across the
Council’s six estates earmarked for demolition and in temporary accommodation. In terms
of selecting residents, the review panel was supported by the council's housing
management team to identify an initial group of residents to participate in consultation
meetings to help gather evidence for the review. I
n selecting potential residents, we advised
the LBL team that we were eager to hear from a range residents represented across the six
main estates subject to renewal. The review panel also identified residents independently
from the Council that expressed an interest in sharing views with the review panel. All
residents that contacted the review team expressing an interest to participate in the review
were invited to attend a resident meeting.
Yep. Fortunately, Kerslake's team went back through regeneration-related cabinet & scrutiny meetings, & approached some who spoke out at them, which was taken badly by senior housing officers.
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