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Lambeth's plans to demolish Cressingham Gardens and other estates without the consent of residents

<snip> 6pm start outside the town hall?
If the walk down from the Rotunda isn't possible or practical for you (start off 5.30pm from the Rotunda, show up earlier if banners need fettling), see you outside the Town Hall at 6pm or very soon afterwards. :)

Some people from the estate (including VP, if he's even well enough to get as far as the Rotunda today) will have to take a bus or minicab - the walk would be far too much for them. And commuters might end up having to come more or less straight from work.
Viva la Terroirist
That is Terroirest as in Terroir . . . . a sense of place, of the soil, of a particular location, belonging to to an area.
Good luck Cressingham.
Plugged again on Buzz and tweeted to 20k followers.


The fight for homes: Save Cressingham Gardens protest outside Town Hall TONIGHT, 13th July 6pm
Those posters (if currently being used) probably need some clarification. The way it reads at the moment is "they lied to us, they said there would be five options" then proceeds to confirm there were five options.
editor covered this well. Some of my photos after meeting had started. It was ticketed. Think Tricky Skills went in.

Outside there was a party atmosphere with people staying on to make a presence. Glad I went. Saw a lot of people who do not live on estate come and give support. Which was heartwarming.

Jose from the Delicatessen in Atlantic road came down and lent his banner ( he is one of the shopkeepers under threat and does show a lot of support for other residents struggles.).


Good turn out from Urbanites.

I saw four or five that I recognised plus the one I went to the demo with. Saw you there but did not get chance to come over and say hello. I would imagine there were a lot more but I did not know names to faces.

We actually went to the planning meeting. It got a little bit feisty. Seems the councillors are not very interested in budging an inch.
Anyway, to sum up the planning meeting, there were some fantastically passionate speeches delivered by residents. One of them a 12 year old girl and also our very own fantastic Greebo

The resident (who is possibly Australian/Kiwi??) put in a fantastic defence as well and blasted way over her allocated three minutes.

There seems to be little likelihood that the councillors are going to shift their unanimous position which is the nuclear bulldozer option. There were also a lot of issues raised about transparency and the shambles that was the recent 'consultation'.

We had to leave fifteen mins or so before the end so don't know how it was concluded.
Anyway, to sum up the planning meeting, there were some fantastically passionate speeches delivered by residents. One of them a 12 year old girl and also our very own fantastic Greebo

The resident (who is possibly Australian/Kiwi??) put in a fantastic defence as well and blasted way over her allocated three minutes.

By that description alone,I know you're talking about another Urbanite Gniewosz . :D

There seems to be little likelihood that the councillors are going to shift their unanimous position which is the nuclear bulldozer option.

More importantly for them (the council, not us tenants and residents), demolition is the option that makes them some wonga. The fact that doing so mortgages the future by anything between £100 million and £550 million (repaid over 35-55 years) doesn't appear to matter to the dead-minded creeps.

There were also a lot of issues raised about transparency and the shambles that was the recent 'consultation'.

Or con-sultation, as I like to think of it.
Everyone to lose their homes and their neighbours, not to mention the Rotunda, to live through several years (we could be talking over a decade) of dust, noise, and increased traffic (even onto the estate), and to face far higher bills, all for the sake of 23 new council flats. That's a conservative figure - If Lambeth build even more intensively and extensively than so far admitted, it might be more. 25 if tenants behave themselves? :facepalm:

So thank you, Marcia Cameron, for speaking (at last) against the demolition last night, but I wonder what work could be important that you had to skedaddle off, leaving the people you're supposed to represent in the lurch, before the Cabinet nodded this through? At least Mary Atkins had the guts to stay 'til the end. As for our third ward councilor, Adedamola Aminu, where was he?
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Very good piece
And put out very quickly. Well done

Interested to hear about involvement of barrister at the end there. Is that the first such involvement? From the quote, it doesn't sound like he said much more than echo residents' concerns. Have specific legal grounds for taking it to the High Court been identified?
And put out very quickly. Well done

Interested to hear about involvement of barrister at the end there. Is that the first such involvement? From the quote, it doesn't sound like he said much more than echo residents' concerns. Have specific legal grounds for taking it to the High Court been identified?

Most of the piece is quotes. I just sat there at Cabinet and typed away ;)

I did want to live tweet it, but I couldn't get the Wifi password, and my phone had no bloody signal. I think it worked out best the way it was done. No silly twitter tit for tat, and it gave me the time to just type out the quotes.

The LambethLabour twitter feed was very active last night. This isn't usually the case for Cabinet meets. Looks like they tried to get in there to manage the agenda.

The High Court issue first came about last month. I think that it was all about waiting for the decision last night to be rubber stamped, and then press ahead with the High Court Review. The legal concerns are about the validity of the consultation.

This was one of the main themes last night - not so much the legal validity, but the acceptance from various Cabinet members that communication has been poor with residents.

Other figures that caught my attention - the 23 new council houses that currently are the aim for the entire project. One resident said there was already 23 vacant properties on the estate that are empty because of Council neglect. The point was why not just repairs these?

Plus it was pointed out that £1.4m has been spent on bringing the homes up to standard, just to now go ahead and demolish them.
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